Hey, this is my first Zim fic, let alone my first fan fic ever! Weeeeeeeeeeeehehehehe! This one is gonna have three chapters, so sit back, grab a chocolate-bubblegum freezy and relax. I really enjoyed writing this fic and I hope you enjoy reading it. Oh yeah, and so that I don't get any nasty hate letters, this story really isn't a ZAGR (even though I have no problem with them), so I'm sorry if it seems that way to some of you. If you feel that you need to post nasty comments, then fook u!!! Gaz and Zim aren't in love, they're just friends. Oh yeah, and I don't own any of the Zim characters. They belong to that God known as Johnan.

Under the Knife Chapter 1: A Frienship Broken

Bright, shining lights glared in the small irken's eyes. Although they were as bright as the sun itself, they seemed to cast a cold chill on Zim's body. His arms and legs were tightly bound down on the table as if he were the victim of some savage, primitive sacrifice. In only a matter of time, the dark room would be full of onlookers, watching his guts being cut out from his body as if he were some type of animal. It wouldn't matter to them that he was an intelligent being, for all they could see was a horrible monster. All though Zim's eyes should have shown fear and dread at that momment, the two bright rubies could only burn with the fires of hate and betrayal.

"How did I get here?" Zim asked himself, all though he already knew the answer. It was because of her. She had betrayed him.

Ever since he had landed on Earth, Zim had never had any other friend than GIR, if you can call him a friend. All though he did provide some companionship, his dilligent watching of the Scary Monkey show would always put Zim on the edge. However, he really didn't have any choice. It wasn't like any of the kids at skool could really be his friend. He had tried making one of these stinkbeasts his friend once, but it, Keeth, had turned out to be worse than GIR after downing a bag of sugar. So, he remained alone, without anyone but GIR and his ideas of world domination, until one day.


However, Zim realized that GIR could not hear him because he wasn't there. In fact, GIR wasn't in the house at all. At first, Zim wasn't worried. This wasn't the first time that this had happened. GIR was probably in a dance club or riding around with hot girls. Since GIR didn't seem to be in any danger, Zim closed the open door with a shrug. However, after a few days, GIR still wasn't home. Also, the fact that Dib began to give him extra evil looks at lunch didn't make him feel much better.

Finally, three nights later, Zim decided to go looking for GIR. It was obvious by now that he would be able to find him at Dibs house, no doubt about that. However, the thought occurred to him that he couldn't just walk over to Dib's house and ask for GIR back nicely. Dib would surely want something in return, mainly his own body to be disected. He had to be prepared. As he was about to flush himself down the toilet to his lab to do some upgrades on his backpack, there was a knock on the door.

"What madness is this?" he thought as he walked to the door. It had better not be Dib with a ransom note. However, to his surprise, it wasn't Dib at all. It was his sister, Gaz with GIR at her side, chewing on a cupcake.

"GIR! YOU'RE HOME!" Zim cried. He had never imagined that he would ever be that happy to see GIR, which scared him a bit.

"Look master! Gaz gave me a cupcake!" Gir said, holding up the wrapper that remained. When he realized that he had eaten it all, he started to cry a bit.

However, at that point, Zim wasn't paying much attention to GIR. His red eyes were fixed on Gaz, who was, of course, playing her Game Slave. After the "level complete" music started playing, she finally looked up.

"I like the color of your eyes," she said nonchallantly. Zim quickly put his hands on his head, realizing he had forgotton to put on his wig and contacts before he had stepped out. However, that wasn't the only thing that surprised him about Gaz's few words. She had knew all along. She was the only person besides Dib who knew his secret. She was, however a lot different from her brother.

"Why…" Zim started, but was soon interrupted by Gaz.

"Dib stole my pizza again yesterday. I decided that ruining his plans would be more effective than dooming him." However, Zim sensed this wasn't the only reason.

"Wow, um…thanks," he said, as GIR ran inside to watch TV.

"Whatever," said Gaz as she left, her fingers quickly pressing buttons.

The next day at skool, another surpirsing thing occured. Instead of sitting in her usual seat next to Dib, Gaz moved to Zim's empty table. She claimed that she was no longer on speaking terms with Dib, and those were the only words uttered at the table for the rest of the period. However, as the days went on, Gaz continued to sit at Zim's table, despite the dirty looks she would get from Dib. At first Zim had thought Gaz was only trying to piss off Dib, but he soon saw this wasn't the case. Everyday, the two began to say a bit more to each other as Gaz furiously pressed buttons. However, their conversations soon got to the point that Gaz would stop playing her Game Slave (only for a little while of course).

In no time at all, they had become, what people on Earth call friends. Strangely enough, it was hate that had brought them together. Not hate for each other, but hate of the world and Dib. On warm, sunny days, they would lay in the grass and look for clouds shaped like monsters and go into long, gory disscussions about how it could eat Dib. They were two loners who had found the beauty of friendship. Zim would often find himself telling Gaz about his planet, his mission, and how incredibly short he was and she would listen. Never did Zim imagine that a human could be so nice.

Everything was going perfectly, until one day. In his skool locker, Zim found a small note. As he unwrapped it, it said:

Meet me today after school behind my house. I have surprise for you.

"A surprise?" Zim thought. No one on this planet had ever given him anything but grief. For the rest of the day he could do nothing but look at the note and watch clock as Ms. Bitters droned on about how they were living wasteful, meaninless lives. When the school bell rang, he quicly dashed out of skool. However, unfortunately for Zim, he did not see the wicked smile on Dib's face.

"Gaz…are you here yet?" he called into the empty backyard upon arriving at her house. "Strange," he thought, but his thoughts were soon cut off when a large, metal cage dropped on him from above. In both surprise and shock, Zim began shaking the bars and cursing in his native tongue. However, a well aimed rock towards his head stopped his rantings as he began to loose consiousness. The last thing he remembered was Dib's cruel laugh and feeling stupid, hurt, and betrayed.

Aw, poor Zimmy. Let it be known that I'm not posting the next chapters until I get a few reviews. Yes, I am an evil toaster pastry.