Hi again! Sorry for the long, no update. I've been racking my brains for what to do... I'm back with the next part of the Acacia Chronicles – I know, such an original name. If this is the first story you've read of this series, it'll be best if you go to the first story first so it makes sense. The link is on my profile.

So on with this story:

It had been almost a year since I'd left Camp but it was still clear in my mind.

I could still remember exactly where everything and almost everyone. I was surprised when I saw quite a few of the campers around the Princess Andromeda. We would stop and chat for a few minutes but somehow the conversation always wound up to someone or something about Camp Half-Blood, leading into a very awkward silience.

Today though, I was just walking through New York.

For some reason we'd docked near Camp but I stayed as far away from there as possible.

I was walking past this school, Meriwether College Prep, when a piece of paper slipt from a guy ahead of me without him noticing.

I ran forward and was about to say, "Hey!" when something in the picture caught my eye; a very familiar face.

It was the face of a certain person called Annabeth Chase who was the daughter of Athena.

I frowned.

What were the chances that someone had a picture of Annabeth in New York? I mean, she lived in San Francisco and –

Shut up, I thought, There's no use remembering that stuff.

Stupid memories.

"Hey!" I called, "You dropped something!"

The guy in front of me turned and his eyes widened. My eyes widened too.

Oh my gods! What are the chances that the person in front of me is Percy Jackson in the whole of New York? Very, very, very low but it just happened to happen (A.N. That doesn't make much sense but...).

I walked forward and shoved the picture into his hands and ran in the opposite direction.

"Acacia!" Percy yelled, "Listen!"

I kept running but ended up banging into someone. But there was no one there.

"Acacia?" another familiar voice asked me.

I almost groaned.

What were the chances for this? Having two people you really, really don't want to talk to you, meet you almost a year after you last saw them? I didn't even want to think about it.

This voice was Annabeth's; and I could still hear Percy calling after me.

"Listen Acacia," Annabeth's voice said, but I ignored her and sprinted away.

"Damn it," I muttered, "Curse you Fates."

Thunder rumbled.

I growled.

The year I had spent on the Princess Andromeda had made me realise all the awful things the gods had done, but I was still stuck in the middle. I still didn't know if I should join Kronos or not.

My father, I thought bitterly, slowing down to a walk as I got to a park.

I whistled and a pegasus came galloping and landed next to me.

"Hey Blackjack," I muttered, "How are they treating you? Any better?"

As if, Blackjack snorted.

"I'll talk to Luke again," I promised.

How do I know that you are talking to him, Blackjack asked.

"That's like asking you, how do I know if you aren't going to suddenly throw me off when flying."

Blackjack snorted again.

I could do that, Blackjack said.

"You're so nice," I mumbled.


"I need to go back to the ship, could you take me?" I asked.

Do I have to?



"You're the best Blackjack!"

I am, aren't I?

"And so full of yourself..." I mumbled so he couldn't hear me.

I got onto Blackjack and he took off.

I loved the way the wind blew in my face as we were in the air but the only problem was looking down. Heights.

What's that place? Blackjack asked.

"What place?"

That place with the really big house, he said.

Reluctantly I looked down. It was Camp Half-Blood.

"It's just a place," I muttered.

But there are other pegasus there!

"Other pegasi," I corrected.

Does it look like I care?

"Um... I can't really... see your face... and your face doesn't usually show emotions..." I murmured.


The rest of the journey was in silience.

Here, Blackjack said, as he landed on the Princess Andromeda.

"Thanks Blackjack. And I swear on the River Styx I'll remind Luke," I said.

Thunder rumbled.


Blackjack snorted.

"Oh, come on!"

I stormed up to Luke's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Luke's voice said.

"Hey Luke," I muttered as I walked in.

Luke raised an eyebrow at my face.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Never mind," I said, "I need to tell you something more important."

"What?" Luke said, "But first I need to say, you don't look like you've changed at all since you turned 12... and it's been almost two years since then."

"Maybe that's because I prayed to Hebe and gave her a sacrifice each day for six months if I could stay twelve for as long as I liked," I muttered so Luke couldn't hear me.

He still looked at me curiously, so I shrugged.

"I bumped into Percy and Annabeth today," I said.

Luke's head shot up, "What?"

"You heard me," I said slowly.

"Where?" Luke said sharply.

"Outside this school..." I murmured.

"Both of them?" Luke asked.

"Annabeth was a bit behind Percy. I don't think he knew she was there cause she was invisible," I answered.

Luke muttered to himself for a bit but I didn't comment on how crazy he sounded, as he had been crabby for the past few days.

"What's the matter?" I frowned.

"Huh?" Luke looked up as if he'd forgotten I'd been there, "It's – it's alright... I need to talk to Agrius, would you mind... leaving?"

"No problem," I said, "I'm in my room if you need me."

Luke stopped me before I left.

"What?" I asked.

"Have you decided if you're going to join?" Luke said.

"Not yet."

"You better hurry," he replied and slammed the door in my face.

"Well, that's nice," I grumbled.

I trudged into my room and sat down; usually I'd be on the Wii by now, but today I just needed to think about what I was going to do.

You don't know how tempted I was to join Kronos' army. But in some ways, I really didn't want to join at all. Do you know how hard it would be to fight your friends? I shuddered at the thought. Way too hard. How Luke dealed with it, I have no idea and I didn't really want to find out.

For the next few days the only thing on my mind was: Should I join? Should I not join? If I join what happens? If I don't join what happens? Then all of that repeating over and over again.

I was thinking about this so much that in every small thing I did, I ended up either vaporizing a monster, hurting someone else, or hurting myself.

For example, I asked Luke if he'd sword fight with me and then two minutes after we started I ended up stabbing a demigod that was standing too close. Well... either that or I let go of my sword and it went flying in there, then stabbed him. Huh... that would explain why I had no sword in my hand later; I never thought of that...

Or another example when I was getting some food I slipped on a banana peel, fell over and my tray landed on my head and my fork attacking my nose. That one really hurt. Since then, I've stayed away from forks... too bad I didn't stop practicing. I injured too many demigods or vaporized way too many monsters with accidents. Or maybe I should blame it on choices... that would make me feel better... I think I'll say that it was the choice's fault. Yup.

It wasn't my fault at all. I swear. You didn't read any of the above. At all. Nope. Not even a bit. Right?