Underestimation by Sensai32

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Naruto

Chapter 5: Sheet Princess

The entire village was unprepared for what was about to happen that day. But, than again they were unprepared for many things. The citizens of Konoha prided themselves however on how well they could handle surprise situations. Most, if not all, of them went to the ninja academy as children and therefore knew a trick or two as to how to handle themselves in case of:

a. an attack on the village by an opposing nation/angry governor

b. an attack on the village by a mythical creature/powerful being

c. Naruto's antics gone wrong

Yes, there was often the unexplained phenomenon but, what they could not explain they pushed through as was their custom.

However, no one was prepared for the scene which greeted them that afternoon.

All of them were there, minding their own business when all of sudden, out comes Konoha's own Copy nin after busting the door down with a kick. In his arms, was a black haired beauty wrapped up in a pristine white sheet. Her eyes a surprisingly dark cerulean blue that glanced at them in embarassment and curiosity.

Kakashi ignored their questioning glances and walked down the road with this sheet princess in his arms.

The women all swooned and hissed. This girl, had now officially stolen Konoha's most eligible bachelor; the powerful Kakashi Hatake. Some saw this as a challenge. Other's as a blessing in disguise. A woman in his life would make life easier for Mrs. Yamamoto who washed his clothes on Sundays; or Mrs. Hanayami who went three days a week to clean his house. Yes, the sheet princess would make life easier.

But, still, the people of Konoha bristled at the sight of the newcomer. They saw any strange new person as an intrusion; a threat to their lives, their home, and most importantly to their monotonous routine. Naruto had barely been calmed and now came this. Surely a ninja's lover would bring pain, commotion, and all sorts of trouble. That was why many young ninja had no lovers. They all waited for the ill fated retirement or the dreaded injury to stop their hazardous ,yet preferable, lives to force them to settle down.

The village all watched as Kakashi, usually a very private man (and thus a deadly ninja), placed himself in the public eye with the strange girl.

The men all were envious. The girl look frazzled, her hair in a sexy dissaray and her lips in a permanent pout. They were glistening with moisture and her eyes spoke of an innocence and a fire they all yearned for. They figured Kakashi had just enjoyed a good romp and was showing off his trophy and warning all men to stay away.

The angry determined look in his eyes only helped to enforce the notion.

What none of them saw was the blood. Kagome's shoulder still hurt. She glanced out and saw people looking back at her with eyes of confusion and hurt; well at least the women. The looks she got from men were disturbing and scary. She avoided their gazes.

Instead she looked at Kakashi. His face was angry. She remembered his words. A moments notice? She was completely confused. All she had done was tell the truth. Perhaps, this angry violent man had believed her for only a second.

She remembered his eyes. One completely black and the other odd looking and frightening. Yet, both looked at her with an intensity that made her squirm. She trusted no man, but this man made her feel things. With Inuyasha she was sure he thought of her as a precious treasure, and so he treated her delicately and made slow advances toward her. At least before she discovered that he only wanted her for the Jewel shards and nothing more, oh, that and her resemblance to Kikyo.

She shuddered at the thought and continued thinking about Kakashi. He did not treat her delicately, the throb on her shoulder was proof of that. Yet, the short time he spent with him told her that he was experienced. He knew women. He knew them in a level she could only imagine and her fantasy's included only one man. The intensity of his gaze told her he had thought of it, for at least a second, with her.

Kagome had no idea how spot on she was. Kakashi had thought of it. When he first saw her, on his bed with a sheet tantalizingly wrapped around her. When they fought, his breath had caught in his throat at her ferocity. But, his thoughts vanished when he saw it, the heart.

At that moment, his feelings almost but disappeared. She was a liar. He knew it from the moment he saw her heart. Her story was whole yet fractured. Tied to the chair, his head had gone wild, but that side of him that was stronger than his desires won out and her shoulder had bled because of it.

Now, in his arms, that side of him was beginning to lose. The look she had given her before, that dazed hypnotized look was the closest he would get to a look of adoration.

They had made it to Hokage Tower. Kakashi knew that at some point he would have to let her go. At some point, Kagome would have to walk on her own, but it wasn't happening today.

The citizens of Konoha watched as Kakashi and his sheet princess walked inside Hokage Tower. He did not let her go.

They all held their breath and secretly wished that Kakashi would come out alone, separated from his princess who would no doubt die at some form of criminal offense. They, for the first time ever, prayed for the demise of another.

In the midst of all of these spectators was Sasuke, who looked at the sheet princess and glowered. If the bumbling idiots in town would stop worrying over how she looked, they would notice her energy. It was different, all too different. She was not a ninja but, her power exceeded that of a Hokage. An untapped source of power such as that would cause great calamity. Whatever Kakashi had gotten himself into would hurt the village and most importantly his mission. He knew a powerful being did not just waltz into Konoha for no reason, they were up to something and that something was always inevitably connected to him, the last Uchiha.

Once inside the Hokage's office. Kakashi set Kagome down. The Hokage walked in somber looking. He took one look at Kagome and motioned for her to come closer.

Kagome looked at Kakashi. His face was somber and all he did was push her along.

Kagome saw the old man and shuddered. The Hokage placed his hands on her head and spoke in a deep gravely voice that was intoned with years of wisdom and power.

"Now tell me your name." he said.

"Kagome Higurashi."

The Hokage nodded.

"Where are you from?"

"Tokyo." Kagome replied.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"I am cursed and am here against my own will."

"What is your curse?"

"I turn into an animal every new moon."

"Why?" the Hokage asked.

"Because...Inuyasha didn't and never wanted me" Kagome choked up.

"Who is Inuyasha?"he asked.

"Someone I loved." She sobbed it out.

"I see." The Hokage let the girl go and et her cry in peace.

The Hokage turned to Kakashi. "She has told you all of this, I presume?" Kakashi nodded.

"To the last detail." he responded. "It's all a lie, I know it, you felt it, you saw...

"No," the Hokage interrupted. "None, of what she has said was a lie."

Kakashi flinched. He had hurt an innocent person.

"Please Hokage is there anything we can do to help her?" he asked. He had to make this up to Kagome.

"There is a way to break her curse but, it will require some effort on your part." the Hokage quickly replied.

"What is it Hokage?" Kakashi needed to help the poor broken creature in front of him.

Kagome continued to sob. She was half listening to the Hokage and Kakashi. There was no way to break the curse. If there was, she would have done it a long time ago.

"I can't tell you. If I did you would do it right away and that is not what she would like."

Kagome's head snapped up. She ran for the Hokage and shook him by the shoulders. Tears were in her eyes and her entire focus was on making the Hokage see reason.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT I WOULD OR WOULD NOT LIKE? You are not in my position, you are not me! I just want this to end!I just want to be normal again! I just want to go home. I just want...Inuyasha..." At those last words, Kagome crumpled at the Hokage's feet. She felt someone take her hand and pick her up. It was Kakashi and his face was not at all kind. He bent over and picked her up in his arms.

"I am sorry Hokage." Kakashi said with a somber face and motioned to the girl in his arms. "I will dispose of the girl at once."

"No," said the Hokage. "Kakashi, you brought me an innocent yet, a deeply hurt human being. No, you will not punish her. Instead, Kakashi, I am going to punish you. This girl is injured, I assume you are to blame, for letting other thoughts cloud your ability to discern truth from lie."

Kakashi stiffened. His face revealed no emotion however.

"Kakashi, I hereby proclaim you guardian of this Higurashi Kagome. I trust together, you will break this curse, and if not, than I know you will die trying."

Kakashi felt as Kagome fell asleep in his arms, exhausted over her tears. He nodded and looked at the sleeping girl.

"By the way Kakashi," the Hokage called.

Kakashi turned around.

"Don't let her out of your sight. And about tomorrow?"

"Yes." Kakashi responded.

"You have the day off."

Kakashi sighed.

Tomorrow was to be a very long day indeed.

A/N: So, there you have it folks. Kakashi has been put in charge of taking care of our defenseless lady. As many of you can see, the people of Konoha are already against our miko. Sasuke isn't looking to be her biggest fan either. That is why Kakashi, will do something outrightly devilish to our dear Kagome tomorrow. I wonder if he will be able to handle our dear sheet princess walking around in one of his shirts? Oh, well, we'll see.