I'm Baaaaaaaack! Well, Erik's here too, he said that he didn't want to miss the reviews or anything and that he would figure out a way to punish me for my neglect later (I think there might be a Punjab Lasso in that threat somewhere...). Well I've hoped you've enjoyed these new chapters so far and again, I am so sorry for the unintentional hiatus. I will definitely try to update this regularly instead of making you guys wait. So please click the little review button on the bottom and tell me what you think. Forewarning: Constructive criticism is welcome, flames and rudeness, however, is not. Therefore, I will review or report such reviews respectively. There is a polite and nice way to correct people, please do it that way, I don't want to have to report or remove reviews but I will not tolerate flames or rude, bullying reviews. Thank you for you understanding. And don't think I'm saying you can't review, because I would love it if you did...just think before you speak. Thanks again for reading this and I hope to see you guys soon. Xoxo ~Creaturess of the Night~...and Erik :).

He took Gustave and Christine around the house showing them the library, music room, kitchen, parlor, dining area, and then he led them upstairs to show them the rooms that were available.

Erik said, "There are 5 extra rooms with 3 bathrooms between them and then there is my room which you have already seen and that is the master bedroom."

They went through the other rooms and when they finished in the last one Erik asked "Gustave, which one would you like as your own?"

Gustave picked the one across from Erik's room that had a cherry bed with black covers in it, with a small desk, an average dresser, and bookshelf in it. Erik smiled; he figured Gustave would have picked that one.

He asked, "Did you want anything done with it?"

Gustave countered "Can I have the walls painted with music notes, and the bottom of it like piano keys?"

Erik smiled as plans and pictures went through his head. He answered "I think I can swing that. Anything else?"

Gustave thought for a minute and answered: "Can I have a bench under the window?"

Erik nodded and said, "I will have it done by the time you get home."

Gustave smiled "I am going to show Grandmother and Aunt Meg my room."

He rushed out to get the two women in question and the two parents chuckled at their son.

Christine smiled "I haven't seen him this excited in so long. I'm glad that you are bringing his happiness and bubbliness back."

Erik kissed her as he whispered, "I don't think it's just me."

She smiled and wrapped her arms around him as she leaned her head against her chest. She asked, "Would you be opposed to sharing a room with me, or should I find my own?" He noticed that she looked nervous that he would tell her to find her own room and he smiled and kissed the top of her head.

He answered, "I didn't ask you to pick a room because my room is our room."

Christine smiled and whispered "I am glad. I don't think I could handle being a room away from you. I found that it was hard to sleep when I was away from you. You would always sing or play music to me to get me to sleep and I missed."

Erik whispered back "Well, I am not going anywhere so I will sing, play, hum, or whatever other ways I can help to get you to fall asleep." Erik pulled away from her but kept an arm wrapped around her waist as Madame Giry, Meg, and Gustave entered the room.

Gustave said "This is my room. Father said that I can have music note and piano key wallpaper and also a bench under the window to sit on."

Madame Giry smiled and said, "It is perfect for you Gustave."

He answered "Merci Mamie." She smiled brighter at that and Meg added "Maman is right. It was like this room was specifically created just for you."

Gustave smiled and responded "Thanks, Aunt Meg." Meg looked shocked for a second but recovered with a smile, Erik could tell that she was glad to be considered family to Gustave. Madame Giry and Meg looked at the time and Erik knew that had to get to work for the night and he smiled at them. Gustave hugged them goodbye with and 'I love you' for both of them making Christine and Erik smile at their son's sweetness. Christine hugged them both and promised to bring them back something which caused the other two women to shake their heads in protest knowing that it would be no use anyway. Meg smiled at Erik before heading out the door.

Madame Giry hugged him and whispered, "I will be back after the shows to check on you."

Erik smiled at her concern and returned the hug as he whispered back "Thank you for making sure I am okay." He added, "I love you….mother."

Madame Giry pulled away to look at him and saw the sincerity in his eyes. She hugged him tightly and answered, "I love you too my son."

She pulled away and left discreetly wiping the tears away that slid down her cheeks. Erik smiled and then helped Christine and Gustave put away the stuff that they weren't taking with them to France. Before he knew it, it was time to take them to the port and he felt anxiety and sorrow fill him. He knew that they were coming back, but he was still worried about them. Erik grabbed the bags and headed out to the waiting carriage that Squelch had gotten ready for them. He pet the black horse on the nose finding comfort and his old friend's presence.

He whispered, "You know, out of all the things that I got to take from France, you Caesar are my favorite." The horse whinnied softly and pressed his nose against his hand in response causing Erik to smile at him. He opened the carriage door for Christine and Gustave as they exited the house. They entered the carriage and Erik shut the door behind them before getting into the driver's seat. He clicked his tongue and gently tapped the reins and they were on the move.

All 3 were lost in their own thoughts causing the carriage move in a comfortable silence. It was a long journey, thought to Christine and Erik it seemed to have gone by way to fast. As they stopped and Erik tied Caesar to a pole Christine and Gustave got out of the carriage with their suitcases in hand. Erik took them and led the two towards the huge ship that was crowded with other passengers. A man in uniform took the bags from Erik and he turned to his family.

He looked at Christine and asked "You know, I was just thinking…how on earth did Raoul's parents get her so fast? Passenger ships don't go that fast."

Christine smiled at his thought process and answered: "They were already here for their monthly visit and the policemen sent a telegraph to their mansion which was forwarded to the ship's control room who relayed the message." Erik nodded, that had explained a whole lot. Christine looked at the passenger ship with a sigh. This was going to be a longer journey than she thought.

Erik kissed her forehead and answered, "Don't think about the time, and it will fly by."

She smiled and whispered, "We will be back as soon as we can."

He nodded "I know." He kneeled down and hugged Gustave tightly.

Gustave whispered "Goodbye father. We will be back soon."

Erik kissed his son's head and answered "I know son. I will be here the day you come back."

Gustave whispered, "I love you, father."

Erik smiled and gave his son a squeeze as he answered: "I love you too bud." Gustave smiled up at him and Erik stood up to hug Christine.

She hugged him tightly and breathed in his scent and relished the feeling of his arms around her. She said, "We will be back before you know it."

Erik answered, "I will be waiting here for you guys when you depart the ship." She smiled and kissed him in reply. He kissed her back and she felt her heart melt like it always did when he kissed her.

When they pulled away for air he whispered: "I love you more than all the stars in the sky Christine."

She smiled at that and answered softly "I love you to the end of the galaxy and back."

Erik smiled before he kissed her one more time and she and Gustave boarded the ship back to France. Erik watched them go, already counting the days until their projected return arrival time. As the ship left the harbor, Erik got back onto the carriage and him and Caesar returned to Phantasma.