Back it up 9

Name: Kevin

Age: 17

Color: Blue

Status: Crushing…

Gender: Boy

Greetings to you. I don't have much to reflect on as far as my past, but I'll try my best.

My dad was a disciplined former Samurai. I strived to be just like him with my all. He trained me by teaching me how to be a strong swimmer. I didn't know that he was once Blue Ranger, or that I was supposed to it, either. But I did know I wanted to be in the Olympics and make him proud. Every time I got faster, we felt like I was getting closer to my goal.

Then I met Mia.

I remember the day my life changed like it was yesterday. I was practicing in the park pool while my dad dealt with what I would later learn as a secret former Samurai meeting. So there I was, eight years old, swimming as fast as I could, when something darted past me.

I took it as a challenge and zoomed back in lead to the end of the pool. When the figure got out, I saw it was an Asian girl with long black hair and a pink bikini. She smiled bubbly to me and offered her hand.

"Hi, you're really fast," she looked a little younger than me, "what's your name?"

"Kevin," I'd replied, my heart beating a bit faster, "what's yours?"

"I'm Mia," she looked shy but confident, "want to play?"

"Play?" I'd never really played with anyone.

"Come on, I"ll show you!" she dragged me to her house, giving me a brief second to grab my clothes.

When I got to her house, she showed me how to play knights. When dad picked me up, I was laughing and smiling. I almost felt normal. She kissed my cheek and told me to come back soon. Delightened, I did. Every single day I could. Dad got onto me more than once about how I needed to put swimming first, but I had gone head over heels for Mia.

I remember the day she found a gun. She'd been all sad because her brother had yelled at her, and I gasped when I saw her playing with it. Running over, I yanked out of her hand and scolded her. I recalled what Dad did when I did something bad. So, I spanked her.

She cried loudly and ran from me. I felt so bad, and I cried myself to sleep at my house. The next day, she didn't open her door for me. Gulping, I slid in through the window and talked to her. She forgave me, but only because I let her spank me as well.

Did I mention she has sharp nails?

Anyway, I hung out with her and fell in love. But then I had to move.

Mia was devastated. I remember her cooking for me at my farewell party. The cake was awful, but I smiled and asked for seconds. She beamed at me, but when she was gone to fix more, I vomited into my napkin. Ah, well. So I guess it's my fault she can't cook. Sigh.

Swimming was once again part of my life. I basically went back to the water and was not social. Every night I'd stare at her picture and releash a few tears. I had totally fallen in love with Mia. But she was gone because so was I. Dad was trying to be sympathetic, but depression weaned away slowly.

There was only one other I could love. She was a spunky redhead who was slim, beautiful, and a very serious swimmer. When we met, she stole my heart. But the difference was is that she was, like, just like me. We were close friends, but Mia made me feel like a normal kid. This girl just showed me how to be a team player. Her name was Rocky.

She taught me some valuable skills, not just in swimming, but she almost shattered that love for good.

It was accident. That's what everyone tried to assure me of. And I know it was an accident. But it still happens. Guilt is forever etched in my heart all the same.

Rocky was a daredevil. So, for her fourteenth birthday, I took her to swim in the Pacfic Ocean. She was gourgeous, her blonde curls blowing behind her, her brown eyes twinkling, as we rode out. I drove us to a deep part, and she grinned thankfully to me.

"Your really cool," she spoke, then dove in.

I waited a while for her to resurface. When she didn't, worry and fear struck me. I was wearing my trunks, so I dove in. Through my goggles I strained to see her. Suddenly, something struck me. A pair of white teeth flashed before me, and I screamed. A shark was attacking.

Terrified, I scrambled into the boat and screamed Rocky's name. She was nowhere to be found, and I knew the shark had eaten her. Grieving, I started to drive away. I hit something, and at first I thought it was the shark. Then I saw blonde hair and blood drifting by.

Screaming, I grabbed Rocky out of the water. Her head was bleeding, and I knew I'd hit her. I rushed to the beach, screaming for help and crying. That night I visited her in the hospital. She was in a full body cast, and she looked so broken. She was in servere pain, and her eyes filled when she saw me.

"I'm sorry," she croaked mournfully.

"It wasn't your fault, it's all mine!" the waterflow was heavy.

"No, it's okay," she promised, "I love you."


"Kevin, just kiss me," nodding in amazement, I did through the bandages. Her lips were like saltwater taffy and honeydew.

"See you later," sighing contently, she closed her big brown eyes for the last time. The good Lord had called her home.

I was super depressed. First I'd lost Mia, now Rocky…who was next? I moped around for about a year. When I got the news of being a Blue Samurai, however, got me back to normal.

I trained super mega hard for so long. My depression was gone, and I was ready to be the best I could possibly be.

I was the first to arrive. Confession time: I was scared of Jayden at first. I knew I had to be strong and disciplined, just like my dad. Time of course loosened me all up, but I am still disciplined and never give up.

When Mia arrived, I about died.

Mike got on my nerves, I admit. We're the best of friends now, of course, but still. We're like yin and yang. Emily was so nice and bubbly and kind to me, and I was awestruck. I almost thought I'd fallen in love with her, but my heart told my brain to shut up because it knew I loved Mia. So I listened and just formed a bond with the others.

I wasn't sure what to think about Antonio and Wesley, quite honestly. Oh, well. Now we're all super close, and I can't wait until tonight.

I am going ask Mia out.

Wish me luck.

P.S. It's your turn…oh, wait. I'm the last one. Nevermind.