Claire's POV

I couldn't believe what I was stuck between as I watched Shane and Myrnin arguing in the lab about me... again. I had been working and Myrnin wouldn't let me leave before the sun went down. He kept insisting that I had to obey him. Next thing I know, Shane, Eve and Michael walk into the lab, all of them looking pissed. Shane had come straight to me. "Claire, you're supposed to get home before the sun sets, I was worried about you."

"I'm sorry but-" Myrnin cut me off and interrupted, snapping at Shane.

"She is supposed to leave when I tell her to. She is mine so she does as I say."

And of course Shane wasn't having any of that. "Excuse me? Claire doesn't belong to anybody!"

I heard Eve muttered to Michael in the corner. "But in Shane's mind Claire belongs to him." She laughed a little before I gave her a not now look.

Then the argument continued. "She works for me, meaning she is mine!"

"I'm her freaking boyfriend and even I don't treat her like property and I have more right to than you!"

"Ha! Probably because you're a lousy boyfriend."

I didn't like where this was going. Apparently, neither did Shane.

"Oh yeah, you would know a hell of a lot about that wouldn't you leech."

Shane really shouldn't have said that and I knew I should try to intervene. Without thinking I jumped between them and held my hands out to stop them. "Guys, this is just stupid. Just stop Ok!"

I realised the last thing I should have done is get in the way because in that moment Myrnin grabbed hold of me and spun me around to face Shane, his mouth was too close to my neck for comfort. Eve screamed as she watched and Michael came forward to get involved. Shane looked ready for murder. "Hey! Get your bloodsucker teeth away from her neck!"

Myrnin replied menacingly as he hissed in my ear, still getting closer to my veins as he stared at Shane. "Oh I will teach you a little something about bloodsuckers boy. How about I make this a little more practical and show you how dear little Claire would be as one."

"No! Don't you dare touch her!" Now Shane looked really scared for me. "Let her go!"

"Say please."

"Please alright just let her go."

"Well since you put it that way... no."

Before I could say a word I felt searing pain in my neck and started screaming. In the same second Shane came running forward to help me but when he came in touching distance Myrnin threw me to the floor and grabbed Shane instead.

Eve came over to me and hugged me while Michael moved to face Myrnin. "That is enough Myrnin! This is just one step too far."

Myrnin paid no attention to him though, he just spoke directly to Shane with a grin n his face. "Ah, just as I thought. The knight in shining armour comes to rescue the damsel in distress. Well trust me, she isn't the one in need of rescuing."

"Get of me you psycho!"

"You see, as interesting a vampire Claire would be, the idea of you being the one thing you hate is just too hard to resist. So I will settle with you."

All I could do was scream as Myrnin bit down on Shane's neck. Shane fought to get free at first but the surprise attack had dealt him a severe disadvantage. Michael of course flashed across the room and tried to fight Myrnin off but the amount of blood he had taken from me and Shane had given him a major boost in strength. He just threw Michael back and into the wall, almost knocking him out.

When I averted my eyes from a dazed Michael I found Myrnin had stopped drinking from Shane and was now holding him up as he watched us. I could tell Shane was only half conscious... or half dead. Then, to my complete horror, before I could get there to stop him, or Michael could get himself together enough to help, Myrnin bit is own wrist and as the blood flowed he forced it to Shane's mouth.

That was the moment I lost my temper. I ran to a cupboard and grabbed a crossbow I had been playing around with earlier. It was already loaded with a silver arrow, which was lucky because I had no idea how you loaded them anyway. Turning towards Myrnin I knew I didn't have long at all and I took a blind shot at him. Incredibly, I watched the arrow whistled threw the air, fly under Shane's limp arm and hit Myrnin straight in the chest.

He dropped Shane to the floor and stumbled back a few steps before murmuring. "Not again." Then he fell face down on the floor. From then on I didn't care less whether I killed him or not, my focus was on Shane as I ran over to him.

Shane had also fallen face down and I rolled him over on his back just hoping he was alive. Michael and Eve soon joined me, I was surprised to see both of them crying. Shane wouldn't move and I honestly believed he was dead. I sobbed helplessly into his chest. "Shane, please wake up. Don't leave me I'm begging you."

I screamed in panic when Shane's body starting fitting violently. I looked at Michael wide eyed. "Michael what's happening?"

"He-he's changing."

"What are you talking about?"

"He's becoming a vampire Claire. Myrnin changed him."

"But he can't. It will destroy him." I was crying almost as violently as Shane was fitting.

"I know Claire I'm so sorry."

Understanding that there's was nothing that could be done and that in this moment in time Shane needed my support more than ever before I leaned forward on my knees and put my hands on his shoulders, trying to hold him still.

I couldn't keep him down but he stopped soon enough anyway. Once he had fallen still I leaned further over to peer down at his face. I jumped back on yelped when his eyes sprang open and he gasped in breath. His eyes were already blood red. Straight away he turned to look at me. He looked so sad at first it broke my heart. But then he took a breath in and started snarling at me. He suddenly became a blur and before I could react he had me pinned to the far wall. I flinched away as his fangs came down, it was so weird and scary seeing him this way.

Michael was there soon enough with his hand on Shane's shoulder, trying to make him see sense. "Shane, look at who it is. Look who you're about to hurt, please."

It didn't seem like he noticed Michael's presence, his eyes never left mine. As Shane bent his head lower towards my neck I slammed my eyes shut, ready for him to bite me. I was so shocked when I found him hugging me instead. He had wrapped his arms around my waist and was crying into my shoulder. I sighed in relief, he had come to his senses right at the last minute. Like cradling a child I put my arms around his neck and whispered in his ear. "Ssshhh, it's Ok. You're going to be fine."

He cried for quite a while and it was probably the most emotional moment for all four of us. Michael finally put his hand on my arm and said softly. "We should go. I have a feeling Amelie will be here soon."

I just nodded to him before taking Shane's hand to try and get him to move. "C'mon, we have to go Shane."

He wouldn't look at me, he just murmured what sounded like an Ok. Michael took Eve's hand and we left the lab in silence, heading to Michael's car. Once there, me and Shane got in the back but just as Eve and Michael were about to get in the front Michael's phone rang. The two of them stayed outside to answer the call, leaving Shane and me alone. Still he kept his head down and some distance away from me. I moved over and out my hand on his. He flinched away from me and it hurt me for a second until the circumstances made me understand it wasn't his fault.

I scooted over to sit closer to him and again he tried to move away. "Hey, what's wrong?"

He stared out the window as he replied. "Nothing, I just don't want to hurt you."

I felt saddened by his words so I put my hand on his cheek and turned his head to look him in the eye. "You won't, you controlled yourself in there didn't you?"

"Barely, I was so close to- well you know."

"But you didn't. That's what matters." Carefully I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. When I pulled away I looked back in his eyes again. I realised that the kiss had been pushing it at such an early stage as I watched his brown eyes slowly change to red again. He didn't make any move to attack though, he just turned away again, not wanting me to see how he'd had changed. But I didn't care, he was still exactly the same Shane as he was before. I placed my hand on his cheek again and made him look at me. "Hey, don't hide yourself from me. Never hide yourself."