Ok! My muse has decided to come back to me…hopefully it's good.


"I'm fine!" Anna laughed standing in front of the two worried bots.

"You were out of commission for a week, and have only been better for a day. Are you sure you are well enough to be up?" Ironhide asked.

"Yes I'm sure 'Hide. It's normal for me to be "sick" for a week. It's just 'cause it makes me so tired." Annabelle explained with a small smile. She punched Ironhide's holoform in the shoulder as she passed to show him she was fine.

"What to do?" Anna tapped her chin as she walked from her home. "OH! I've yet to find my drawing notebook…I wonder where it went."

"Ya can jus' buy another one." Jazz's holoform stated as he followed her from the house alongside Ironhide.

"I know but I had some really good drawings in it!" Anna told him as she ran back to the corner she had last occupied. "It's not here…I know when they cleaned they would've found it and given it back so someone had to have found it."

"You have no proof!" A voice yelled from the other side of the base. All three turned to the voice only to see Sunstreaker and Sideswipe glaring down at two smirking humans holding a drawing book.

"Of course." Anna whispered to herself as she slapped her forehead. "Common."

Anna growled as she grabbed Ironhides and Jazz's holoforms hands and pulled them along behind her. As they got closer to the four they were able to hear bits of the conversation.

"No we will not! No matter what you have to blackmail us we won't do it!" Sunstreaker growled loudly. Sam said something to soft for the three to hear but the look on Sunstreaker and Sideswipes face when he showed him the picture was enough. Annabelle broke away from the two and ran over to the four.

"No one is using my picture for blackmail!" Anna growled as she snatched her drawing notebook back. "This is mine and what I draw is only my business."

Anna turned and walked away with her head held high and her notebook tucked against her chest.


"Good everything's here." Anna smiled to herself running her fingers over her favorite picture. It was the picture of the twins, her best one yet.

"You're very good Anna." Ironhides holoform said as he walked up behind her. Anna jumped and started to spin around when a hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Ironhide stated. Anna nodded before looking down at the ground.

"Ironhide I have to tell you something." She started out slowly.

"What? Are you hurt?" Ironhide asked spinning her around and checking her for injuries. She had been known to try and harm herself before.

"I'm not hurt. 'Hide I think I-" Anna was cut off as the base alarm sounded.

"Stay here." Ironhide told her and his holoform disappeared.

"-love you." She finished even though she knew he didn't hear her. Sitting down on her bed, Anna placed her notebook on her side table before she collapsed onto the bed. Silence filled the room for a few minutes until muffled sobs erupted from Anna.

"Why? Am I not supposed to love anybody? Why must fate be so cruel?" Anna sobbed into her pillow. Nobody was in the house save for Anna, leaving her alone.


"Yo 'Hide, what was with ya today? Those 'cons almost beat ya.' Jazz stated.

"Anna." He stated softly almost unheard. His optic ridges were drawn tight in thought.

"What's wrong with her?" Jazz asked looking more alert now.

"Nothing. But I must go speak with her." Ironhide stated and transformed into his alt mode. Forming his holoform outside of Anna's room so he didn't catch her off guard, he knocked.

"Come in." She called softly. Ironhide's face immediately pinched in worry at the tone of her voice. Quickly opening the door, he saw Anna laying on her stomach on her bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed and placed a hand on her back.

"What's the matter Anna?" He asked. Anna shifted and turned her head to look at him.

"Am I not meant to love?" She asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"Every time I like anyone it goes down in flames. And now I have you to add to the list." She stated staring at the wall behind Ironhide.

"What do you mean?" Ironhide asked confusing shining on his face.

"Ironhide I love you! Yet when I tried to tell you the stupid alarm goes off! It has to be some sign that I'm not meant to love or be loved! I'm just the butt of some huge cosmic joke I just know it! How could someone like you even like me much less-" Anna was cut off as Ironhide pulled her to his chest.

"Been waitin' for you to say that." He stated softly. "Love ya too Anna."

Anna gasped softly and turned watery eyes up at him. Slowly a small smile spread on her lips. Ironhide smiled lightly back before he dipped in closer. Their lips were a hairs breath apart as Ironhide whispered those three words again. He quickly sealed his lips against hers.

Suddenly Annabelle's world went black.


"She's waking up!" A voice shouted. Orders were given as the doctor stood at the base of the bed. Three adults stood around the bed, two men and a woman, where a small child no older than 8 had lain prone for months. One of the men had light brown hair and brown eyes while the other had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. The man with light brown hair had the woman wrapped in his arms.

"Anna?" The man with dark brown hair called as he settled next to the bed. His large hand gripping the child's small hand as the child's brown eyes opened.

"Ironhide." She smiled


Welp decided to end it. Shocking end right? Well I hope so. This concludes this story for I cannot figure out anymore things to do. Hope you enjoyed it!