Back it up 1

Author Note: What up, what up, what up? This is Pooffoop1 here once again to entertain you with a narrative writing of PRS. (Great. It's summer and I am speaking school.) Anyway, this is basically the backgrounds of all the Rangers…including my Wesley. Enjoy!

"Aw…you were so cute, Jay," Emily was trying her hardest not to laugh.

She was looking at a picture of Jayden from his childhood days. He was young, maybe three. And he was in nothing more than a pair of white underwear, a black bandana around his head, crooked. He held a stapler in one hand like a weapon, and his tiny mouth was wide open in a yell.

"Ha, ha, ha," Jayden stood in front of the picture, "just get the tape and let's go."

He was seriously beginning to regret coming into Ji's room…even for tape. His girlfriend got the supply in giggles. He exited with her, his cheeks warm. Back in the main room, Emily tapped Mia's piece of paper in her book back together.

"Thanks," the Pink Ranger nodded, going back to reading.

"No problem." Emily rose and went outside with Jayden to the garden.

They chatted for a while, just enjoying the nice, pretty day.

"You really did look cute," she brought up the picture again.

"Stop bringing it up!" he blushed redder.

"Tell you what," she got to her feet, 'I'll show you a really embarresing picture of when I was five."

She led her boyfriend into her and Mia's room. Inside, she took out an old photo album and flipped through it. She finally pointed to a picture of her at her home. She was five with her hair in ponytails and wide, childlike eyes. She wore a pink shirt, blue jeans, and sparkling silver boots.

She had her arms around the neck of a mare, tan and beautiful with a white muzzle. She was clutching the man, her legs around the shoulder blades. She was screaming at the picture taker, and the horse seemed bored with it all. Jayden laughed as her cheeks got slightly red.

"That was my first time on a horse," she told him.

"And possibly your last," Jayden teased.

"I am an amazing rider now," she shut the album, "like I said, my first day, Captian Stapler."

He stuck out his tongue as Mia came in.

"Come on you two," she smiled at them, "Mentor wants us."


Mentor Ji was holding a notebook in the main room. It was all their colors with a purple ribbon around the spine. In black letters it read: Childhood Memories. Mia, Emily, and Jayden sat in their seats with the rest of the team.

"Rangers," Mentor told them, "I wish to remember all of my students before they leave. So, I keep notebooks with some information on them with every group or child. So, I shall do the same for this group of Samurai."

"Oh," Antonio nodded, "so…we have to tell you about our adventures?"

"No," Mentor chuckled, "I already do that. I want you to write down your stories. Tell me about your past."

"Like…memories?" Kevin asked.

"Exactly," Mentor nodded, "anything you care to share, good, bad, or otherwise. I want to remember you as you have been with me. But I always want to know your…eh, roots."

"Alright," Mia nodded, "so…who goes first?"

"Jayden," he replied, handing the Red Ranger the notebook.

"You know my background," Jayden reminded him.

"I am an old man," Ji told him, "I have brought up many, many heroes. You were something special, but I need to remember it forever."

"Alright," Jayden took it, "I'll start right away."