Author's note: This is my first attempt at a Vampire Diaries fic. It basically has mentions of the first two season's then AU from there. Bamon pairing centric, about ten years after the Klaus incident.

Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Diaries etc.


Bonnie Bennett had duelled against werewolves fought vigorously with vampires and she'd died and been resurrected so just about nothing really could shake her up right?


There was and she was lying flat on her back reading this long To Do list on Dr. Creggs office, the gynaecologist's, ceiling to confirm it.

No matter what other women claimed, Bonnie felt that no one should be allowed to violate your privacy especially someone all but jamming a 'camera' up your you-know-what.

"There, all done dear," Dr. Creggs said and pulled out the offensive device.

Bonnie snapped her legs shut, hastily sitting up.

"Well I'm no psychic, but I am a seasoned doctor and without even running these samples at the lab I can already deduce that you my dear are very much pregnant," the doctor said beaming and looking expectantly at Bonnie.

Bonnie was speechless, she was still stuck on 'very much pregnant'. Can doctors even say that? Very much pregnant. Did this imply she was perhaps more pregnant than average? She blinked to clear her mind. Desperately attempting to digest this sudden information.

"Well that's…it's…well," she wasn't sure what reaction Dr. Creggs was expecting and frankly she didn't care much. Her five year plan was really derailed now.

"It's always such an 'ah' moment when babies come to be, don't worry dear as soon as the shock disappears you will be filled with immense emotion. Why I remember my first, a time of such joy," Dr. Creggs spoke moving around the examination room putting tags on the samples she'd taken.

Bonnie had long ago tuned the lady doctor off. She had more pressing thoughts at the moment, what with being 'very much pregnant' and all.

How did something like this happen to her? She was always the good girl well add a couple more years and she'd turned into the good woman. Things like unplanned pregnancy just didn't happen to women like herself.

Heck, she'd always just assumed Elena would be 'The First'. First to get married, first to have kids etc. Now their entire cosmic balance was off balance. Who knew what would happen now?


"Guys, I'm getting married!" Caroline blurted with excitement.

Elena's jaw dropped and Bonnie snorted her drink up her nose.

See? Cosmic balance gone!

Elena recovered first. "Wait, as in Tyler proposed?" she asked surprised.

Caroline nodded and displayed her left hand for them to see. The diamond blinked at them as if daring them to question its meaning.

"So you're engaged? Wow Car that's…great," Elena said smiling, but she didn't seem too convincing.

Like Bonnie she'd always assumed she would be 'The First'.

"Well I'm happy for you Caroline," Bonnie said having recovered from her silent choking. Acid up the nose stung.

"Isn't this amazing? You've started up your practice Elena, Bonnie's almost finished with writing her book and I'm engaged? It's like the order of life is with us," Caroline gushed.

She was the only one who seemed to have missed 'The First' memo, Bonnie concluded.

"When's the wedding?" Elena asked casually.

"Oh I don't know.. not any time soon and defiantly not on a full moon," Caroline joked with a laugh.

Yeah, wouldn't want the guest to turn into the main course. Bonnie thought. Good looking out Car.

Glancing at Elena, whose face still had that tight smile, the witch could see her bestie's mind reeling. Probably wondering what the hell was wrong with the universe.

Bonnie decided she was going to keep her news a secret for now. And she had good reasons too.

A- She wasn't sure she was pregnant, Dr. Creggs could be wrong (possibly, hopefully, fingers crossed).

B- Elena would probably drop dead after having both her dreams dashed, and

C- It was common knowledge that as soon as she'd tell Elena, she'd tell Stefan who would see it as his obligation to tell Damon.

And frankly Bonnie would rather not have the semi-homicidal vampire on her case right now.

"Jeez Bonnie, you're extremely quiet tonight," Caroline pointed out.

"Yeah you are a hundred miles away, is everything okay?" Elena asked placing her hand on Bonnie's.

"Peachy," Bonnie lied, a trade she was quickly becoming a master at.

"I don't know Bonnie, these past months you've been I don't know…" Caroline's voice trailed off as she placed her head on her open palm, lips pursed in thought.

"Distracted!" Elena exclaimed and Caroline nodded her agreement.

Well Bonnie wasn't sure how other people did it but juggling a secret affaire, a job at The Journal, her friends and her craft was no easy task. So 'distracted' was a light phrase for what she was feeling.

"Well you know it's almost the anniversary of Gram's death so…" Bonnie let her voice falter and looked at her drink.

Okay, she knew it was all kinds of wrongs using her Gram's death as an excuse to get herself out the hot seat but it was really difficult fabricating a lie on the spot- tiring too.

"But your Gram's anniversary was four months ago," Elena pointed out with a frown.

Damn, it was so Elena to remember that tad bit!

"Well for me Elena, her death just always seems to loom over me you know," she gulped and had Elena and Caroline thinking it was to swallow the lump in her throat but really it was guilt.

"Oh, I'm sorry Bonnie how insensitive of me," Elena apologized, throwing her arms around Bonnie's shoulders.

Bonnie patted her hand for lack of anything to say. And as if her day couldn't get worse, who else but the Salvatore brothers had to enter the Grill heading for their table? Bonnie sighed trying to wiggle out of Elena's grip.

"Well, look at the time, I have an article to finish," she said finishing off her drink.

"But we just got here," Caroline complained.

And now I'm leaving, deal with it.

"I know but you know well…it's…well," she wasn't making any sense but she had to get out fast. She'd all but grabbed her bag and slid out the booth when fate just had to work against her, again.

"Woaw there Bon Bon, going somewhere?" Damon asked holding her firmly by the shoulders.

Damn. Bonnie thought trying to shake off his grip to no avail.

"Not that's any of your business Damon, but I unlike some people have a job to get too," Bonnie said coldly glaring at him.

Damon only laughed giving nothing away.

"Oh come now Bon Jovi, surely you can spare some time for your most intimate friends?" Damon said with a grin his eyes dancing.

His choice of words were not lost on Bonnie.

"Maybe you'll have better luck then us at convincing her to stay, Damon," Elena said.

Damon glanced at Elena then back at Bonnie. "I'm sure she can make the time?" He asked, his amusement as clear as day.

"I'd love too, really but the workload," Bonnie raised her hand to her neck. "Is literally up to here?" she finished, her smile making her face hurt.

"Surely with your skill you can manage Bourbonnie? I mean how often do we all get together like this?" Damon asked and Bonnie simply raised her eyebrow.

Was he for real they seemed to have group nights every other night.

"Come on don't be a kill joy, look at it this way. With you here the chances of something crazy and I do mean crazy, slipping out of my mouth is almost near impossible," Damon stated his grin broadening.

The dog, he was obviously blackmailing her to stay. Damon's bark was often bigger than his bite, but she wasn't going to put the secret of their affaire in his hands either.

"Well since, Damon," she tried not to cringe at his name. "So reasonable stated my reasons to stay, how can I possible say no?" and with that Bonnie sank back into her seat.

Damon slid next to her and because fate is sick and twisted that way, it ended with Bonnie sitting stiffly between Damon and Elena. The irony in the situation would be funny if Bonnie wasn't so peeved.