Can only apologize, I don't even know how long it has been but I know it's been a while! I am going to finish this story it might take years lol but it will get finished! Thank you to anyone still interested, I will update sooner rather than later hopefully! Enjoy :)

"This is so surreal."

"Quinn please, you look like you're about to have an aneurysm. It's just my old room."

I snapped my mouth shut after realizing it had been hanging open and smiled down at Rachel who was perched on the edge of her neatly made up bed.

"I just..I never thought I'd be here."

I sat down next to Rachel, still slightly bewildered. I watched her look around, a sad sort of contemplative look on her face. I began to gently kiss her neck, Rachel giggled - it was so carefree and coming from Rachel it sent my heart soaring.

"I don't think my Dads would be best pleased with that sort of behaviour Ms. Fabray."

"Ms. Fabray?"

I cocked my eyebrow playfully,

"Is that some kind of invitation to a teacher/student roleplay? Do you still have any of those old skirts here by any chance?"

Rachel rolled her eyes and pushed me backwards onto the bed laughing,

"Hey! We'll have none of that, you said yourself your Dads wouldn't be happy walking in on this."

"Shut up.."

Rachel mumbled in reply. Before I had the chance to reply or even be surprised by Rachel's sudden burst of confidence, she'd captured my lips in a fiery kiss. For a few moments I couldn't even remember my own name, she straddled my hips and deepened the kiss, her tongue brushed my bottom lip and I felt a familiar heat coursing through my body. I grasped at the material of Rachel's shirt, stupid thing was in the way. I ran my hands across the expanse of skin on her lower back. Rachel pulled back only to trail her tongue slowly down my neck, biting down into the sensitive skin when I dug my nails into her back, pleading for more. Rachel's dark eyes met mine, her hair was in disarray and her smile was warm and loving.

"I love you."

I whispered before I could stop myself. As soon as the words had left my mouth and hung in the air between us I began to panic. What an idiot. I hadn't meant to say it, not now. I saw Rachel's eyes widen, her hands suddenly still at my sides. Shit.

"Oh my God. Rachel I'm so sorry, please just pretend I never said anything."

I could feel heat rising from my neck to my cheeks as I squeezed my eyes shut, my hands were clammy and clenched. What an idiot. I wanted this to be special for Rachel, she deserved more. The seconds felt like days, I was frozen in a state of shock. I felt Rachel's hand gently brushing against my cheek, I opened my eyes slowly - fearing what I might see. Rachel's gaze was soft, she was smiling. I let out the breath I didn't know I'd been holding, at least I hadn't totally scared her off.

"You don't have to say anything honestly, I'm sorry."

I mumbled. I had meant what I said. I had never meant anything more, but I hadn't meant to just blurt it out like that. We were so fragile.

"Quinn, please don't apologize."

Rachel whispered, she leant down slowly and kissed me softly.

"I know but I am sorr-"

my text alert was loud and cutting, disrupting the tension or whatever it was I'd created with my sudden love confession. I had never been more thankful for an interruption before.

I grabbed my phone from the bedside table, careful not to move too much so Rachel didn't feel like she had to give me more room. Which she most definitely did not.

Britt wants you and Rachel to meet us at the park. We have news apparently? Whatever, just take a break from Berry and meet us at the park, S

"San and Britt want us to meet them, they have news."

Rachel grinned widely, clearly excited. I couldn't help but smile back, all the while occupying my head with whatever this news could be to help try to distract myself from what had just happened.

Sorry it's so short, I wanted to put something out there though, thanks again for reading!