This is literally my first fanfic ever. I took up writing it to ease my impatience as I waited for other KFP fics to update, but it's actually been kind of fun. My main concern is that I'm not incredibly boring. :/

I think I've somehow been influenced by A Song of Ice and Fire because the story is told through several different characters including an OC I created who I hope hope hope can stand up to scrutiny, especially considering how well done the canon characters are. This is the first chapter in which I introduce the slightly AU setting. It takes place after Po gets shot in the factory and the Five are captured. I tried to make the setup as clear as possible without me saying anything more than that.

Hope you like.

Edit (3/17/12): Summary added, typo corrected.
Summary: The paths Shen took in the past seem only to lead deeper into darkness. But through the eyes of those who have woven themselves into his life, a new story unfolds-one leading away from old misery and guilt-that may yet bring him redemption. Slight AU. Chapter 1-After defeating Po and capturing the Furious Five in the fireworks factory, Shen makes his campaign across China, only to be hindered by a invading force from the north. Meanwhile, Po makes a slow recovery and seeks to save his friends.

Chapter 1.

Shen surveyed the windswept battlefield. The landscape of his triumph was painted in the black and red of soot and fire—colors he loved best. The sounds of final cannon shots were muffled by the thick air and the roars of leftover flames. He swayed, feeling unsteady for moment, when the Wolf Boss bounded up to his side.

"Master, are you alright?" he asked.

Shen paused to examine his surroundings once more, breathing in the scent of victory. "More than alright. I am perfect," he said with a light smirk. He looked at his lieutenant sharply. "Well? Do you have something to say? I should think you haven't come just to inquire about my health."

The wolf flinched and scratched at an ear sheepishly. "Uh, right, sorry. The barbarians are on the run. They're in chaos, sir. I've got my men chasing down the broken bits of their army."

"Excellent. Make sure to leave a few stragglers. I want them to tell their people stories of the one who brought their hoard to pathetic submission," Shen said, stretching to his fullest height.

"Yes, sir," the Wolf Boss grinned.

He turned, ready to head back to his men, when Shen added, "Tell them to hurry and clean up here. Tomorrow, we're going home." The Wolf Boss saluted before leaving Shen to his thoughts.

The lord returned to his tent and slumped in a chair, exhausted. It was true, he had won the battle, but subjugating the massive barbarian hoard had been an entirely new ordeal compared to harassing the relatively peaceful provinces into submission with large weapons. Frankly, he hadn't even expected the foreign invasion while he was making his campaign across China. The victory had been earned through a great deal of bloodshed, and the fighting had intensified to the point that Shen had been fearful of being overwhelmed. Even he had been caught in the midst of the fray several times, though his Wolf Boss had faithfully stood by his side through all of it. Shen snorted softly. He supposed one day he should thank the dog for his loyalty.

In any case, his army was rather in shambles itself, many cannons had been damaged or outright destroyed, and secretly, Shen found himself longing for Gongmen City, the closest thing he had ever had to a home. He hoped things were still in working order there, hoped that the Furious Five and the Kung Fu Council had not somehow escaped to avenge the death of their precious Dragon Warrior.

He smiled to himself at the thought. For the first time in his life, something had gone exactly the way he wanted it. The idiot panda waltzed straight into his hands, straight into the crosshairs of Shen's hidden cannon, all for the sake of finding the truth about his past. Not that Shen bothered to tell him the truth before killing him. The look on his enemy's face when he lied about the panda's parents abandoning him was almost worth his entire exile—almost. Maybe seeing the Soothsayer's reaction to her prophecy being made wrong would make up for the rest of it.

Shen sighed at the thought of exile. He had been away for thirty long years, dreaming of the day he would look across every corner of China and call it his own. For thirty long years, he had lived in smoke and heat and gunpowder and all alone. Surrounded by wolves and gorillas, yes, but despite their numbers, he had been alone nevertheless.

What do you think of me now? he thought to no one in particular. Who dares laugh at me? Who dares to whisper behind my back? Who dares scorn me now that I am the most powerful being in all of China?

The faces of his parents floated into his mind, and he hissed with annoyance. Bitterly, he muttered, "Who dares to be ashamed of me, now that I have achieved everything?"


Po was sitting on the edge of the broken porch watching the rain drip down from the rafters. Everything about this scene was so familiar now, all the memories pouring down on him with the rain. Just days ago, he had found out the truth—the real truth, not Shen's version—about how he ended up in that radish crate so long ago. He'd figured out that awesome move Master Shifu showed him too, but despite it being the coolest thing he'd ever done in his life, it didn't seem quite as monumental as the knowledge that came with it.

The Soothsayer was cooking something in her old iron pot, and Po felt his hunger interrupt his thoughts sharply. He struggled to his feet and headed inside. Here in the panda village, he was secluded from the goings on of Gongmen City.

I hope Tigress isn't going to be too mad at me for not listening to her, he thought. Things had been going downhill quickly in the fireworks factory, and when he took that shot…Po shuddered at the thought of what might have happened if that wok hadn't protected him. I'm running out of time though.

"Come and eat, Po," the Soothsayer said, holding a bowl to him. He thanked her quietly and sat down with her.

"Are you feeling a little better?" she asked.

"Pff, better, are you kidding?" Po said, trying to revive his old enthusiasm. "The Dragon Warrior is back in action!" He jumped to his feet for effect, but a sharp pain rang through his gut where the cannonball had made impact, and he sank back down, shaking the old shack. The Soothsayer pursed her lips at him, and the floor creaked in annoyance.

"You still need time to heal," she said. "If you rush to face Shen, he will not hesitate to shoot you again. And he will make sure to aim at a less…protected part of you."

"You're calling me fat aren't you? I mean, I guess it's just payback for mistaking you for a dude, but still, that seems a bit low, don't you think?" Po said, grinning.

The Soothsayer smiled, glad that he was starting to get his sense of humor back. She had been worried about him after his memories of that horrible day had returned to him, but every time she tried to talk to him, he would push her away, pretending he was just tired or hungry. In truth, the panda was almost as stubborn as Shen when it came to revealing what they were really feeling on the inside. She sighed, wondering if it had anything to do with trying to uphold some illusion of strength.

"It's just killing me to sit around like this," Po said at last. "My friends are being held hostage, and I've been sitting here for who knows how long! A true kung fu warrior would not let them wait for this long because of a little injury! I'm sorry, Miss Soothsayer, but I really don't think I can wait here any longer."

"Even with Shen away, you cannot do this alone! He would have expected someone to try and break them out. I've been getting news of what has been happening in the city, and you and I both know just how heavily guarded Gongmen Jail is right now," the Soothsayer said sternly.

"Yeah, well I know I gotta do something before they die of old age waiting for me."

"If you act rashly, old age will be the last thing they have to worry about. As long as Shen thinks you are dead, he will not feel threatened. It may sound terrible, but your friends are useful to him alive. What do you think has been keeping your Master Shifu at bay all this time?"

"But—but…Aghhh! I hate this!" Po groaned in frustration. "What do you think we should do then?"

The Soothsayer paused, thinking. "I suggest you return to the Valley of Peace…"

"What?" Po interjected. "You mean give up?"

"No, no, I mean get help. Like I said, as long as Shen has a sense of security, your friends' lives are not in danger. If you reveal yourself at all in the city, that security will vanish like smoke. This is a matter that will require great care and teamwork. I doubt you will find much help for you here."

Po rubbed his face, annoyed at the delay. He hated waiting! It was so much easier when all he and the five had to do was rush into a crowd of bandits and kick butt. But he knew the Soothsayer was right. It wasn't just dumb bandits this time. He was dealing with Lord Shen, psychotic, evil, murderous peacock warlord who had his best friends' lives in the palm of his hand.

"It's settled then. I'm leaving tonight."