I own nothing.

She didn't know what Bruce was thinking.

Taking on a child as protégé? Diana concluded that Batman had finally lost it. Yet she continued to watch with endless amusement as the child rambled off question after question about the things he saw around the Watchtower. To her amazement, and many other JLA members, Batman patiently answered the questions.

As Diana continued to observed, she noticed that as chipper as the child is, he took after his mentor well. She watched with nimble jumps, quick attacks, and famed bat gear as he casually took down the training bot in the gym, (after pleading with Batman for a good five minutes to let him try.)

It is during lunch while Batman talked to Superman (and keeping a careful eye out on where his little bird wandered) that Diana finally got a chance to talk to the boy.

"Hello!" He brightly said. "I'm Robin."

Diana smiled. The child's bright personality is infectious. "Hello," she greeted. "I'm Wonder Woman. But you can call me Diana."

Robin climbed into the chair and continued chatting. By the time lunch is over and Bruce looked ready to whisk his bird away, Diana could safety admit that Robin had charmed his way into her heart.

"Recognized Wonder Woman."

Diana stepped into Mt. Justice. "Hi Diana," Robin greeted her. He's perched on top of the sofa like the bird he is. "Whatcha here for?" he asked, amusement lingering in his voice.

"Just a visit," she playfully replied.

Behind that domino mask, she knows his blue eyes are wide and a grin appeared on his face. "Thanks for the help yesterday," Robin said suddenly. "That sniper was hard to get rid of."

Of course, he would notice. Diana still doesn't think Robin is old enough to be a superhero. She doesn't think any of the Young Justice are old enough, more so Robin. It isn't that she doesn't have faith in their skills or training, merely that they're too young, too innocent to be fighting the same war on crime as them. She may occasionally go after the Young Justice team when she has free time, making sure they aren't getting in over their heads.

Yesterday's mission had a sniper. The rest of the Young Justice team didn't notice his presence. Only Robin did, which was why his movements were more flashy, trying to draw attention to himself and keeping his teammates safe as he moved closer to the sniper. Diana… merely decided to take care of the problem herself.

Still it wasn't surprising to find out he knew she was there. He was trained by the best, after all. As he gets older, Diana can't help but compare how similar Robin is to Batman. Like his mentor, Diana knows he'll do great things.

She ruffled his hair, smirking as he grumbled and tried to bat her hands away. "You welcome."

The End. Please Review. :3