And we're on to Chapter 14! Another Arya POV. Thanks for all the reviews I got (9!). That puts us at 108 reviews for 13 chapters. You guys rock! By the way, a quick shout out to Dagibsta, my 100th reviewer. You always review so quickly!

I'm so sorry for this chapter being a day late. My mom dragged me out of the house all weekend to do "back to school" shopping, and to compound that my computer got a virus and I had to clean it up yesterday. Oh, yeah, school starts tomorrow. Yay! (sarcasm intended) That means that my updates will slow down, from every other day to about two to three times a week. Again, I'm sorry, but with my aforementioned schedule it's going to be tough to do my homework and write every night. Anyway, on to the review replies.

EB, you're right about Arya being better than Eragon, I changed that. Eragon knows a little about politics from what Oromis taught him, but he was insinuating that Arya knew much more because she was a princess. Thank you for pointing out my mistake.

Restrained Freedom, yes, that dream is going to be important further on in the story. The only thing I'll tell you is dragons have a great read on emotions.

Korkman2, I've tried writing longer chapters, but they become dull and emotionless. I just seem to write better at this length. Believe me, it won't be a lovey dubby story, as you call it. The way I see it, in fact, she will tell him in Chapter…right, as if I'm going to spill when one of the most important events is going to happen. Anyway, it won't be a total ExA fic, more of a general story.

SimplySupreme, if you used the same dream sequence as I did, I am so sorry. I thought I came up with that all by myself, so if I accidentally copied you, I didn't mean to. Islanzadí was happy because there is a new Dragon Rider, but she was also extremely exhausted from fighting and leading and stuff, and she had just been woken up in the middle of the night. She wasn't in full control of her emotions.

Cara Meirfert, no, I won't forget about the ROK and the VOS. Heck, it's my pen name, so I don't think I'll be able to forget about it even if I tried. Believe me, it'll come up soon enough. Sooner than you think, perhaps.

Draco Lucis, even though you had nothing extremely valuable in your review, I just have to say I love your commentary. You made me laugh so hard when I read it. Thanks!

Disclaimer: I don't own any recognizable parts of the Inheritance Cycle.

Chapter 14

Arya gradually came out of her waking dreams and felt a small weight resting on her stomach. Looking down, she was met with the intelligent, emotion-filled emerald eyes of a dragon. Suddenly, the memories from the night before crashed down on Arya and she smiled, somewhat giddy. Her dragon. She then realized that part of the happiness she was feeling was emanating from him. He was filled with joy that Arya had awoken.

Arya then felt a small presence in her mind, yet she knew, somehow, that it was not harmful in any way. It wasn't even a truly alien presence, more like an extension of herself. She started when it occurred to her that she was feeling her dragon in her mind. So that's where the feelings are coming from, she thought. Pleased that she was already connected with him, Arya gently picked him up and placed him on the floor. He squeaked, not wanting to leave her warmth, before running around in circles looking for food. Arya laughed at the sight, but quickly sobered up when she remembered she would have to find food for him until he grew big enough to hunt for himself.

Before she lost her thought process, Arya grimly expanded her mind out into the camp and found a nearby rabbit. Killing it with one of the twelve words of death, she cast a spell to bring it into the tent. When the hatchling saw the rabbit, he immediately pounced on it. Arya turned away as he happily ate the small animal, bones and all.

When the dragon had finished his meal, she picked him up again and made him invisible to outside eyes. She was on her way to formally address the leaders of the Varden, as well as Eragon, and tell them about her dragon. Until then, however, Arya wanted him to remain unseen by the members of the Varden, as she did not know how they would react to seeing him in her arms.

Walking out of the tent, Arya quickly made her way to the center of the city, where the keep was located. As she entered the lowest floor, she was hailed by someone. Turning around, she realized it was Angela, followed as always by Solembum.

"Congratulations, Arya, I figured you might have been the one!" Angela said excitedly.

Arya immediately froze. In the coldest voice she could muster, she said, "I have no idea what you are talking about. Now, I must go and see Nasuada." Before she could leave, however, the herbalist spoke.

"Now. Arya, don't forget that I know a lot about what happens here in the Varden, not to mention I have Solembum. I know that you are holding the hatchling in your arms right now, although I agree that it is best to keep him invisible until the time comes that Nasuada can announce his presence to the Varden as a whole."

Arya paled as she gaped at Angela, who just laughed. "Ha! That's the first time I've ever stunned an elf! Well, I guess there's a first time for everything, isn't there?"

As the herbalist turned to leave, Solembum padding at her heels, Arya found her voice again. "Wait! How did you know that I am a Dragon Rider?"

"I have my sources," Angela replied, her eyes twinkling with glee. "Don't worry, Solembum and I won't ruin the surprise. Although if you were trying to keep this a secret from everybody in the Varden, you might have wanted to cover up that hand." Arya looked down and saw the gedwëy ignasia on her right palm. When she looked up, Angela and Solembum were gone.

Shaking her head, Arya continued into the keep. When she stood in front of the doorway to Nasuada's control room, the Nighthawk captain, a dwarf Arya had remembered originally meeting in Farthen Dûr, banged his fist against his shield and announced, "Arya Shadeslayer to see you, my Lady!"

"Let her in," came Nasuada's voice. Arya opened the door and regally strode into the room. Nasuada was sitting on the throne, as usual, flanked by King Orrin and Jörmundur. Eragon was next to Orrin, and across from him was, surprisingly, King Grimrr Halfpaw. Arya didn't realize that the king of the werecats would be present at the Varden's meetings, but when she thought about it, he had the necessity, like Orrin as the king of Surda or herself as the Ambassador to the Elves, to be at the council meetings. Further on, lower members of the council sat in their respective seats.

Arya took her seat next to Eragon as Nasuada began speaking. "Yesterday, when Eragon and Arya found the last dragon egg in the woods east of Belatona, we were told that he would hatch for Arya. However, we were surprised when the egg hatched last night. Arya, if you would please show the room your dragon?"

Arya dropped the spell that veiled her dragon, and a collective gasp echoed through the room. The only one who didn't react in any way, besides Eragon and Nasuada, was Grimmr Halfpaw. Immediately, a clamor of voices struggled to make themselves heard.

"Why wasn't I notified?" asked King Orrin.

"Why did Saphira roar last night? Because the egg hatched?" questioned Jörmundur.

"Who gave us the egg?" asked one of Nasuada's generals.

Nasuada raised her hand, and everything stilled. "One at a time," she admonished. "King Orrin, you were not notified because it happened in the middle of the night last night. We could not make it to you in time. Jörmundur, Hadrian, I believe Eragon Shadeslayer can best answer your questions."

Eragon stood up. "Thank you, my Lady. Yes, Jörmundur, Saphira roared because she was excited at the prospect of the egg hatching. Hadrian, the egg was given to us by none other than Murtagh," he said. At the man's enraged oath Eragon held up a hand, silencing him. "Yes, I realize that most of you believe Murtagh is a blasted traitor, but you must understand the fact that he is not willingly controlled by Galbatorix, and is doing the best he can to help the Varden. Think of him as the ultimate spy. He listens to his 'master's' orders, but behind the scene he is aiding the Varden's efforts."

The entire room grew silent, trying to comprehend what Eragon had said. Arya was impressed at Eragon's logic and cool demeanor. The silence was broken by Nasuada, who turned to Arya and said, "I believe it is time to announce to the entire Varden that we have another Dragon Rider to assist us against Galbatorix. Arya, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to submit you and the dragon to public scrutiny. By the way, does he have a name yet?"

"No, he doesn't," Arya replied. "Dragons choose their name out of a list that their Riders give them when they are old enough to grasp spoken language. Your apology is not necessary. While I do value my privacy, and that includes the privacy of my dragon, I understand the necessity of showing him to the rest of the Varden."

"Good," Nasuada said. "I have sent messengers to all of the Varden, telling them to meet around the keep in an hour's time."

It took less than that. Half an hour later, Arya was standing on a makeshift balcony behind Nasuada and next to Eragon. As Nasuada was speaking, Eragon turned to Arya and said, "Welcome to the life of a Dragon Rider. This is one of the drawbacks. You will be subjected to requests for pity jobs. People will look for you and try to become friends, or even try to ask for your hand in marriage, in order to try to gain your power. I realize that you are somewhat used to it, but believe me, it will be worse now that you are a Rider."

"I understand that, Era–master," Arya quickly corrected. The corner of Eragon's mouth twitched up in a small smile, and he turned back to Nasuada to hear her say, "Our newest Dragon Rider, the elven ambassador, Arya Shadeslayer!"

Arya stood up and looked into the applauding masses. She glanced down at the dragon hatchling standing alert beside her, then waited for the noise to die. Finally, she was able to put together some words saying she would fight for the Varden and walked back to her seat to another deafening cheer. Eragon gave her a reassuring smile and said, "I remember when I had to address the Varden as a whole. I was so nervous Saphira said that Galbatorix could defeat me just by asking me to make a speech to his troops!" Arya laughed, and Eragon's smile widened.

When she finally left the keep, she was instantly hounded by requests for menial jobs, as Eragon said she would. However, Arya was able to escape the people of the Varden and found sanctuary in her tent. She stayed in there as much as she could, avoiding the throng of people that seemed to surround her tent at all times of the day. It was only at night, when she slept, that the people left her alone.

A week passed by, and Arya realized that the nights were getting colder, signifying the true force of the winter that was approaching fast. Her dragon grew a couple of feet in length and was up to her knee in height. Arya was able to send mental pictures to the hatchling along with words, trying to teach the dragon. However, he only reacted to herself, Saphira, and Eragon. When he saw Arya, he immediately sent her a feeling of love and happiness. When he was shown Saphira, he reacted with waves of awe and amazement. When he saw Eragon, however, Arya felt something that she couldn't exactly place. He seemed to be confused at what she was showing him.

Arya woke up one morning to a messenger boy outside her tent. She realized it was Jarsha and she let him in. He said, "Lady Nasuada requests your presence at a meeting, Shadeslayer," and then abruptly left. Arya made her way to the keep and was admitted by the Nighthawks, expecting another council meeting. She was not disappointed. Throughout the entire meeting, she stayed quiet and listened to the men bicker over needless matters.

Then, the tone of the meeting changed. Nasuada began to speak about the upcoming winter. "There are enough supplies in Feinster for the Varden who remained behind as well as the citizens of Feinster to last throughout the winter, unless there are unforeseen problems. However, Belatona is in poor condition. We are still two weeks short on provisions, and that's without counting the civilians. Any suggestions?"

The room remained silent until Eragon finally said, "There are two sources of fresh meat within a close distance. One is Lake Leona. We can keep a part of the surface of the lake from freezing, and we will have fresh water and the ability to fish."

"And what is the other?" asked King Orrin.

Eragon shrugged. "The Spine."

A low murmur ran through the room. Even Arya was surprised that Eragon would suggest that, knowing that the humans believed the Spine was cursed. Nasuada finally said, "Do you believe we can hunt in there?"

"I hunted in there for five years when I lived with my uncle Garrow, and Roran led the village of Carvahall through the entire range. It is safe as long as you don't take any unnecessary risks," Eragon said.

"Well, we might end up with enough food after all. Thank you, Eragon, for your suggestion," Nasuada said. "Meeting dismissed."

And there's the end of Chapter 14. Like I said, it's a filler chapter, and it only describes Arya revealing the dragon to the Varden, as well as what the Varden will be dealing with while they stay in Belatona and Feinster (SPOILER ALERT! Do I sense that the main characters are going to leave the Varden?). I loved the part with Angela. It just seemed right that she would know ahead of time about the hatchling. Also, 100 virtual extra credit points to the first person who figures out the historical person who shared the name of Nasuada's general. I actually wrote most of this Friday night to post on Saturday, but with school starting and the virus on my computer I ended up posting this a day late. Sorry about that. Anyway, Chapter 15 will be back in Eragon's POV, and I think there will be a major plot event that is introduced, one that will take about 10 chapters to develop and complete. Stay tuned until later this week, probably Friday or Saturday, for the next update.

Rock on!