
New Directions decided to go to the beach. Everyone got there stuff and drove in two cars. Kurt was sitting in the back seat of Finns truck reading Pride Prejudice and Zombies. He felt the presents of eyes on him and noticed Santanna and Blaine (who was sitting at opposite sides of him) starring at him.

"Can I help you two?" Kurt asked looking away from his book.

"Your are incredibly pale" Blaine spoke up.

"You're realizing this now?" Kurt asked.

"Oh I've known it's just never hit me till now," his boy friend answered.

"I bet if we put you in a pitch black room and shined a light on your face we could see your skull." Santanna added.

"I'm pale not translucent" Kurt said annoyed.

"Don't take it personally Kurt. I am curios thou to see what you look like with a tan." Blaine kissed Kurt on the cheek.

"I never tan Blaine I burn " The slightly taller boy informed.

"Plus I like being pale I'm Victorian sexy" Kurt added.

"Your Casper" Santanna cut in. Kurt narrowed his eyes at the Latino girl

"Sorry we all cant be naturally Tan like you and Puck, Santanna." Kurt apologized sarcastically.

"I bet you couldn't get a tan if you wanted too" Santanna snickered.

"Ill take that bet Satan" Kurt challenged.

"Your on chalky" the ex cheerio smiled.

"Why do I feel that this is going to end badly?" Blaine spoke

The Next day:

"Its barely noticeable Kurt" Blaine assured nervously. Kurt's anger was as red as his face…. arms…feat…stomach…back…. shoulders… legs… and hands.

"I will be shedding for days, ill have to double my moisturizing routine" Kurt growled.

"Kurt, sun burn goes away" Blaine smiled. He was about to put his hand on Kurt's shoulder but the taller boy recoiled.

"Don't touch me!" Kurt hissed.

"Hi Blaine how's are cherry tomato doing?" Santanna teased.

"I hate you" Kurt said to the Latino girl behind gritted teeth.

"Love you too scarlet. C'mon Blaine lets go get smoothies while the Red Queen here, takes an aloe Vera shower." Santanna said.

"Will be back in a few minutes Kurt." Blaine said as he gently kissed Kurt's cheek.

"Yah, see you in a bit Bashful" Santanna then slapped Kurt on the back.

Kurt responded with "!",

The end