Some things change 11

"I can't say how sorry I am," Jayden said for the five billionth time that day. It was a weak later, and both rangers had recovered.

"Yes, you did," Emily smiled at him, "five hours ago. I get it, it's okay."

Jayden trained as she spared. They'd agreed that it wasn't over, nowhere near, but he felt so guilty. He'd hurt her bad, and she was too cute and innocent…He wanted to make it up to her. But how?

"Hey, Em?" the idea hit him like a slap in the face, "meet me outside tonight in the garden. Tonight it's you and me at a special place."

Blushing, Emily nodded and whacked her battle dummy. That night, the Yellow Ranger stood in the garden, ready for a night on the town. She was wearing a lavender dress with a fancy yellow coat. Her red and yellow heart necklace was on, and her nails were trimmed and glowing red. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail, and her smile was beautiful.

"Ready to go?" Jayden asked her, coming beside her with a red shirt, black pants, brown dressy shoes, and his hair all smooth.

"Sure," she looped her arm through his, and two walked. Jayden led her to the lake, where the two bobbed in the middle of the moonlight lake. (In a boat, of course.)

"This is nice," Emily smiled, biting out of PB and J Jay had made her.

"I was hoping you'd say that," Jayden smiled, "and now…" He pulled out a violin and started play it. Smiling, the Yellow Ranger sang a song as he played.

Boyfriend in front of me,

My heart is singing.

Though this fancy dinner was just a sandwhich,

I loved it so-o…

He's playing an instrument,

I didn't know he played.

Guess we're both surprising,

So much in love.

Now as the music ends,

I wonder one thing.

Maybe he'll catch on…

He stopped playing, and she sang softly, "Just kiss me." He smiled, and they kissed with passion.

"I know you are sorry," she took his hands, "and I still love you. I always have. And I always will."

"I know you were afraid," he smiled weakly, "but you were brave. That is the true spirit of a Samurai. And Emily…I love you too."

The two cuddled together. Sadly, they forgot they were in a boat. The two ended up taking a swim.

When they returned home, half way dry, Emily kissed him again, him kissing back just as lovingly. Her hazels then fell on the promise ring on her finger.

Her heart was so in love. And someday they'd get married and have kids.

Nothing ever stayed the same.

Everything always changed.

Author Note: Well, I hope yall' loved it! And until I write again..ahem…

Authors Together…

I'll let you guys finish it in the reivews! :D