Casual Outing

*All elements of Mystere and Kooza belong to Cirque Du Soleil. All elements of Las Vegas belong to the State of Nevada.

Moha sighed as he waited in his room.

Yeah…he HATED waiting…but still, it helped to practice patience, even though Moha liked moving or fiddling to pass the time…

Yet he wasn't usually out of costume either…for this particular get-together he was awaiting, he was wearing a white button up shirt with a Magenta sweater-jacket pulled over it, along with blue jeans and sneakers.

Today wasn't exactly a work day, since that night was a black out night (meaning no show), but this little "Outing" wasn't exactly for pleasure…

Looking out the window to the gold and scarlet Bataclan tower in the middle of his realm reminded him of the new balance that he had to discuss with a certain SOMEONE

Moha sighed again, for the UMP-TEENTH time as he awaited his "Date's" arrival…if he could even call this a date…

"Why so down?"

A certain voice behind him reminded him of who he'd been waiting to see…he turned around…

The Trickster of Kooza had changed out of his eye-catching vertical-striped suit and hat, exposing his fiery red hair. He was now wearing a white shirt with a red and purple vest, navy blue pants and formal black dress shoes. He smiled at Moha comfortably as he leaned against the wall.

"GEEZ what TOOK you so long?" Moha huffed, arms folded defensively in front of himself…deep down however, he was actually a touch flattered that Trickster would dress down for him…after all, in terms of going out in public, Moha had told Trickster his negative mis-adventures of going out in his costume verses dressing down…

Not to mention Trickster dressed GOOD-wait…DID HE JUST THINK THAT?

Trickster chuckled, "Sorry about making you wait…you DID say to dress casual…" He practically ghosted forward and stood against the wall next to Moha, "So, shall we head out?"

"Yes, lets," Moha sighed as they walked out of the theater…this casual "Date" wasn't for pleasure OR business per say…Moha and trickster knew they'd had a…SHAKY partnership during their time together…with no certain measurement to Kooza's extended stay, Narrator and Trickster agreed that they should just talk…OUTSIDE the theater, somewhere new and different and relaxed…somewhere with A LOT of fresh air…

Trickster had also mentioned he'd never seen the streets of Vegas with the guidance of a certain SOMEONE who'd lived there for YEARS…NOT. SO. SUBTLY.

Both men walked out of the Treasure Island resort, passed the casino machines and tourists and gamblers, they ran into a CROWD of tourists outside a stage in the shape of a pirate ship, woman dancing and singing up a storm...LITERALLY, apparently…

"Ah, so THIS is that sirens show all these mortals like," Trickster telepathically spoke to Moha-Samedi's mind, to avoid screaming over the crowd. Moha had gotten used to it.

"Bah, don't pay any attention to it…it's probably the CHEESIEST female-dance show in Vegas…" Moha telepathically responded…

"Why? Because it's for any of the public that just happens to walk by?"

"WORSE…" Moha moaned as they happened to hear one of the male pirates shout to the crowd…


Trickster's eyes widened, his jaw nearly dropping off his skull at the line just shouted…THAT was the storyline? Woman and their CLOTHES having their ship bombed-? Moha sighed, finger's pressing against the bridge of his nose, clearly distressed at how far this city had fallen when it came to public entertainment…Trickster blinked the disgust at the cheesiness away as he guided Moha away through the crowd to continue their chat elsewhere…

*Yeah…this actually happened to me on my second trip…my dad and I were walking by when the show was going on…as soon as I heard that line, I CRINGED…I've nothing against the show morally, the show just doesn't suite my tastes…