Hello there, everybody, this is ROK. This is my first fanfiction, so please, any kind words and constructive criticism will be appreciated. I won't take what you say to heart if you flame. This is basically my attempt at Inheritance, CP style, even though he is not me and he owns the Inheritance Cycle (I love how I got the disclaimer in the A/N). I hope I will finish this before Inheritance comes out, otherwise, what's the point?

Summary: Inheritance, or as close as someone writing a fanfiction can get, I hope. I will use CP's sneak peek, Chapter 4, and other info to keep as close to the assumed storyline as possible.

Chapter 1

Eragon and Saphira sat on the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea, immersed in their own thoughts. Behind them was the city of Feinster, now under the control of the Varden. Parts of the city were still on fire from the Varden's siege, but the majority of the city was intact. Before them, the vast emptiness of the sea stretched as far as the eye could see. The setting sun cast light onto the water, creating a striking illusion of fire on water that produced a mysterious aura surrounding the dragon and Rider.

Eragon and Saphira, however, paid no attention to their beautiful surroundings. Their thoughts were focused solely on the daunting task ahead of them, and what it will cost them in the end.

"Saphira?" asked Eragon.

"Yes, little one?"

"How much will we have to lose until we finally end Galbatorix's bloody reign and establish peace in Alagaësia?"

A long pause followed his question. "I don't know," Saphira finally answered. "We have lost so much, yet I know that there is still a lot more blood to be shed before we finally reach that oath-breaker's castle and tear him to pieces. We can only hope," she continued, "that we don't lose any more loved ones in the process."

"But we don't know for sure what's going to happen, Saphira! Roran, Nasuada, Orik…Arya, they could all be dead by the time we reach Urû'baen!" Eragon exclaimed.

A plume of smoke erupted from Saphira's nostrils as she snorted. "Peace, little one. Roran is a great warrior. He knows how to survive the oncoming battles. Nasuada and Orik are the leaders of their respective people, so they will always be surrounded by loyal soldiers ready to give their lives to protect them. As for Arya," she said with a mischievous wink, "you and I both know that she is more than capable of surviving. She has shown that on more than one occasion."

Eragon flushed. "Aye, that's true," he managed to say. He knew Saphira knew all of his thoughts and feelings about Arya, and she was prudent enough not to say anything else on the subject.

Saphira nudged him with her snout. "Also, we will be there to protect them, and not many can hope to fight through a dragon and her Rider."

"Murtagh and Thorn could," Eragon thought bitterly. "After all, they beat Oromis and Glaedr in Gil'ead."

All of a sudden, Eragon found himself pinned under a huge sapphire claw. He looked up into the angry face of Saphira. "Do not talk that way, Eragon! You know that they were about to beat Murtagh and Thorn before Galbatorix intervened and Oromis had an attack! As it is, Thorn is seriously hurt and cannot fight for a couple of months without the end of his tail. Now, unless you want me to lick you from head to toe, do not continue to think this way."

"I'm sorry, Saphira. Now will you please let me up? Eragon asked. The claw slowly lifted until Eragon could sit up again. He said, I'm truly sorry, Saphira. I just think about how Galbatorix has killed Garrow, Brom, Oromis and Glaedr, and even Murtagh in a sense. I just don't want him to take any more away from us, or I just might go insane."

"We will not let him, little one. Now, let us enjoy what time we have left until the next battle."

Eragon felt a sense of gratitude welling up inside him. "Thank you, Saphira."

"You're welcome, little one."

"Do you want to fly?" asked Eragon.

"I thought you'd never ask," answered Saphira. Eragon climbed into the saddle on her back, and with a mighty flap of her wings, Saphira flew into the night.

Eragon sat atop Saphira, no longer wallowing in the misery of his past, but enjoying the time he had now and what he was given. He had a dragon who loved him more than anything else in the world, friends who cared greatly for him, and, most importantly, he had the ability to overthrow an evil tyrant and end a reign of terror in Alagaësia. He was thankful for what he had, and no longer despaired over the fates of his deceased loved ones.

Suddenly, a mind entered Eragon's. He recoiled quickly, throwing up barriers around his consciousness by focusing on one of Saphira's neck spikes. However, he quickly recognized the presence and lowered his barriers.

"Atra esterní ono thelduin, Arya Dröttningu."

"Please, Shadeslayer, no formalities with me unless the situation requires it, which tonight definitely does not," Arya replied.

"As you wish, Shadeslayer," Eragon teased. Ever since Arya had killed the Shade Varaug in Feinster, Eragon had started to call her Shadeslayer as well.

Arya mentally sighed. "Eragon, since we are now both Shadeslayers, can we omit the title and just use our given names?"

"Of course, Arya," Eragon said. "Although you called me Shadeslayer first."

"While that is true, do you really want to descend so low as to start playing child's games with me?"

Eragon laughed. "Of course not, Arya. What is the reason for this conversation?" he asked, not unkindly.

"Can I not talk to one of my closest friends?" Arya asked jokingly.

"Yes, you can" Eragon responded, "but you would normally wait until Saphira has landed and I am in my tent to approach me, not try to contact me while we are flying."

Arya laughed, a melodic bell-like sound in his mind. "It is good to see how much your logic has improved, Eragon. Nasuada has asked me to tell you that she would like to see you in her tent for plans on how to attack Belatona."

"Very well. Tell her I will be there soon," Eragon said, and cut off the connection.

Saphira changed directions and headed towards Nasuada's tent. Eragon asked her "Are you all right with ending our flight prematurely?

Saphira turned her head around and fixed an eye on Eragon. "I wish that I didn't have to, but I know Nasuada's orders for you are not to be denied, so I have accepted it. Although," she stated in a fiercer tone, "she must know that I am a dragon, and I am not ordered around by anybody!" Saphira punctuated that statement with a roar as she landed on the ground behind Nasuada's tent.

"I will make sure she knows," Eragon replied, chuckling. "And what are you going to be doing now, my fierce dragon?"

"I will hunt, because I have not eaten since we left Ellesméra, and I saw some plump deer not too far from here," Saphira said, and then flew off towards the west.

Eragon turned and addressed the leader of the Nighthawks, a burly dwarf at the front of the group. "Lady Nasuada has requested my presence." The dwarf banged on his shield and announced him.

"You may let him in," came the reply from inside the tent. The Nighthawks shifted and allowed Eragon access to the tent. Eragon internally smiled at this, because he knew they knew that he could kill them all with one word, yet they still acted the same towards him as anyone else who came near Nasuada. He pushed the tent flap open and walked in.

Nasuada was at the head of the table, with King Orrin and Nar Garzhvog on her right and Arya on her left. The images of Orik and Queen Islanzadí appeared in the scrying mirrors. Eragon walked up to the empty seat next to Arya and sat down. She turned her emerald eyes towards him and he quickly smiled, trying not to show too much emotion. The corners of her mouth lifted up in a slight grin before she turned back to Nasuada.

"Now that Eragon is here, we can get down to business," Nasuada said. "With winter fast approaching, we need to find a safe spot to settle down for the winter and continue our attack on the Empire in the spring. I believe the dwarves will stay in the Beor Mountains until spring, while the elves will remain in Gil'ead." Orik and Islanzadí nodded. "The Varden have three options. One, we can wait here in Feinster and attack in the spring. Two, we can send the full force of the Varden to Belatona, capture it, and winter there. Or three, we can send some of the army to Belatona to capture it, while the remainder stays in Feinster."

King Orrin said, "I think that sending a portion of the Varden to Belatona would be the best solution. Neither Feinster nor Belatona alone has enough supplies to furnish both the citizens and the Varden throughout the whole winter. By separating the army, we can make sure that we, as well as the citizens, will not starve."

"I agree," said Eragon. "Belatona is a city of craftsmen, not warriors. They will have fewer soldiers, and it will be easier to overtake the city. Galbatorix will probably protect Dras-Leona better than Belatona, because it is the financial hub of the Empire. Therefore, he will probably send fewer soldiers to Belatona. I believe that the Varden can afford to send fewer soldiers to capture Belatona."

"I agree with Firesword," Garzhvog said in a guttural voice. Arya, Orik, and Islanzadí also agreed to the proposal.

"It is settled then. The Varden will split up. Half will stay in Feinster and spend the winter here, while the rest will move to Belatona and capture it. Now, what is the status of Murtagh?"

All eyes shifted to Eragon. He shifted and said "He is fine, but Thorn is not. He lost the last three feet of his tail in Gil'ead, and it would not naturally heal. However, Galbatorix may be able to use his dark magic and re-grow it, but it would probably take at least a month. I would not expect to see him at Belatona."

At this, a sigh of relief ran through the room. Islanzadí spoke next, but she only addressed Eragon and Arya. "While we have won at Gil'ead, we have lost something else."

"We know about Oromis and Glaedr, Queen Islanzadí," Arya stated in a cold voice.

Surprise showed on Islanzadí's face, but she quickly hid it. "We plan to have their funeral in a week's time." She looked briefly at Nasuada, then said "As their pupils, they would have expected you to come to their funeral, Eragon and Saphira."

Eragon looked at Nasuada. He asked, "My Lady, do I have permission to go to Gil'ead for my mentors' funeral?"

Surprisingly, she said, "I can't really stop you, Eragon. But make sure to take Arya with you, so that you don't get into too much trouble while you are traveling. I'm sure she wants to go, too."

"I do, Lady Nasuada. We will leave tomorrow morning," Arya replied.

"So, Eragon and Arya will travel to Gil'ead to mourn the loss of Oromis and Glaedr, while we begin to move half of the army to Belatona. If there are no more questions, this meeting is adjourned."

While everyone was leaving, Arya pulled Eragon off to the side. "I will meet you at your tent an hour before sunrise. Hopefully, we can get away without too much attention."

"Agreed," Eragon said. He hesitated, then said, "Sleep well, Arya."

Again, the corners of her mouth turned up in what seemed to be a small smile. "Sleep well, Eragon. I will see you tomorrow morning," she replied, before walking off in the direction of her tent.

Eragon stared after her for a moment, then shook his head and looked up when Saphira glided over his head. "Little one, you should return to the tent. You need to be well rested for tomorrow's trip," she said.

"Yes, Saphira," Eragon replied, then took off running for his tent. He reached it in a couple of minutes, and saw Saphira laying on the ground next to it. He took off her saddle and dropped it in his tent, then walked inside and sat down on his bed. He shrugged off his tunic and laid down on the bed.

"Good night Saphira. Sleep well."

"Good night little one."

And with that, Eragon drifted into the welcoming embrace of his waking dreams.

Well, how about that? My first chapter ever and it's over 2,000 words long. Tell me if it's good or bad. I want to know!

Rock on!