*Final Fantasy belongs to Squaresoft, not me, so please don't sue! I don't have any money anyway…*

It was December 20 at Balamb Garden, and the gang was sitting there, bored. Irvine was cleaning his gun; Zell was scarfing his 10th hot dog; Rinoa and Quistis were playing cards; Squall was studying an issue of Weapons Monthly, and Seifer was lurking in the corner.

SEIFER: *stroking a stuffed chocobo* You and me, Choco. We'll rule the world!!! *Laughs maniacally*

RINOA: Seifer, what are you doing over there? Come over here and join us!

SEIFER: *quickly turns around, blushing, and hides hand behind back.* Um, I was just…fixing my hair!

ZELL: Cut the crap, Seifer, I saw what you were doing! *Starts laughing* You were… *Seifer punches him* OWWWW! Seifer, you can't stop me! You were talking to a stuffed chocobo!

SEIFER: *blushes* No I wasn't!!

ZELL: Yes you were! I saw you!

RINOA AND QUISTIS: *point their fingers at him* Awwww…

{Selphie runs in}

SELPHIE: Hey guys, what are you doing here? Why aren't you decorating? Holiday season is here! And I've got a great idea!

{Everyone groans}

SELPHIE: Come on guys, it's… SECRET SANTA! Irvine, give me your hat, so we can choose names!

{Irvine gives her his hat.}

SEIFER: I don't DO gift giving. See ya…

ZELL: Come on, Seifer, it'll be fun. If you don't, I'll tell everyone in Garden what your secret little hobby is…

SEIFER: *glares at Zell* Fine…

SELPHIE: Okay, there's a slip of paper for every person here in Irvine's hat. Everyone takes a name, and whoever you get, you have to give him or her a present! This is going to be so good! Oh, and by the way, you're not supposed to tell anyone who you have. Let's begin!

{Everyone takes a name}


SEIFER, QUISTIS: 0_o Aw, crap…

SELPHIE: Woo hoo! OK, we'll exchange gifts in 3 days! See you guys then!

~*Three days later~*

*The gang assembles in the quad. Everyone is holding a box; even Seifer, except for the fact that it was dented in one side. *

SELPHIE: I'm so glad to see that everyone participated. *Jumps up and down* YAYYYYY…

SEIFER: Will ya stop already?!

SELPHIE: Okay…who wants to go first?

*Everyone looks at Seifer. *

SEFIER: Fine… Here ya go, Chicken wuss! Enjoy! *Tosses box to Zell*

ZELL: *Opens box* Hey, thanks, Seifer! It's a hotdog! *Takes bite, swallows. * Hey, that was good. *Stomach grumbles. * Uh Oh… I ain't feelin' so hot guys…

QUISTIS: What's wrong, Zell?

ZELL: Oh man, Seifer, what did you put in that hotdog?! I gotta take a major dump guys! *Runs away, holding his butt cheeks. *

ALL: 0_o

SELPHIE: Um, Seifer, that really wasn't the idea of this whole thing… But let's move on!


Here's the deal, guys! 5 reviews, and I'll finish the story! Come on, let's see those reviews!
