

Clary stared at Carzel, contemplating if he was telling the truth or not. Izzy's hands were free and she ripped the tape at her mouth, letting out a gasp.

Carzel looked like he was abut to say something, but as his mouth opened, blood trickled down. Clary stared wide eyes as a knife popped out of his chest and slid out, slicked with blood. She stared up to see Isabelle standing over her as Carzel dropped to the floor, withering in pain.

"Yea right, after all the bullshit, you think we're going to believe you're on our side?" She said as she wiped her the knife on the wall behind her. "That, and no one rejects Isabelle Lightwood for her best friend." She held out a hand to Clary and pulled her up.

Clary scratched her head, "Isabelle, he was gay. And where'd you get that knife?"

Izzy blinked at her then glanced at the boy o the floor. "Oh… this is kind of awkward… and I got it from the floor."

Clary sighed and reached down to close his eyes, "It's better to die innocent than to live guilty."

Isabelle blinked at her, "Right, where's my whip?"

Aline chose that moment to stride by them. "Here, I got this for you."

Isabelle patted her head as she retrieved her whip, "And to think, I thought you were evil."

A demon flew at them, but was quickly mounded to salt as Simon jumped in front of them.

"So let me get this straight," Said Simon as he straightened out himself, "You were on our side the whole time?"

Aline nodded her head, "Honey, I was the plan."

Simon gaped at her, "What? I thought I was the plan!"

Clary bit her lip "You were the plan within the plan."

Alec came up beside them, panting slightly, "Guys, shouldn't we help Jace?" they all turned to see Jace still holding a blade at Ryder and Basil still pointing her blade at his neck.

"How long were they in that position?" Isabelle wondered out loud.

"Damn" Magnus said from across the room as one of the last demons dropped. He cracked his fingers, "Why did everything get so quiet?"

He went ignored. Isabelle glared across the room, "Give it up you try hard Emo lovers; it's two against seven."

Basil smirked. She murmured something in Latin and Jace stiffened as gusts of smoke erupted and demon remains shifted together forming new demons. "Are you sure about that?"

"Are you serious?" Magnus exclaimed, exasperated.

Aline groaned, "This is a load of bullshit." She cracked her neck and rolled her shoulders, then grabbed the sticks from her hair and whipped it out at nearing demons.

"What the hell is that?" Simon asked her.

"Mini nun chucks" she explained. The others wasted no time as they took fighting stances and proceeded to kick demon ass.

Jace stared at Clary and a silent agreement passed by them.

Jace pulled his knife back and Ryder smirked, thinking Jace was surrendering, but the blade plunged swiftly into his abdomen. Basil had barely anytime to react as Clary came lunging at her.

Clary jumped on her causing them to glide backwards until they hit a wall. Somewhere amidst the confusion, Clary's weapon was lost, so she used her thumbs to press into Basil's boney neck. "I always hated you, you know."

Basil let out a harsh sound between a chuckle and a grunt, momentarily sending clary off guard. "Feeling's mutual." She said as she spun them around so now Clary was struggling against the wall. She pointed the knife at the red head's heart. "You maybe a shadowhunter, but you are nothing but you fight like a Mundie." Clary glared through her struggles and fisted her hands, pounding them into Basil's mid section.

Clary gasped in a breath as Basil doubled over, "Yea, well some Mundanes take Karate." She bit her lips and amended, "okay it was for less than a year, but still… suck on that!"

"You stupid bitch!" Basil flew to her but Clary stepped aside last minute and grabbed hold of her writ before she went tumbling to the ground. She twisted Basil's arm around until they were trapped behind her back. Basil's blade had dropped to the ground; with Clary's foot, she moved the blade toward her and retrieved it with her free hand.

She pointed the tip at a spot on Basil's back, "You know, Jace taught me to kill from behind if it ever came down to it. I can shove this right here," she put pressure on the blade and Basil let out a whimper. "And it will kill you." She moved the knife. "But I wont. I'll just stab you here," she pierced the knife at Basil's Side and released her watching as the girl dropped to the floor in pain. "And let the Clave take care of you."

"The what?" Isabelle, Alec, Magnus, Simon and Aline asked simultaneously, pausing in mid fight with the demons.

Clary and Jace looked at each other. Clary said, "Okay, Aline, you were the plan with in the other plan."

"What the f… so that makes me the plan with in the plan within the plan…" Simon said.

Magnus chuckled, "Planception…"

Jace whipped out his phone and pressed a number and within seconds, Maryse, Robert and other members of the Clave arrived.

Maryse looked at the withering Basil and sighed, "I knew I didn't like her for a reason." She looked back at the teenagers, "You guys had a rough night; take a break, and we'll take care of the rest."

The group looked at each other then shrugged as the clave did their work. Jace held out his hand and clary slipped it into his, not caring about the blood or ichor that coated them.

"Wait. I have to do something." She slipped her hand away from Jace's and trotted over to where Carzel lay. Empathy washed over her; Carzel was a nice friend in the end, but maybe he was better off dead – with both his parents gone and his sister most likely rotting in a cell, where would he have gone? Would he have been able to look at them without feeling a bit guilty? She would never know, but she placed a hand on his chest and whispered, "Ave Atque vale"

She dashed away and laced her fingers with Jace's as the group of them headed back to Pandemonium.

"You know," Isabelle said, "it's crazy that we just fought a mini war behind a club and it's like nothing even happened."

"Ignorance truly is a bliss," Jace agreed.

"Speaking of which," Simon turned to Jace and Clary, "Why did you keep us in the dark with your plan?"

"Because, this had to be very precise. One wrong move and the dominoes fall." Jace explained.

"Dominoes?" Magnus asked. "Are we getting Pizza?"

Clary glared at him, "You don't deserve pizza. If you would have just taken Alec to the freakin Aquarium, we would not be in this mess!"

Magnus gaped at her, "Oh puh-lease, this is just as much your fault than it is mine; you shouldn't have ditched Jace for Isabelle!"

Isabelle gasped and walked away offended with Simon following.

Aline wrapped her arms around Clary and Magnus, "I'm not exactly sure what happened, but I think the moral of this story is: Don't ditch your boyfriends."

Magnus sighed, "I guess you right." He looked to Clary, "Truce?"

"Of course" She smiled.

Alec grinned, "Hey Magnus, let's go to that new art museum tomorrow as a makeup date."

Magnus chuckled nervously, "Um, I can't… I have to um… take Chairman Meow to the vet…"

Alec frowned at him about to say something, but Jace rolled his eyes spoke his girlfriend, "how bout you and I hang at this new place downtown?"

Clary scratched her neck, "Hehe… I can't… I have to… help Magnus at the vet's…" Magnus and clary shared a look then ducked out of Aline's arms and rushed towards the exit of Pandemonium.

Jace frowned, "Did they just ditch us?"

Alec stared after them, "yea… I think they did."

When will they ever learn?

Holy crap… it's been a long time…

Months right? We'll I've been busy… school, family…stuff

Yea, so, I think this is it… this is the end…

Thanks, always to my bestie, Laffy-Taffy0401 (check her out)

And review! Give me your thoughts =)