
Annabelle Williams sat at her desk in FBI Headquarters, reading her email on her computer. For the past few years she had worked for the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI in Quantico, Virginia.

"You work too hard, Belle."

Belle rolled her eyes and smiled. "I could say the same to you, Hotch." Her accent was thick through the sleepiness in her voice.

Her boss, Aaron Hotchner, stood behind her, his arms crossed and a slight grin on his face. "Seriously, though. You do too much. Most agents would be at home watching tv with their families or resting after going up against an ex-football star and tackling him to the ground. Yet here you are."

She shrugged. "You know me, Hotch. I have no family to watch tv with. They all live back in Denmark."

He rolled his eyes. "I know." he started to walk away. "That reminds me. You need to take your vacation time and visit your family. I can't remember you ever doing that since you started here."

She rolled her eyes and turned back to her computer. She had become close friends with her co-workers, yet she failed to mention some of her life to them…it would just be too complicated at this point.

I do not own "Criminal Minds" or "The Prince and Me". But I wish I did.