Readers: Sorry guys, this is the end. Thank you so much for the reviews and thank you to the person who gave me this idea. You are all awesome =)

Chapter 10

"Oh my goodness Carmen you look so cute!" Michelle said as Carmen walked into the dressing room, sporting her new baby belly.

It had been three years since that night. Her and Mark had gotten married two years ago, and she was now six months pregnant with their first child. She was so happy, happier than she had ever been.

"Thanks girl. Are you still going to help me with the baby shower?" she asked her.

Michelle smiled, "Girl you know I will. It's not like Mark or Nathan will help, those two have been going out every freakin weekend."

The girls laughed thinking about how well Nathan and Mark were getting along.

"And to think this was all a big misunderstanding." Carmen said.

The girls continued to talk while Nathan and Mark were in the gym lifting weights. "Are you excited about the baby?"

Mark sat his weight down and nodded, "Oh yea, I think we are going to be some great parents."

"Good. I still think it's funny how you say Carmen was like a witch in a way."

Mark laughed, "She had to be…I felt like I was under some type of voodoo spell every time she was around."

Nathan smiled, "Man that's not voodoo…that's called being pussy whipped."

The two guys laughed and then left to meet up with their women. It was an exciting new chapter to a blossoming future.