Chapter 1: Kisses on the Train

After hugging mother goodbye and boarding the train, I soon found myself being pulled into a compartment. Instead of it being a suspected Ravenclaw friend, I was turning to look at identical red-headed, freckle-faced, twinkling brown-eyed fifth year Gryffindors. A frown appeared on my face as I looked at the Weasley twins, who everyone at Hogwarts of knew well.

Though few could ever tell them apart, it was easy for me to quickly decipher that it was George that held my arm. I pulled it out of his grip quickly and crossed my arms. "What is it?"

They smiled together, a habit I'd found annoying after watching these two from afar during my first three years at Hogwarts.

"Oh, just the usual game." Fred said.

My eyes must have lite up like Christmas, for they both laughed. You see, these trouble-making twins had learned only weeks upon my arrival to Hogwarts, them being Second Years at the time, that it was very easy for me to tell them apart, unlike all the others who'd tried, even their own mother apparently.

The twins soon turned my identifying skills into a game, one where I usually ended up walking away with a bag of my favorite sweets. Of course, they always had their own end if I were to loose. Usually homework or some measly task, like fetching something odd and peculiar for them that they didn't want to have their names connected to, if I were ever caught.

Of course, they'd have to have beaten me to get me to do anything. I was typically the proud victor in this game.

"What are the stakes this time?" I asked, relaxing.

"Chocolate Frogs." They chimed, grinning.

"And if you win?" I asked, stressing on the 'if'.

"A kiss." George said, Fred adding, "each."

I felt myself flush as they smiled at me. Oh they were getting smart, the prats. For a moment my mind asked, 'Now it wouldn't be so bad to lose this time.' I shook my head, dismissing the thought with a scowl.

"Now you two are just being teases." I said, hands resting on my hips. "That or you're getting desperate for some snogging. I mean really, a kiss? And here I was hoping you'd grown up a bit over the summer."

"Us? Grow up?" George asked as they laughed. "Never!"

I rolled my eyes, still frowning at them. "Oh whatever." I looked at the other twin. "Hello Fred."

Her grinned, looking almost ecstatic. "Afraid not Alexis."

My frown deepened. "What do you mean?"

They laughed, pulled out their wands, and tapped their foreheads with the tip of their wands. I blinked as they shimmered like a star each and suddenly I gasped. The little details I had picked up to tell them apart changed and soon they had practically been switched.

"You prats used magic? Oh I should have known!" I scowled at them, depressed that I wouldn't be getting those Chocolate Frogs, but for the most part I was angry that I'd have to kiss them.

The one I'd thought to have been George, now Fred, chuckled and reached behind me to close the blinds on the windows and doors so passer-byes wouldn't see them. The action made me blush.

"W-What sort of kiss?" I asked, hoping they weren't looking for a full on snogging.

"Don't worry Lexi," Fred said, still close to me, "it doesn't have to be more than 10 seconds."

I let a sigh escape me, then glared at him. "…When did you get so bloody tall?"

They chuckled as Fred leaned down a bit so he was closer to me. "We're boys, what do you expect?"

I blushed again and pushed him away. "No you don't, I choose who I have to kiss first."

He pouted, but George smiled softly. "Oh? Don't tell us this will be your first kiss?"

My blush darkened and I glared at him, causing his smile to grow. "You two are just nefarious!"

They grinned, George speaking next, "Oh come now Alexis, don't go Ravenclaw on us with your confusing words. The sooner you kiss us, the sooner you can get out of here and enjoy the rest of the train ride."

I made a mental note that Fred seemed to enjoy nicknames while George just used my full name. "Fine…let me think." I looked between the two, quickly weighing what I liked and didn't like about each twin. Sure they were pretty much the same in appearance, but like their identical looks that had some small differences, they also had some tiny differences in personality. In truth, I could easily choose them apart both ways, and that simply been from watching the two over the past three years at Hogwarts.

No, I wasn't obsessed. Just…fascinated. To me, they were almost like test subjects that I watched grow and had eventually made it part of my routine to watch what tricks and pranks and other misdeeds the twins got themselves into. Besides, I always got a good laugh out of it, especially when things went wrong.

"Alright, I've made my decision." I said, standing straighter as I looked at them. George had been right about this being my first kiss, and although I had limited options, I wasn't about to let them think I meant anything by it. Besides, I'd get my revenge soon enough.

"Well then?" They asked together.

I sighed, knowing they wouldn't let me live it down if I turned and escaped like a coward. So, I lifted me chin a bit, turned towards my selected twin. I grabbed the front of his shirt with both hands and pulled Fred down so I could kiss him. Damn these boys for their sudden growth spurt over the summer. Last time I'd seen them, I'd been just a bit taller. Now they nearly towered three inches over me, even though I'd grown an inch over the summer.

Later I had to admit the kiss, though short and earnest, wasn't all that bad. When I pulled away, Fred was grinning like a fool and it took all my strength not to slap him. I knew I was blushing, the heat I felt in my face told me so.

With Fred still grinning, obviously glad he'd been chosen to get my first kiss, I turned to his twin.

"My turn?" George asked, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to him, until I was nearly pressed against his chest. I blushed darker, then gave a scowl, merely tilting my face up towards his, making it so he'd have to make the first move.

He smiled at me, one that I noted seemed sincere and genuine, not at all excited and otherwise bloke-like. I gulped as he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.

My eyes closed, mind almost instantly comparing the two kisses. Where my kiss with Fred had been partly fueled with a spark of frustration, George was gentle and almost kind like. I wanted to argue that he was only doing it to make him seem like a better kisser than my twin.

He pulled away after exactly ten seconds, smiling warmly. I shook my head, clearing it, and pressed my hands against his chest, trying to get him to give me some space. I'd been left breathless, mostly due to shock, and needed to catch my breath soon. Thankfully George stepped back, then sat down to watch me, that smile still plastered on his face.

When my head was cleared I scowled at him. "Show off." I grumbled, glanced at Fred, who too was sitting. He was still grinning, though he watched George and me curiously. Apparently the aftermath of the kiss didn't his noticing of the differences between his and the one I'd shared with George.

My face scarlet, I muttered a goodbye as I turned to go. On my way to find my Ravenclaw friends, I did my best to ignore the fact that I could taste both twins on my lips still. Now I just prayed I hadn't missed the trolley, hoping to cover the taste with Cauldron Cakes and Chocolate Frogs.