Chapter 1:An Old Memory
I,along with the rest of Alpha team,got a call from Bravo call was cut short from static and screaming. Captain said they might be in trouble so, he traced the call to some old worn out mansion. Me,Jill and the Captain entered the mansion. We heard a gunshot coming from the dinning room. "I'll go." I said. "Me and Jill will keep this part secured and Wesker I'm counting on you." Chris said and gave me a half smile. "Yes sir!" I I enter the room I see a familair shadow run into the next room . I didnt have time to call out and ran after it. After me going through four doors I found a man. "Freeze!Hands up and turn torwards me!" I said,aiming my turned as told and- "Captain?What are you-" I was too scared to continue.I took a real good look around the more like a lab. Test tubes,an operating table, computers and files. Then finally I laid my eyes on the man I respected and loved for more then 13 years: Captain Redfield. I was scared but I couldnt show it or let my guard down. "Captain what are you doing here?Wheres Jill?" I asked,my gun still aimed. I locked eyes with him. I gasped. His stormy blue eyes I had come to love were now gold, crimson and cat-like. "Beautiful isnt it?" he said in a joy-filled vocie. "Captain...?" Now I was freaked. In the blink of an eye his hand was around my neck and I was pinned to a wall. I let out a pained groan.'How did he do that?'
"Oh Albert.I can do many things. All thanks to this." he waved a syringe filled with weird color liquid inside. 'The hell is it?'
"I call it the T-virius." he smiled. Then I remembered a meeting Captain Irons dragged us was talking about a new B.O.W. virius. "Very good memory. Yes the very same." he loosened his grip. I sucked in some much needed air before I spoke. "What? You can read minds now?" i spat. I was going to say sorry to him, him being my Captain but this was not my Captian. "Now,now Albert.." he tsked. "I will always be your Captain... And to answer your question, Yes among many other thing. As you've seen my speed as increased, as well as my strength and my five bad the mind reading is only for the first few months." he smiled and ran his fingers down my neck. I screwed my eyes shut and tried,but failed, to hold back a shiver and small groan. I could hear his damn smirk. I try to picture my Captain Redfield that said he loved me. The muscular,tan, 6" foot tall man with his chocolate brown slik back hair, his half smile and his ocean eyes. "Albert..." he said his vocie sounded...sad? I opened my eyes to see my old Captain's eyes looking at me. "Chistopher." i choked out and laid my head on his chest. i felt him hold me for a while then shove me away lightly. he walked away from me,back to the center of the room. "Leave now. Go find Jill." i was going to say something but thought twice about it and ran out. Running down the hall,trying to find Jill, I thought about what happened. I ran my hand through my already messed up blonde hair. What happened to him? Its clear he was working with bio-terroist. But why? Why would he turn against S.T.A.R.S? Against me? i ran into Jill. "Jill!You ok?What happened?" I asked worried. "I dont know!I was knocked out and when I woke up the Captain was gone! But no time we have to go!" she said. "Theres a bomb!" She pulled me out the manison. 'Captian!' The second we were out the manison it expoled. I grabbed Jill and covered her. I quickly turned around and looked at the now burned down manison. 'N-no! Chris!' Then I looked up to see a helicopter. I saw him hanging out the 'copter. His smile was dangerous. Right then and there I knew for a fact that my Captain was dead and I'll kill the bastard who took him away. I fliped him off and sneered. He smiled and flew off.

"Ahhh!" I jumped up from my bed. I looked around the dark was just a dream. 'God not again...' I sat up and put my head in my hands. I lifted my head to look at my right hand at the small ring he had given me for our third anniversy. In total we were together for six years...six years before everything went straight to hell.