Chapter 1: Day Spa

"Anakin, where are we going?" Obi-Wan Kenobi asked his former padawan, who gripped the jedi master's arm and led him along the lower levels of Coruscant.

"We're almost there, master!" The jedi knight exclaimed, walking faster with Obi-Wan still in tow.

"Anakin! Tell me where we are going this instant, or-"He was abruptly cut off when Anakin suddenly stopped in front of a small building, decorated by a large sign that read "DAY SPA".

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Obi-Wan said, backing away from the now bouncing Anakin. Anakin's grip on his master's arm became tighter, which prevented the man's escape.

"Come on, master! You could use a good spa day!"

"I said no, Anakin!" The jedi master said stubbornly. He looked at Anakin, which he realized was a bad idea. Anakin's blue eyes grew very large in a matter of seconds, and his lower lip jutted out into a pout. He knew his master's weakness. Obi-Wan sighed in defeat.

"Fine, I surrender." He said grudgingly. To his surprise, Anakin sprinted to the door of the building, with Obi-Wan holding on for dear life.

"Oh, force, what I gotten myself into?" He cried as they flew into the small day spa.

I know. That was short. They'll get longer...I hope. Read and review please!