
Haruhi sat in the room as the women walked around them, she glanced over at Tamaki as he easily wooed the females sitting around him. She felt a tug of jealousy wrapping around her and choking her easily.

She looked to the clock as it tolled loudly; silence fell upon us as the bells of the clock rang loudly through the grounds of the school.

"Alright ladies, I'm sorry but the day is done, and we must return to our homes," Tamaki said loudly, the girls all let out a sigh of disappointment.

"Aww!" they all exclaimed in unison.

Haruhi looked to the ladies sitting in front of her and smiled, "I'm sorry ladies, but rules are rules," she said as she stood up.

"Aw…okay," said several of the girls as they all stood up and walked out of the room. Haruhi looked down at the boy's uniform she wore daily. She was a girl, yes, but she preferred boy's clothing, it was much more comfortable, and she didn't care if people liked her for her gender, only if they liked her for who she was. She didn't honestly give a damn if they thought she was a guy, or if they swooned at the sight of her. She had a debt to pay, but it seemed…things were happening much more differently for her.

Granted what she had fallen into recently wasn't her way to pay them back, nor was it actually paying them back. It happened though, and the innocence she had brought with her into this school, was now lost to the tainted world of high school.

Haruhi watched the last of the girls leave before grabbing her bag. She looked over at Tamaki who winked and smiled, she felt a light blush creep over her face and she quickly looked away, smiling a little.

Tamaki walked over beside her and picked up his bag, leaning down behind her to whisper into her ear softly, "I'll see you later," he whispered, she smiled and nodded once before he walked away, she followed after awhile later.

"Bye guys!" she called behind her.

"Bye Haruhi-chan!" Hunny-senpai called ecstatically from the top of Takashi-senpai's shoulders.

Haruhi giggled as she walked out and closed the door behind her. She then hurried home quickly to change.

As she ran through her front door she found her dad standing in their kitchen area making tea. "Oh Haruhi, would you care for some tea?" he asked in his high pitched voice. Her father was a Transvestite, it was a little strange for her to witness at first, but she became used to it by now.

She shook her head, "No father, I can't I'm going to the beach with Tamaki-senpai," she explained, his eyes flashed slightly and she rolled hers and walked into her room where she dressed quickly into a light pink dress with straps, and a pair of flip flops.

She walked back out and went to the front door, "I'll be back later father," she said before taking off she walked quickly to the beach where she found Tamaki standing by the edge of the water along the slightly crowded beach. Children ran up and down the shoreline as Haruhi walked over to Tamaki who looked down at her as she placed her hand lightly on his arm.

His eyes sparkled in the afternoon sun. His button down shirt was open and his black pants were rolled up to his knees to avoid them getting wet.

Haruhi smiled and he leaned down and brushed his lips along her jaw line, she shivered and smiled a little, blushing lightly.

"I don't understand why you must wear those boy clothes," he whispered softly, Haruhi giggled and looked up at him.

"Because if I didn't, I couldn't be a host, and I couldn't repay my debt," she replied smiling.

His eyes lit up and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to him and hugged her tightly to him and his lips quickly latched onto hers and embraced her in a passionate kiss.

She inhaled sharply before falling into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck.

This was a public place, but this was the only place they could be together, to not feel like the prying eyes of the world would make their perfect times together crumble beneath them.

He pulled away slowly and sighed, looking down at the warm sand beneath them, "I have to go," he whispered, she sighed and bit her lip lightly before looking down, "I have some things I have to do today," he whispered.

She nodded, "I understand," she whispered, "I knew this wouldn't last forever, at least not today," she said almost hurt.

He touched her chin and forced her to look into his sparkling blue eyes, "Don't fret my dear, we'll always have tomorrow," he said with a small smile.

She giggled a little and nodded, "I know," she replied, "I just wish our time together didn't have to be cut so short each day," she said.

He nodded and smiled, "I agree," he said, "But maybe next time we'll get to spend more time together," he said as he let his hand drop away.

She smiled and nodded as she let her hands slide away from his shoulders and she looked up at him. He smiled and kissed her lips softly once more before walking away, he looked back at her and winked playfully, "I'll see you tomorrow," he said, she nodded and waved after him enthusiastically.

As he left she sighed and let her happy façade fall before looking back out at the sun, it was already starting to set, the day had passed by so quickly, walking along this beach, and spending their time together.

She sat down on the shore as the water lapped at the beach and engulfed her feet as the chilly air began to settle around her. She sat there for awhile, but she didn't even realize the darkness fall over her like a cape, nor did she notice the children and adults as they left.

She gasped and looked around as she snapped out of her trance-like state and jumped up and started running back home, breathing hard the whole time she ran. Her father was going to be so upset with her for being so late.

She stopped at an intersection and looked around for a moment, she noticed a couple of guys walking towards her, and she swallowed hard before running across the street and walking quickly home. She threw a quick glance over her shoulder and found those guys closing in behind her, she started walking faster, and they too quickened their pace.

She whimpered and turned a corner as a hand slapped down over her mouth and pulled her into the dark alleyway.

She gasped and tried to let out a scream as the hand disappeared from her mouth but it was quickly replaced with a gag. She fought against the muscular hands as the other two guys joined them in the alleyway and they quickly wrapped rope around her wrists and ankles, the rough texture of the rope was digging into her skin, causing a slight burn on her skin when she moved.

She felt tears streaking down her face fearfully as the guy slapped her hard in the face. Her pained cry was muffled by the gag as the guys picked her up and carried her quickly to a van at the other end of the alleyway and threw her into it.

She fought against the rope still until her mind blanked out after a painful sensation on the back of her head. At that single moment, her most frightening journey would begin…