(Well it is finally here, the last chapter. Sorry for such the long wait, I been busy with other stuff that had pulled me away from doing this. Oh and here a small poll of the guesses people made. I was surprised by some and even started thinking maybe I should change who would be the one in the end but stuck with my original. I would mind seeing Spike coupled with any and all of them thou, he is one of my top 5 favorite characters.

Dinky Doo - 4

One of the CMC - 3

Derpy Hooves - 3

Twilight Sparkle - 3

Luna - 2

Zacora - 1

Celesita - 1

fluttershy - 1

Pinkie Pie - 1

Rainbow Dash - 1

Now then, without any more delay, the final chapter)

Spike groaned as he began to stir from his sleep. He could feel the sun's rays beaming on his face as he turned away from it. Still feeling tired; he wanted to quickly fall back to sleep but his eyes quickly snapped open as he remember about the special meet he had to be on time for today.

"Oh, no!" He said while gazing out the window; the sun seem to be high up in the sky. "I'm late! I gotta-" He yelled trying to get out of his bed until he found himself unable to move.

"Easy, Spike. Your not late" Twilight announced while stopping him with her magic.

"Oh" He replied as Twilight let him gain control once again.

"You still have time; 1 hour and 14 minutes to be exact"

"Alright but why did you let me sleep so late?"

"You seem very tired from yesterday and going to be doing a lot today, so I figured you needed as much rest as possible. I would have woken you soon though if it came close to about 40 minutes left."

A small grin grew on his face as he replied. "Thanks, Twi"

"Since your awake now, I would love to hear everything that happen yesterday"

Spike sat up on his bed "Well, I really didn't find out who it was. I tried asking Rarity but she said she has to fill an order that has to be done today. Pinkie Pie happen to be there as well and she pointed me towards Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie but they all said it wasn't them. They tried pinning it on each other but I don't believe it was any of them. Lastly I went to see the mail pony that came by yesterday, Derpy. I tried to get her to tell me but she wouldn't budge saying she was scared. I figure she must have been scared of losing the trust of her friend and decided to end it there; so not to get in between their friendship"

"It seem you did a lot of digging around yesterday and I'm proud for what you did for Derpy in the end"

"It's was nothing" Spike shrugged off with a smile.

"Well, you will find out soon enough" Twilight mentioned as looked over at the clock. "You should probably start heading to Sugarcube Corner. Best to be their early than arrive just barely on time or more likely late"

"Alright, Twi. I will let you know who it is when I come home." Spike said while getting up and stretching. Then quickly darted down the stairs and out the door.

"Have a good time, try not to come home late again!" She called out to him from the window.

"I will try" He yelled back as he continue to head to his destination. After a short walk he was in front of the door of Sugarcube Corner. He looked at the letter one last time reading it 'Meet me at Sugarcube Corner at 12pm tomorrow on Valentines Day'. He gazed out behind him to see the Ponyville Clock tower; it was about 5 minutes to 12. He wonder if his admirer was already waiting inside as he finally decided to take a deep breath and enter, making the door make a small jingle upon opening it. A quick scan of the area told him that the store was oddly empty; neither Mr. nor Mrs. Cake was at the desk but he did heard a voice calling from the next room.


Spike walked into the next room. "Pinkie?"

"Hey Spike! You're here just on time!" She yelled with a wide smile. She seem to be making an odd large sub sandwich with hay, hot sauce, whip cream, chocolate syrup, and sprinkles.

"On time? But do you mean…you're my admirer?"

"Hm? Oh, no. I'm just watching the store for Mr. and Mrs. Cake till they come back"

"Oh, then what did you mean I was on time?"

"Your on time to help me eat this delicious sub, I put all of my favorite things in it!" She spoke while closing the sub mashing everything inside together.

Spike looked at the sub one more time, it looked like a mess with the different syrups and sauces coming out from the sides "Isn't that a bit too much for breakfast?"

"Breakfast? This is my lunch"

"But it's still so early…"

"Exactly, a perfect time for an early lunch" She said while stuff the entire sub in her mouth and swallowing it whole. Spike just look at her dumbfounded.

"Well, I have to go to the back and check on the inventory for Mr. and Mrs. Cake. I will be back in awhile."

"Alright, Pinkie" Spike said as Pinkie hopped out of the room and towards a door behind the counter.

Spike sat at the table where Pinkie was and looked at the mess of bottles, syrups, and sauces laid out. "How does her stomach handle all of this?"

Just as he finish speaking the Clock Tower began to ring at the same time the door jingled as someone else enters the store. He could hear footsteps as the visitor revealed herself from around the corner of the wall.


Derpy looked at Spike, she seem nervous as she tried to speak. "Hi…Spike"

"What you doing here? To lend support to your friend when she comes?"

"N-no" She stuttered.


"Spike, I'm here for you"

"For me…so then you have been the admirer this whole time!" Spike yelled in shock. Derpy simply nodded with a weak smile.

Neither one said anything for moment until Derpy decided to make the first move and started speaking. "It started some time ago, I have seen you with friends but too shy to speak with everyone around because I know you have same kind feeling for Rare. Until today, I decided to tell feelings on V day…despite all that, I wanted to at least try and be noticed than staying in dark. So…"

Spike stood stunned for a moment as he let everything she said sink in. An uncomfortable silence grew over them as Derpy became less confident about going through with the whole situation with each passing moment.

"I'm sorry" She said while taking a step back as if to leave.

"Wait" Spike quickly called out to her; stopping Derpy in her tracks and focused on him.

"Though I can't say I can return the feelings-"

Derpy cringes.

"-there is always a chance for that to change, if I get to you know you. So, Derpy…will you like to be my Valentines?"

Derpy expression changes quickly upon Spike finishing as she hugs him and yelps "Yes!"

Spike returned the smile as he hugged her back.

"So, would you like to get something to eat to start things off?" Spike asked.

"Alright" Derpy replied as they both stopped hugging and exit from Sugarcube Corner.

The day went without a hitch first, eating at a restaurant, then going to the theater to watch a movie, and showing each other their favorite shop and spots in the town all while getting to know each other throughout the course of the day. As the day came to a close Derpy decided to take Spike to a secluded spot atop of a cliff near her house. They sat at the base of a tree while the sun began it decent over the hills. They could view all of Ponyville being covered in the orange hue of the falling sun.

"Today was a really good time" Derpy spoke while keeping her gaze on the sunset.

"Yeah, I had a good time as well" Spike added.

Silence grew over them for a moment until Derpy spoke once more. "Spike"


"After how today went…what you think of me now?"

Spike was hesitant to speak due to nervousness but he quickly musters up the courage and answered. "Well, after all the fun we had today I can say I definitely like you a lot more. You're fun to be with, always interesting to talk to, and everything just seems easy going; like we don't need to force anything to have a good time."

Derpy blushed at the statement as she replied. "Thanks"

Time passes as the sun eventually set over the horizon. Derpy helped Spike decent from the cliff by flying back down to the ground; in front of her house.

"Thanks, Derpy"

"It was problem of none. Oh, can you wait here for a moment? I have something for you inside" She asked while opening her door.


"Be back in moment" She said before disappearing behind her door but leaving it slightly open. Spike could see through the crack of the door of her returning while carrying something on a plate with her teeth.

"Here" She manages to say while opening the door and brought the plate down to his level. Spike quickly examined the plate and noticed it was a small cake made especially for him; it had vanilla frosting with gems of all colors sticking out in a pattern from the side and a big emerald sticking out from atop of the cake.

"Wow, this look delicious! Thanks, Derpy." He said while still admiring the cake and took a small taste of the frosting.

"And… there is one more thing"

"Huu…." Spike try to speak but it fazed out as Derpy gave him a kiss on the cheek. It was only for a moment but to him it seemed as if time was standing still. Her eyes were closed the whole time while Spike has his still open cause by the state of shock. She backed her head slowly as her eye flutter open, while Spike seem to be frozen despite his scales she could see he was blushing and had no doubt she was blushing wildly as well..

"So…I will…see you tomorrow?" She asked nervously.

"Y-yea…" Spike said slowly starting to come back into reality.

"Alright, goodnight" She said while reentering her home and slowly closing the door.

He stood in front of her door for a moment before a wide grin appear on his face as he finally starting moving away from house and towards home.

After a walk across town, Spike finally came upon the door to his home and opened the door.

"Spike?" Twilight spoke as she turned he head from her wall of books to see just the dragon she was expecting at the door.

"Yup, I'm back" He said while entering and kicking the door close.

"I'm assuming you got that cake from your secret admirer" Twilight said as she got closed and examined the cake.

"Yea" Spike replied with a smile.

"So, tell me who was it, I been waiting all day for you to come back to tell me"

"It was, Derpy"

"Derpy? The same mail pony who came to our house and gave us the letter!" Twilight asked, surprised by the reveal.

"Yea, the same one. We went all around Ponyville today; lunch, movie, strolled around town. I got to know her a lot better"

"Sound like you had a good time. So then, what are your feelings for her?"

"Hmm…well let's just say Rarity now has a great competitor in my heart for number 1 now"

(I'm not truly 100% happy with the last chapter, I felt I should have put more but I really couldn't think of anything else to put in what happen during the day besides typical stuff. Anyways glad it is done now and thanks for reading. I will be making another story soon. It will be starting everyone from the main cast but mostly focusing on Spike (duh), Twilight, Trixie, and one other pony that I won't reveal yet)