Well I have decided to try my hand at writing a transformers fan fiction. I have decided that Annabelle and Ironhide will be the main characters in romance in this story. There maybe a rape seen I have yet to decide as I am just going with what I feel like but just in case this will be rated M for safety. This has some parts of my life imbedded into it, which parts I will not say. Reviews of all kinds are welcome and wanted, yes even flames. And sadly I do not own Transformers and I never will.

p.s. If anyone knows Annabelle's middle name I'd be very grateful to know it.

My name is Annabelle Lennox. My father is William Lennox, and my mother is Sarah Lennox. My father is stationed in the army, more specifically a section of the army called NEST. He's never told me much about what NEST is, he says it's to protect me, but I've overheard some of his conversations on the phone and it sounds more like it's meant to be a secret. Anyway, I am homeschooled for the fact that in my seventh grade year of school I ended up sick. We have never been able to find out what happened, all we know is that a mono like virus attacked my system and it has screwed me ever since.

My eighth grade year I ended up out of school again after trying to go back because I ended up with hypothyroidism. I wasn't able to go back until February, but even then I was on a half a day. I had to keep my sodium and fluid level higher than a normal persons which in turn made me gain weight. Though in that year I had developed fully in 3 months causing rumor to go around school of me getting breast implants.

Ninth grade was by far the worst. Around the end of October (which I was out of school and on homebound around the same time each year) I had a headache for about a week straight. After that week it tended to get worse on certain days and it would deflate on others. We did CT scans CAT scans, we went to special doctors but no one could find out why I was having a headache nonstop. It finally came down to me asking my mom for a new pillow that we found out what was my problem.

My neck had been pinched for six months, causing a headache for just that long.

Mother was very hesitant of taking me to the chiropractor. She was once a nurse at one time and had seen many people come in with broken backs from a chiropractic visit gone wrong. But she finally took me. Come to find out my whole spine was out of alignment. From top to bottom.

It has taken over five months just for me to feel semi normal, but even still I have migraines and days where all I can do is sleep. My mother fusses at me because I am falling behind in my homeschooling, but I am trying as hard as I may. It is three weeks and four days from my sixteenth birthday. I am excited because my father promised me a car, more specifically a GMC Topkick. Today seems to be a good day except for the small pinch in my neck but I'm sure it will go away once I pop my neck again.

"Anna! It's time to go meet your father at the airport!" My mother yelled from our downstairs kitchen. I smiled as I started to run down the stairs. My father was only home for a week this time, and he wasn't able to be here on my birthday, but I don't care I get to see my daddy.

"Coming momma!" I called at the bottom of the stairs.

"Go go into the car if we wanna make it before your father gets there!" My mother teasingly tapped my butt to get me moving. I giggled and ran out to our old Pontiac. She was almost 10 years old. Her seats we flattened so much that I had to use a booster seat just to see over the steering wheel but I loved this old car. It has character. Like when I would get into the car wrong and hit the window or door it would scratch my knee with a coil sticking out the back of the driver's seat.

"So, Anna, are you excited?" My mom asked me.

"Yup yup yup! For more reasons than one!" I bounced excitedly in my seat.

"Well then let's go meet your dad." She said as she started the car and pulled out of our driveway. I smiled as I turned on the radio. Looking out the window I allowed myself to zone out on the two hour trip to the airport.

"Ironhide I trust that you can take good care of my daughter?" Will asked looking up at the black autobot.

"You couldn't have picked a better candidate Major Lennox." Optimus Prime stated. "He is especially protective over kids, more so the ill. Even if he doesn't want to admit it."

Ironhide snorted before looking away from the Major and crossing his arms. Will just shook his head, while Optimus smirked. When they were ready to board the plane, Ironhide transformed into his alt mode and situated himself in the cargo area of the plane. Grumbling to himself about why they couldn't just drive to Major Lennox's' house but figured he'd keep quiet about it.

With a small sigh coming from his vents, the autobot in disguise slipped off into a light recharge.

"Anna honey wake up, we're at the airport." Sarah stated with a small smile as she shook her daughters shoulder lightly.

"Hm? Already?" Anna stated as she shot straight up in her seat. "Let's get going then."

Sarah smiled as she watched her daughter climb out of the car, grabbing her purse and phone on the way, and started bouncing in place. She was surly to regret it the next day, but Sarah was willing to let her daughter rest after such an exciting day. Turning off the car and grabbing her wallet, Sarah joined her daughter outside the car after locking it.

"Common momma! What are we waiting for, dad to come find us?" Anna asked impatiently, but with a smile on her face.

"Ok, ok I'm coming." Sarah laughed as her daughter dragged her to the airport. Anna looked around excitedly before standing behind her mother and handing on tightly to her hand. Large crowds had always freaked her out, but seeing her father in person after a year of just video chats made her forget about her fear.

"We have to wait here for your father to take us where we need to be." Sarah stated as she and her daughter sat down in the seats provided for people to wait on their loved ones and est. Anna shifted in her seat nervously as she shifted through the crowd of people.

"Hey Anna what's that over there?" Sarah asked pointing off towards the food court.

"MOM! It's the food court even you should know that!" Anna playfully punched her moms arm before something caught her eye. Slowly a smile spread across her lips as she jumped up from her seat and raced into the opened arms of her father.

"Oh Annabelle! I missed you so much my peapod!" He whispered into her hair.

"I missed you too daddy." Anna sobbed into his neck. He shushed her softly as he held her to her chest, only briefly letting go to bring his wife into the hug.

"Who's ready to see her birthday present?" Will asked as he pulled back from the group hug. An excited giggle escaped Anna's' lips as she started to bounce on her toes again.

"Ok then." He laughed quietly, "Follow me." He stated as he lead them outside and to a gold car that carried them to the military plane that he and other soldiers had ridden home in. He separated to speak with one of the men unloading the plane before coming back to his wife and daughter. The sound of an engine made Anna squeal as she looked towards the plane to see a black GMC Topkick, just like her dad promised, being driven out of the cargo hold.

Anna squealed jumping up and down, wanting to run to the truck but her father's hand kept her back. Once the truck had pulled to a stop near them and the person who had driven it off the plane gave the keys to Will, he handed them to his daughter and she was off examining the car.

"OH daddy it's better than any of the ones I've looked at online!" Anna squealed as she looked at the tires before climbing up into the driver's seat and looking around.

"I can see the ground without having to use booster seats!" She exclaimed excitedly. Will chuckled before climbing into the passenger seat. Sarah came to stand beside the open driver's door to look up at her daughter.

"I'm going to drive the car home. You two drive this…monster," Sarah stated with a sigh at the size of the truck, "home and I'll meet you there."

"KKies momma. Love ya!" Anna stated with a smile before making a kissing sound. Sarah made the sound back towards her daughter and husband before a golf cart took her back to the front of the airport.

"Hey Anna how about we go to our favorite lookout point?" Will asked out of the blue.

"The one where no one else goes?" Anna asked excitedly. Not even her mom knew where it was.

"That exact one. I'll even let you drive there since I have yet to see how good your driving is." Will chuckled. Anna nodded vigorously before she started the truck. Taking it slow until she got the hand of shifting gears and speeding up and slowing down, Anna drove as quickly as she could to her and her father's spot.

OK first chapter done. I know it is short but I wish to know of what you all think of it before I continue. I hope to have at least 2 reviews good or bad to continue on.