Disclaimer: The Harry Potter Series (1997-2007) and any characters and original locations within the books belong to JK Rowling. I own my original characters and my plot twists. I am not trying to pass any of these characters or copyrighted ideas off as my own and therefore it isn't plagiarism or copyright infringement.

Chapter Thirty – Escaping with the Prince

Leo began to lower his wand as Snape ran into the tower. He watched as Dumbledore pleaded with Snape. He knew it would appear to anyone else in the room that Dumbledore was pleading for his life, but Leo knew he was pleading with Snape to kill him. Leo didn't know where Harry and Dumbledore went, but wherever it was further weakened the already dying wizard. He didn't look at Snape, but kept his eyes trained on Dumbledore. He watched as the light left the old wizard's blue eyes that had a sparkle or gleam only moments before. He felt his breath leave him as the headmaster fell from the tower. To die as he had lived, he somehow gracefully fell from the tower. Leo felt the grief already bubbling up within his being, but he was able to keep it well hidden behind his indifferent mask. As he continued to stare off onto the tower. Snape yelled something but Leo couldn't really register what it was. He was too caught up in his own thoughts. He was soon being lead out of the room by the scruff of his neck. He was still in a daze as he ran down the stairs. His heart was pounding as the fight of flight response kicked in. He was pretty sure the only option he and Snape had at the moment was flight. They were Slytherin after all, they were not about to go down in a flame of glory like any Gryffindor would. Leo knew the part he had to play and he was pretty much in shock, so it wasn't that hard of a part to play after all.

Leo could barely register the different colors of lights flashing around him as he ran for his life. They went down corridors and stairs on their way down to the Hogwarts grounds. Leo's mind still hadn't caught up with the rest of his body. The image of Dumbledore dying and falling from the tower kept replaying. At the same time, he had a sinking feeling that they were being chased by Harry Potter. The one person that witnessed the whole scene, was a Dumbledore supporter, and didn't know the whole story. Leo couldn't help but feel the Boy Who Live was seeing red. Harry potter had every reason not to deal well with betrayal, and Leo was sure he was feeling betrayed by Snape. Hopefully, Harry wouldn't do anything too rash in his state of grief. They had reached the grounds and as they ran past Hagrid's cottage, when Harry had caught up to them and started throwing curses at Snape.

Snape ordered, "Run, Draco."

Leo didn't even look back until he reached the other side of the gates where he could apparate, but since he had no idea where he was going he stood there frozen. Others ran past him and loud cracks sounded as they apparated away. Leo stood outside of the gates and watched as Harry shot some spells at Snape, who blocked them. Hagrid's hut was on fire behind them and Leo's stomach dropped. Leo wasn't able to make out any of the conversation except for the painful yell from Snape. "DON'T CALL ME A COWARD!"

Leo could only register the truth. Harry must've struck the wrong nerve. He must've pulled out the 'you killed Dumbledore, you coward' card. Leo knew Snape never wanted to kill the man he'd looked up to for such a long time. Leo couldn't help but wonder if something else transpired during that confrontation. Did Snape realize how much Harry wasn't like his father? Leo didn't have much more time to contemplate the situation because Snape had grabbed hold of his arm and they disappeared in a sickening twist that only belonged to apparition.

Leo looked around not familiar with where they ended up. They were in a room surrounded by full bookshelves. The furniture was quite shabby, but the room almost had a cozy feel to it. Leo cleared his throat as he noticed the tears forming in Snape's eyes, "You know you're the bravest man I know, right? You're clever enough to be in Slytherin, but you have the courage that any Gryffindor would be proud. Harry only said those things because he doesn't know the truth. He only knows what he saw, and to him you betrayed the man who vouched for you and kept you out of prison. Of course, that's not the only thing. I'm pretty sure he bumped into Professor Trelawney today after I kicked her out of the Room of Requirement. I did a bit of eavesdropping afterward, and she told him that you were the one who overheard the prophecy."

Snape wiped away his tears and replaced his mask of indifference, "You know I'm not proud of that."

Leo rolled his eyes, "I know you're not. You look back on that decision as the catalyst that lead to Lilly's death. I'm observant, you see. I know. However, I think that tonight you may've also seen a bit of Lilly in Potter. Didn't you? Sure he was full of rage and contempt, but he didn't try to curse you when your back was turned. You do realize that's the second father figure he's watched die before his eyes. Sirius Black being the first. I know you never liked him because he and James loved to torment you together, but he was one of the only ties he had to his parents."

Snape rolled his black eyes, "Aren't we the little Muggle Mind Healer?"

Leo scoffed, "Come on, you're a half-blood. Surely you know what a damn psychologist is."

He grimaced, "I believe I wouldn't. You see my dear Muggle Father didn't like much of anything. My parents fought and well never really paid me much attention."

Leo raised an eyebrow, "Wow, so you're opening up to me now. Though I can see how being neglected as a child explains your lacking social skills. If you were socially inept as a student, it would explain why you made an easy target for bullies."

"I think it's time we get you home. I do believe your Aunt Bella led a separate mission of freeing the Dark Lord's faithful followers from Azkaban. So, you're father should be home when we get there." He sneered, "I cannot wait to see the family reunion that waits."

Leo smirked, "Race you there." He concentrated on the Manor and with a loud crack followed by a pop he was standing in the drawing room of his family home. The Manor was overrun with Death Eaters, which caused his skin to slightly crawl. He hid his discomfort behind a mask of indifference and cool arrogance. He spotted his father and pulled him into a strong hug, "Father, I'm so happy that you're home."

He heard a cold chuckle from behind him, "I wish my son was that excited to see that I was home."

Leo let go of his father and turned to place a face to the voice. The man had an elongated face, a sharp chin, bright green eyes, and familiar black hair. His gangly and tall appearance, gave away who the man could only be, "I believe Theodore is still at Hogwarts. He wasn't aware of the Death Eaters coming."

Nott senior mused, "That's right; you two are in the same grade. I forgot. You know, it's difficult to keep track of things when you're busy."

Leo numbly spoke, "Right, well. It's rather late and I've been busy all day. I think I should retire." No one seemed to notice him as he walked up the stairs to Draco's bedroom. He couldn't help the sick feeling forming in his stomach for Theo. His father was out and Leo couldn't help but wonder if his father would expect him to join.

He plopped down on Draco's bed and tapped his bracelet with his wand. Sorry man, but Bellatrix broke out all of the Death Eaters. You're Father's out of jail and currently downstairs at Malfoy Manor with the rest of them.

He closed his eyes wondering how Draco was doing when his bracelet heated up. He lit his wand with a silent lumos and red Nott's response. Thank you for the warning. I'll keep you apprised of what's going on here. I checked the Hospital Wing and Bill's alright. His wounds may not fully heal but he will live.

Leo didn't know how Theo knew him that well, but he was relieved to learn that Bill was going to survive. Nott knew how close he was with the Delacours and must've figured out he would want that news. He tapped his wand. Thank you, Theo. I hope you aren't dragged into the Death Eaters.

Draco woke up finding his face stuck to the cold tile floor and puked before he could reach the toilet. He grumbled realizing he left his wand by his bed and couldn't just quickly vanish it. He reached his hand out and muttered, "Accio Wand." He exhaled when his friend was in his hand. He quickly vanished the puke and felt exhausted. He managed to crawl across the room and collapsing into Leo's bed. He closed his eyes as his head pounded and once again slipped from consciousness.

The morning light awoke him the next morning. He stared out the window and wondered how such a beautiful day could occur after so much evil the night before. He rubbed his eyes and noticed the red pouch sitting on the nightstand in the room. In the almost two weeks he'd been in France, he'd yet to check out the contents of the pouch. He opened it up and shook the items on the bed. Out of the pile of items that landed on the bed, a black leather bound book with an engraved silver dragon caught his eye. He picked the book up and noticed a gold engraved Lion appeared on the back cover that was upside down when the dragon was right side up.

He sighed when he noticed an envelope in between the blank pages with his name on it. He broke the lion wax insignia and slowly opened the parchment. He read a letter from Leo with a late birthday wish. Draco snorted at the idea that Leo knew him well enough to assume he'd find the present after their birthday was over. He pushed the pile of items off of the bed before climbing back into it. He picked up a quill wondering if sharing his thoughts with the Protean Charmed Journal was such a good idea. Then again, if Leo was writing in his twin journal then he'd get to read his observations. Leo had kept a journal for years. Draco couldn't help but wonder if expressing his thoughts on paper would help him organize and deal with them. He allowed his memories of the night before, his hopes, fears, and general thoughts flow from his mind and onto the empty parchment.

After he was done, it felt as if a weight was lifted from his shoulders. He knew that Leo's hardship had only begun. The weight was lifted but was soon replaced with the guilt of allowing Leo to fight his battles for him. What kind of man ran from his problems? Well he was Slytherin, so it was just that pesky self preservation trait, right? Leo was a bloody noble Gryffindor, who's willing to run head on into a dangerous situation because of his courage. He left his room to have breakfast with his new protectors.

Elaine's brown eyes sparkled when she Draco, "You're looking better."

Draco raised an eyebrow, "Does that mean that I looked awful before?"

A smile lit up the woman's face, "Yes, when you first arrived, you looked like death warmed over. Have you considered what techniques you'd like to learn to help you deal with stress in the future? Do you wish to find your inner strength? I'd ask you if you wanted to find your inner lion, but I know that it's a dragon you keep chained inside from your childhood restraints."

Draco crossed his arms, "I know that you've been trained in muggle mind healing, however I'm not interested in your archaic mumbo jumbo. What makes you think talking will help me?"

She looked down at the hands resting in her lap. "You grew up as the Malfoy Heir. Your father has continuously pushed you toward greatness. He and your mother raised you to believe in your family's superiority based on your wealth, notoriety, and pure-blood status. You've looked up to your father and modeled your behavior on him and only wanted to make him proud. However, you've yet to achieve that feeling. You were sorted into Slytherin but that was expected, as your family had been in that house for years. You did well in your first year at Hogwarts, but you failed to gain Harry Potter's friendship like your father demanded and you weren't the top of your class. He degraded you because you were second to a muggle-born witch. You were made Seeker for Slytherin your second year, but you never caught the snitch before Harry. Every year Harry had great adventures or was famous, and you felt like nothing. You wanted people to look at you in that way. Leo showed up in your forth year and you once again met someone who was better than you. At the end of your fifth year, your father ended up in Azkaban, and his Death Eater status was confirmed. Last year, you were finally singled out and given attention. You were chosen and were made a Death Eater at the ripe young age of 16. You were given a mission and you saw it as your ability to finally obtain what you desired over all else. Do you feel you've succeeded?"

Draco's shoulders slumped, "No matter what I do, there's always someone out there better than me. I can never please my father because I'm not Leo. I was given that mission because the Dark Lord hoped I'd fail and die as punishment for my father's failure. I was under so much pressure last year that I barely remember it. All I'll ever be is a disappointment to my family."

Elaine raised a dark eyebrow, "I see that you suffer from low self esteem. You can never succeed as long as you see yourself as a failure or not good enough. I want you to tell me five good things about yourself."

Draco scrunched up his nose as he thought, "I excel in potions. Many like to believe that's because Snape likes me, but I do all of my work. Though I didn't do so well last year with Slughorn, but I was under a lot of stress and my mind was distracted. I couldn't focus on my school work because I was so scatterbrained and unfocused. I'm an excellent flyer and I love playing Quidditch, however I'm never going to be as good as Harry Potter. My brain is like a sponge and most times I do well in school without needing to revise. I remember everything after reading a textbook once. I didn't get high enough on my charms O.W.L. because I was distracted by Potter's presence and lost control over my levitating goblet. Most girls think I'm attractive, but I wonder if it's me they find attractive or my wealth. I'm the Prince of Slytherin, or I was until last year. Apparently my influence dwindled because my father's favor has lessened since he failed at the Department of Mysteries. When I take care of myself I can maintain a rather attractive body, but then girls only see me as an object. I can't help but wonder if I'll ever be loved for who I am."

"I notice that you cannot come up with a positive attribute without down playing it with something negative. I wonder if you hide behind a wall of cold arrogance and belittle other's hoping you'll be cast in a better light. You hate yourself so you bully others with hopes that you'll feel better about yourself."

Draco sighed, "I understand more and more each day where Leo got it from. You really aren't going to allow me to continue to hide, are you? You're going to make me look at myself, but what if in doing so I only end up hating myself more? I'm nothing but a coward. Why else would I allow him to fight in my place?"

Elaine pulled him into a tight hug rubbing his back in comforting circles, "You know I'm proud of you for recognizing and admitting your faults. It takes a strong person to do that. Seeing the truth about yourself and your desire to change is the first step in becoming a better person. Do you wish to remain a coward?"

Draco shook his head, "I will use my time here to hone my skills, so that when the day of the final battle arrives, I will fight right beside Leo and the Order. I will fight to protect my family and the world from a madman. Leo and I share the same genetics and the same magical aura. Does that mean we have the same potential?" Elaine nodded her head and Draco smiled. He felt his heart fill with happiness and pride like he never felt before. He just knew that because Leo could produce a Corporeal Patronus that there wasn't a reason why he couldn't produce one as well. He held that deep feeling of happiness and pride brandishing his wand and announcing, "Expecto Patronum."

Draco's eyes widened as he watched a silvery but strong looking dragon flew in a circle around him. He stared at it trying to determine the species. Due to the nature of his name, he was always fascinated by his namesake. He stared for a bit before asking, "Do you have any books on dragons? I think that's a Ukrainian Ironbelly, but I want to make sure."

She studied the dragon before walking over to the bookshelf on the wall. She opened the book to the page with a picture of the dragon he stated. Draco looked down at the picture and determined his Patronus was exactly that breed of dragon. He smiled as he thought about the strength of the dragon. He smiled as he wondered if when he mastered being an Animagus if he'd turn into one of those great beasts. He knew they weren't the fastest flyers, but he could cause some major damage in that form. The idea of sitting on a big portion of the Dark Lord's army sounded promising. He smiled, "I think I'm going to study in my room for a bit. When brunch is ready please let me know. I'd love to enjoy it with you and Luke. I really think that my life is starting to look up."

Draco sat back down on his bed and picked up his journal. He really wanted to share with Leo his current epiphany. He smiled as he wondered if living with a muggle psychologist was a good thing. Perhaps Elaine could help him accept his past. Maybe he'd learn to love the good parts of himself and change the bad. He really did hate being such a coward. He was a little shocked when the journal vibrated in his hand. He flipped it over and noticed the lion was gating around the cover. He opened that side of the journal and watched as the words appeared.

I'm so happy you discovered your Patronus. I understand you think we're too different and that you're the inky blackness to my clear crystal light. However, you're wrong. You're just as good, brave, and talented as me. We share a soul after all. Please don't dwell on the challenges I'm facing in your stead. Just use this time to study, learn, and observe at a distance. When I return to Hogwarts, I want you to visit during class that way you'll be able to continue with your learning. Also seeing things from an objective perspective will allow you to see things more clearly. I will keep this with me at all times. You're a fierce Dragon. Please send my love to Luke and Elaine.

A/N: This fiction is over. It will be a while before I start writing its sequel Golden Lion Hidden Dragon, which will cover the Deathly Hallows and a few years after the winning of the battle. I plan on showing what both Leo and Draco are going through while Harry, Ron, and Hermione are searching and destroying the bits of Voldemort's soul. I wrote this for me and my practice, however I'm quite busy. So, it might be a while before I write a sequel. Reviews might motivate me to write a sequel sooner. If people would like to see one, I'd suggest you leave a review.