Chapter 1: Scar, Brother, Uncle...Father?

"Must have slipped my mind." Scar said checking out his claws after he had brought them down on the cave wall.

"Yes well, as slippery as your mind is, as the King's brother you should have been first in line!" Zazu reminded the black maned, dark furred lion before being snapped at by his jaws.

"Well I was first in line." Scar said. "Until the little hairball was born."

"That hairball is my son." Mufasa reminded his brother. "And your future king." He didn't always act like this. But when that beautiful human female who he enjoyed spending time with while she studied wildlife out here left, he was never the same and went back to the way he was before she came. Lily Mufasa thought her name was.

"Oh I should practice my curtsey." Scar sneered as he turned his back on Mufasa.

"Don't turn your back on ME Scar." Mufasa ordered.

"Oh no Mufasa, perhaps you, shouldn't turn your back on me." Scar said mysteriously.

Mufasa roared and leapt in front of him. "Is that a challenge?" He demanded.

"Temper, temper." Scar said calmly. "I wouldn't DREAM of challenging you."

"Pity, why not?" Zazu demanded.

"Well, as far as brains go I got the lion's share. But when it comes to brute, strength." He said to Zazu before turning up to his older brother. "I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool." He said as he left the two intruders on his peace at the entrance of his cave.

Scar wandered the Pride Lands. His home that almost didn't feel like home thanks to their father Ahadi who had made him an outcast the moment he was born because he "Saw a darkness in him." Damned fool. Scar thought. Didn't he realize that if he treated me as a son I wouldn't have resorted to trying to make Mufasa look like an idiot? He thought back to the stampede that got him his famous among the pride scar on his eye. How their "father" had immediately saved his older brother and left him to die. He remembered seeing Ahadi's sneer as he saved Mufasa and then did not come back for him. Enjoying watching, that is no longer my name. That is the name HE gave me. The Bastard that dared call himself my father. No father would have done what Ahadi had done. A real father would have done his best to save both his cubs. Not just the one he preferred.

Then his mind went to Lily. His sweet Lily flower. The human female that had come to research the peculiar animals of the Pride Lands that could shift into a humanoid form at will. Most just chose not too. But oh, Scar did. And they both enjoyed that particular evening. He smiled at the memory of their last night together. As they cuddled, kissed even. And then passion took over. Oh how he had hoped she could stay and be his bride, but it was not meant to be. For she was to be married soon to another human. When she left she left a hole in his heart. And he went back to being the Scar everyone knew.

He paused. A human jeep. A safari perhaps? He knew many humans not native to this country enjoyed coming on "Safari" trips to see the wild animals of Africa.

"Filthy freak." He heard a rather rotund human say to a small sack. Scar growled. He held particular hatred in his heart for cub abusers. He sniffed the air. The human stank, but the scent from the sack was familiar somehow. It smelled...OF LILY! As soon as the humans left Scar crept over to the sack and opened it with his paw. Inside was an infant. Barely as old as Simba. Perhaps a bit younger. He had a lightning bolt shaped fresh scar on his forehead. And his hair was the same as his own messy mane. He smelled the human child and widened his eyes in shock.

"She was pregnant." He said into the darkening brush. "The morning after we made love, she was...pregnant. This human. This son."

To Be Continued...

Hope you all enjoy yet another Lion King cross from me! Personally I think I did really well on this chapter.

For those of you who don't know Scar's background story, Ahadi was his and Mufasa's father. He picked Mufasa to be his heir and ignored Taka most of his childhood. One day Scar tricked Mufasa into gong to a water hole where a buffalo was hogging the water supply because there was a drought in the Pride Lands and Taka accidentally started a stampede. Ahadi immediately saved Mufasa but left Taka to die. He escaped death with a scar across his left eye but spiritually, Taka was dead. And Scar became his name by his own choosing.

I found this story and it changed my views about Scar as a character. He wouldn't have turned out this way if Ahadi had payed as much attention to him as he did Mufasa.

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Dean the Cuddly Fox