Sadly, I do not own Glee. I am simply a fan, trying to spread a little more Klaine into the world. I have nothing to do with Glee, except being a massive fan. Enjoy!

"Kurt's transferring, Kurt's transferring, Kurt's transferring," Blaine was skipping around his dorm room, chanting the same words repeatedly. It wasn't until David and Wes walked in that he stopped, and stared at them with a manic grin on his face.

"Dude, you've been doing that for half and hour, stop, man!" Wes looked at the short boy, and sighed when Blaine continued to grin. Wes looked and David, and they both grabbed one of Blaine's arms, and sat him down on his bed.

"Listen to me Blaine, listen very carefully. Kurt will be arriving any minute now. Do you want to be acting like a love sick puppy when he arrives?" Wes spoke slowly; making sure Blaine caught every word. Eventually Blaine stopped grinning and shook himself.

"You're right. Kurt's had a rough time, and he needs someone to be there for him…" He looked into space for a second, "I will be that someone." He added with a nod, sticking out his chest in what he thought was a strong, masculine move. Wes looked away to hide his laughter, and David just sighed at Blaine. They heard a car door slam from outside the open window. Blaine's eyes suddenly grew very wide, and he stood up immediately. He looked from David to Wes, and ran out of his room, quickly followed by the two other boys.

Blaine stopped when he reached the door, and hastily opened it, even though Kurt and his father were still on the other side of the parking lot. Blaine didn't seem to notice, and stood holding the door open the whole time, while Wes and David were almost rolling on the floor, trying to contain their laughter. When Kurt had finally gone through the door, Blaine was too busy staring at Kurt's ass to remember to keep the door open for Kurt's father. He let go of the door, and it hit Burt Hummel straight in the nose.

"Oh my god, Mr Hummel, I'm so sorry, Sir, I'm so sorry, oh my god…" Blaine started stammering apologies as Kurt ran to his father's side.

"Oh my god, Blaine, what the hell did you do that for!" Kurt shouted at Blaine, making Blaine quake in fear. "Dad, are you okay? Your nose isn't bleeding, and I don't think it's broken." He shot Blaine a nasty look as he said the last word. Blaine started streaming out apologies again, but Burt held up a hand to silence him,

"Look, kid. I know you didn't do that on purpose, so I'm gonna let you off this time, because it was me you nearly killed, not Kurt." Kurt glared at his father, and looked like he wanted to interrupt, but Burt silenced him. "No, Kurt. I don't care about this," He waved his hand in front of his already starting to bruise nose, "But I know you care about this," He waved his hand in front of Kurt's perfectly smooth, moisturised face, "So I'm glad that your little friend here remembered to at least hold the door for one Hummel." Burt finished his speech with a threatening look at Blaine. Wes and David were now finding it extremely difficult to refrain from laughing, they had both heard the emphasis Burt had put on the word 'little'. Blaine however, seemed to have missed it, and was instead nodding like a maniac, and muttering about how he understood what Burt was saying, and every so often he would throw a "Sorry, sir!" into his monologue. Kurt looked at his father and rolled his eyes. He stopped Blaine in mid apology, and grabbed Blaine's hand, one of his many suitcases in his other hand, and dragged Blaine up to his new dorm. By the time Kurt had unlocked the door and heaved his suitcase into his room, Blaine was almost back to normal. When Burt, Wes and David arrived, all carrying a suitcase too, Blaine took one look at Burt's swelling nose, blushed and sliently sat down on Kurt's bed, where he stayed while Burt helped Kurt unpack. Wes and David stood in the doorway, watching Blaine with amused expressions on their faces.

"You know, if you two are going to stay, you might as well help unpack…" Kurt said, nodding towards the last remaining full suitcase. Wes and David took one look at its monstrous size and muttered something about homework to catch up on. "Yeah, I thought so." Kurt muttered under his breath as they all but ran screaming from the room. Once everything had been unpacked and put away neatly, Burt looked into his sons eyes and sighed,

"I can't believe you're all grown up. My little Kurtie isn't so little anymore." Kurt glowered at his father

"Dad, firstly, call me 'Kurtie' one more time, and I might have to disown you," He cast a sideways glance at Blaine, who looked like he had been staring at Kurt, because when Kurt looked at him Blaine quickly looked in the opposite direction. "Secondly, I'm not going to college in Australia, dad, I'm only an hour away, and it's Boarding School, not college. I'll be home on most weekends." Burt pulled Kurt in for a tight hug, fighting back tears. Once he let go of Kurt, he looked over at Blaine who was still sat on the bed.

"You be good to my boy. You look after him, now. If you don't… I will know." He smiled at the terrified look on the young boy's face. Kurt rolled his eyes at both of them, and shooed his father out the door. "I love you, Kurt. Call me every second night, if not every night. I need to know how you're doing."

"Yes, yes dad. Do you want me to walk to the car with you?" Kurt was internally praying that his father would decline his offer, and his prayers were answered positively. Burt kept repeating his love while being ushered out the door backwards by Kurt. Eventually he was gone, and Blaine and Kurt were alone. The two boys looked at each other for a second.

"I'm sorry about his nose…" Kurt sighed and rolled his eyes conspicuously at the shorter boy. He eyed up the pile of DVDs on his shelf, and allowed Blaine to pick out his favourite Disney Classic, before they cuddled up on Kurt's bed to enjoy the movie.

So, I could write more to this. I really want to write the Klaine get together, but I could do that on a seperate fic, or I could turn this into a long story. It depends. Any suggestions? And this is my first proper fic, so reviews would be appreciated. Thanks.