Some Harry Potter reference, (I love Fawkes) and well... MikuoxRin stuffs! I'm working on this along with 'I am Deaf'

Rin POV (Prologue type thing)

Do I?

He's part dragon.

I'm part phoenix.

Do I dare?

Dare to reach out and touch his teal bangs, run my fingers along his beautiful wings, unlike the wings on my back that terrify everyone?

Do I dare to love? Love, after that horrible day in my dark, dark past, when I hurt the one I loved?

"Get out of bed, Rin!"

I was already up and combing my blond hair, singing the healing song to myself like I was supposed to do every morning.

"Princess Rin, it's time to go out to the village."

I groaned.

"The Dragon Prince and his father the King are coming today; please don't use your wings to fly around and set their palace on fire, dear. It's most unbecoming."

My phoenix wings burned eternally with orange blazes; take that you silly rock-headed dragons, you can only burn things down with your fire-breath. I, on the other hand, can burn things with my wings and heal with my tears. (I love Harry Potter xD) The flames of my wings were a curse. In punishment of falling in love with a Forbidden, I was forced to set my wings on fire. But when my wings burned, I died. I was reborn again, but my wings remained on fire. They hurt my back and the skin around the place where my wings extend from is charred, but I am still alive and I can burn objects with my wings, unfortunately not on will.

The Forbidden boy?

Oh, he died.

I seem cruel and coldhearted, yes? Well the boy's death was a cruel reminder to me never to fall in love with a human again. In hopes of never repeating that mistake, my parents are forcing me to marry the young dragon prince, Kaito Shion. This time, according to my brother, I must marry, or else he must leave the castle forever in shame that the princess did not find a suitor.

"Sister," Len, my brother announced. "It must be done. I'm sorry, but you are eighteen. If you don't marry Prince Shion..." He let the threat he was about to repeat for the millionth time linger, unspoken, in the air.

"OKAY Len, I understand. How is Rimi?"

"Troublesome as always, she is. I named her after you, so this would make sense." He chuckled.

"You've left your poor wife to tend for Rimi again?" I asked. He shrugged not-very-guiltily. (Sorry, fangirls who hoped to make Len your husband.)

"She is a dragon, Rin. She's so cruel." He pretended to pout.


"Time to fly," Len muttered, his beautiful crimson and gold wings forming. He soared out the open window.

"Bye." I laughed.

I went to the window myself, looking down to see the ornate carriage made of the scales of previous dragon princes roll into the castle grounds, carrying my future groom.

I sighed and left the window.

Time to meet your fate, Rin.

Mikuo POV

My brother, Kaito, is such a loudmouth. I can't take it, really, I can't. I am the same age as the poor princess who has to marry my idiot of a brother. Kaito is three years older than her.

We stepped out into the dirt, and the phoenix queen and prince came forward to greet us.

"Princes Kaito and Mikuo Shion, it is an honor to have you at our castle. We hope to make your stay wonderful. My daughter will appear soon," the queen said. I noticed that she looked vaguely worried, and Len's smile appeared to be plastered to his face.

We tracked behind them to a room with plush couches. Kaito and I decided to use the restroom. As soon as he and I disappeared from their view, Len began speaking in a whisper.

"Where is she, mother?"

"Miku says she left her room to come downstairs, but..."

"Did she escape? Fly away?"

"Possibly, dear. You know how our headstrong Rin is."


I rolled that word around my head with a light chuckle. She escaped marrying Kaito. What a smart girl.

I left the castle secretly to see if I could catch a glimpse of the phoenix princess.

My eyes scoured the clear, beautiful, soar-worthy skies eagerly. I wanted to take off myself, so I spread my wings. I prided my wings, not to brag. Each scale was black, every one rounded off with silver and speckled with gold. I raised myself into the sky and propped myself on top of the castle.

"Hey! What are you-?" Someone asked, startling the heck out of me.

Instinctively, I drew in air and blew fire out in the direction of the speaker.

"Hell, ow!" The fire cleared, and I gaped at a beautiful girl. Her hair was sunny-golden, and her blue eyes were like the ocean waves. Fiery (Literally- They were ON FIRE) wings were shadowing her. My eyes flickered to her now blackened hand and her slightly open mouth, as if she hadn't known anybody else would be stalking her to the top of a castle.

Oh wait, maybe she really hadn't known.

"AHHH! I'M SORRY! CRAP!" I freaked out, knowing automatically that this was Rin Kagamine, the phoenix princess. I burned her! I burned the princess!

She started crying, hard, too. I panicked, trying to calm her down.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll get help! I-!"

I gaped at her hand. The tears from her eyes shimmered, spreading across her hand and causing it to glow, healing the burn and turning the color of her skin to the cream it had been before. She wiped her eyes and sighed.

"Great, you found me. Are you gonna take me back? Please don't!"


"Hi. You must be Mikuo, Kaito's brother." She blew her golden bangs out of her eyes and pinned them to the sides with clips.

"Yeah..." The shock was fading. Her power to heal was understandable, she was the phoenix princess. "Yeah, that's me. Kaito and your mom and brother are waiting for you."

Rin cast a wistful glance up at the lovely skies.

"I know, I know."

"You really haven't 'fallen in love,' have you?"

"Is it that obvious, Prince Kuo?"

I chuckled at her childish nickname for me. "Well, I suppose you don't have to marry him then. Marry someone you love."

"If only..."

"Why?" I sat up. "Why can't you?"