Okay, so this is my first fanfic. I'll make multiple chapters because i think this story is gonna be fun! I can't wait to see what Natsu gets Lucy...and the look on her face! Teehee, I really am evil :) There will be NaLu, and I'll throw in a few other charcters :) Please review!

Disclaimer: I do not own, in any shape or form, Fairy Tail. If I did, I would go insane and die from happiness :')

Lucy was sitting on a barstool, snapping at her bracelet while deep in thought. Natsu was fast asleep a seat away. Mirajane walked over to her fellow guild member.

"Something wrong Lucy?"

Lucy looks up, startled out of her thoughts. "Huh? Uh, no, nothing's wrong."

"Boy trouble huh? Did what I said about Gray end up being true?"

"Wha…No! That's not it at all!"

"Then what is it?"


"It has to be something"

Lucy sighed. "It really is nothing." She stayed quiet for a while. "You know when I went on that mission with Natsu, Erza, Gray, and Happy? You know, the one with Lullaby?"


"Well, I was thinking about how they had called us annoying fairies…and suddenly in my head I got the image of everyone as actual fairies stuck in my head! It's kind of terrifying…"

"Is that all? That's not very much is it?"


"Ah well. Say Lucy, isn't your birthday soon? Your actual birthday?" But Lucy was already lost in her thoughts again. Mira just smiled and left to talk to Elfman, and somewhere in the back of her mind, she noticed that a certain seat was empty.

In A Magic Shop Some Time Later…

Natsu was looking through items with Happy. Suddenly he picks something up. "What do you think of this!" It was a gigantic pair of green pants whose card promised sublime comfort to the owner. "Do you think she'll like it!" Natsu gave a grin.


"If you're shopping for Lucy, you shouldn't get those." Ezra came up behind Natsu and Happy.

"Well, why not? They're supposed to be REALLY comfy, and that's what's important!"

"I agree, but Lucy doesn't see it that way. She'd kill you if you got her those specific pants."

"But why?"

" Because they're ugly." Ezra bluntly said. "Get her something pretty."

"Pretty huh…" Natsu looked around the store for a moment. "Thanks Erza…" Natsu walked out of the store with Happy right behind him. In the store, Ezra picks up the discarded pair of pants and grins to herself. Then, something else catches her attention…

Back In Fairy Tail

Gray and Natsu were fighting again, dragging other members into their fights. Mirajane starts crying because her beautiful decorations were getting ruined. Elfman began roaring about how unmanly it was to make a girl cry before diving right into the fight.

"Guys! She's gonna be here any minute!" Levy attempted to get everyone settled down. Of course, with a guild like Fairy Tail, it's next to impossible. That is, until Ezra walks in

"Quiet." With that one word, all movement halted. "Fix everything in two minutes."

"That's impossible Ezra" Gray sniffed, taking off his pants in the process. "There is no way all this" Gray indicated to the mess around him "will be fixed in two minutes."

"Find a way. If you can't find a way, make one up."


"Oh, so you want to be slowly cut to ribbons, Gray?"

"N-no…Please don't hurt me! I'll do it!" With that, Gray started to scurry around.


"UWAHH! I'M CLEANING! I'M CLEANING!" Natsu jumped up and scurried around too.

Ezra threw back her head and laughed. After a while she said "I just wanted to know if you found a gift for Lucy."

"Oh, that. Yeah! And it's pretty!" He gave Ezra a thumbs up. "Thanks for your advice."

Ezra grinned and went to oversee the decorating/cleaning .

Nearby, Mirajane frowned. She wondered to herself what Natsu's idea of pretty was…