AUTHORS NOTE: Ok so people if you haven't realized by reading my stories by now I love merman Dean and disabled Dean stories. Am I weird? Everyone is weird people, there is no such thing as normal. So I hope you guys enjoy this story, I know I told you guys I would be waiting till I finished Captured to get a new merman Dean story up but I decided to give you guys a little bit of a start so the idea can grow on you. ENJOY!


P.S. This chapter is dedicated to Fhyre. because of her help. I gave her several different merman Dean ideas (which will all most likely be written sometime in da future) and thought this one was a very interesting idea. She also helped me with a little bit of the pagan god info. THANK YOU FHYRE! YOU RULE!

P.S.S. I don't usually write John's Pov in my stories but I decided to have this chapter be through his eyes. Forgive me for any weirdness with the writing of this people!

Chapter 1. Merman. Johns Pov.

"Are you sure there is a pagan god here?" Sam asks while looking around at the different circus tents and exhibits, cringing slightly when he spots a clown.

"It has to be, the deaths are too evenly spaced and the way they're being killed seems like it's part of a ritual or something." He looks me in the eye and nods. He starts to walk forward and I follow him, looking out for anything out of the ordinary.

It's been four months since Sam left Stanford and things have been tense. I remember him calling me in the middle of the night from the hospital and I cant stop feeling guilty; him and his girlfriend were sleeping when the fire started and by the time the fire department showed up to help them Sam was carrying Jessica's burnt body out of the apartment. They were taken to the hospital and three hours later Jess died; Sams shattered voice over the phone broke my heart as he called me for comfort. I drove there straight through the night to be with my son, and once his burns healed we began hunting. All the hunts were simple salt and burns and now is our first difficult hunt as a family again.

"So we're going to watch the show?" Sam asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I thought that would be a good way to get an idea on what we could be dealing with." I explain and he nods.

As we walk towards the central tent I look closely at the circus performers. I look into their eyes and most of them have that fake enthusiasm for the customers but some of them show something unreadable. In my day I've had hunts that involved circus before and none of the people ever looked like this; they're afraid of something.

"Keep your eyes open Sam." I order as we walk into the crowded tent, pointing towards at the first row of bleachers. Just as we sit down a raggedy old man with a top hat and a cane walks out from the back curtain, a microphone in his hand.

"LADIES AND GENTLMENT, WELCOME!" the audience goes wild for a moment before becoming dead silent. "Now that I have your attention I'd like to thank you all for coming here tonight and I hope you enjoy the performances tonight. Now…" he pauses, "LET'S START THE SHOW!" The crowd erupts as performers back flip out from the back curtain and to the center of the floor.

Tumblers, bearded ladies, heavy weight lifters, clowns, tight rope walkers, elephant riders, fire breathers, knife throwers, lion tamers and dancing bears: most of the performers have game faces of pure joy, but a few of them have the same unreadable expression like the people outside. I make a list in my head of all the performers I could try to get information from; the ones with the off expressions might be more willing to help us then the others.

The last performers take a bow and run out of the tent. A moment later the same old man walks back out but this time is followed by men pushing a large covered box that looks to be about twenty five feet wide and fifteen feet deep to the center of the room.

"Now ladies and gentlemen the moment you have all been waiting for has arrived!" he walks over to the box and taps it. "I promise you all that what you are about to see isn't fake or an illusion, what I have behind this curtain is one hundred percent real." Four of the men climb up ladders that were placed round the box with hoops in their hands. The old man takes hold of the green cloth covering the box and smiles.

"May I present to you the one, the only, TRITON!" He pulls the fabric away from the box and I can barely contain my gasp at what I see.

The box is a tank filled practically to the very top with water and laying on its side is a merman, shifting the fin of his tail back and forth as he looks out into the audience with a look of innocence on his face. His tail is a metallic greenish gold color and as the sunlight hits it you can see blue and pink on the sides.

"Dad is that…?" Sam whisperers in my ear, but stops as the merman starts to swim around.

"Yeah son, it is."

Merpeople are an extremely mysterious race; hunters know practically nothing about them and they are hardly seen. The only reason hunters know they exist is because they hate demons and twice in the last two hundred years a mermaid teamed up with a hunter to stop a demon from causing havoc.

The merman jumps out of the water and soars through one of the hoops; diving deep into the water, turning, and using his muscular tail to propel him back out of the water and through another hoop. The cheering of the crowd doubles as he glides through two hoops in a row. He continues to jump through the hoops for a few more minutes before swimming to the edge of the tank, pulling himself up and sitting down, his tail facing the audience. He smiles out into the audience and beats his tail along the outside of the tank. As he waves to the cheering audience his gaze comes onto us and his eyes widen slightly in recognition. He holds eye contact with me for awhile before jerking his head behind him slightly; he then looks to Sam for a brief moment before falling back into the water and floating down to the bottom of the tank.

"Dad, what was that?" Sam asks, as the tank gets pushed back out through the curtain. "Have you meet him before?" I turn to look at Sam, leaning forward slightly so our conversation cant be overheard.

"In legends it had been said that merpeople can read minds." I whisper, hearing the announcer thanking everyone again for coming and to enjoy the rest of the circus.

"So you're saying that he knew we were hunters?" I stand up from my seat and walk out of the tent, Sam quickly following behind me.

"Son, I think we found someone who will tell us what's going on around here."

END OF CHAPTER 1! So what did you think? Like it? hate it? let me know!

Sorry if it's poorly written or there are a shit ton of mistakes but it's 3:30 AM here and I wanna sleep people. Thanks for reading and please let me know if you want me to continue this!