Where is my eyes?

Where is my lip?

Why is here place,

Cold darkness here?

Part: 1 .x.X. Inseparable or separable? .X.x.

Such a lovely day it was, out in the castle of Norway. Flashes of red and black flickered through the creamy white rose's bushes, accompanied by the slight giggles of two children in glee. The elders down on their patio were not bothered by the childish noises, for they were used to the sounds the two boys emitted when they were together and in play. They were called Red and Black.

Black was the more solemn of the two, and only spoke when feeling compelled to. He usually came off aloof to the others, and looked quite uninterested with the world around him. The other, Red, was far different. Bright and bubbly, he was always engaging in conversation with the other. It didn't matter to him if Black didn't utter a single word throughout the conversation, because Red knew that his stoic companion was listening to him. However, these aren't the reason for their nicknames. Oh no.

Red was called red for his always wearing a red hooded-cloak. It went down to his knees, and sat snug around his shoulders. On his neck he wore a black choker; a present from Black for his fifth birthday. Together, the two items stood out and helped define his pale complexion, and brighten his snow white hair and ivory eyes.

Black looked similar, though not entirely. He was called black for his black hooded-cloak that hung down to his shins, like Red. It made his pale skin shine, and his own snow blonde hair and ivory eyes more defined. Though, for his own fifth birthday, Red got him a red choker for his neck. The two items did the same as they did for Red. People said that if Black hadn't looked so stoic, then maybe they could pass for siblings.

The two were childhood friends. They played together, most everyday. Usually out in the fields was where it took place. The two usually walked together, discussing topics about their parents, how their tutoring lessons were, and… love. Neither one of them really knew what it was, and they both wanted to find out. When not discussing their thoughts with each other, they were seen laughing while playing games. Ones such as tag, hide and seek, 'Catch me if you can', and 'Red, where's your bone?'.

But one day, Black was looking more sullen than usual. It puzzled Red that day when Black walked through his wooden door and into his palace, looking as though he were going to start to bawl. Red had taken Black by the hand, and together they walked to the fields. "I am leaving," Black said, upon standing in the middle of the field, his hand being held in Red's. He sounded nonchalant to anyone else, but Red could tell the pain those words. He watched as Black ducked his head down, and stared at the lush grass beneath his small feet. "But I will be back, Red. I promise, in due time."

Red was baffled, and felt as though he had been struck upside the face - and hard. "But where to, Black?" he asked, stepping forward, cupping Black's face in his gentle hands, making him look up. Black as silent, as he usually was, but Red knew in his heart that he would answer. He had too. "I don't know," Black answered painfully, after his prolonged silence. His gaze cast back downwards. "But… My mother and father told be of a flat land just south of Norway. I… don't want to go, in all honesty. There is a loud boy our age who lives down there, and I would have to be forced to stay with him and his family," his blank gaze cast back upwards suddenly, staring at Red. "But, I refuse to become friends with him, for he is loud and rude, and will never compare to you, Red."

At this, Red cracked a tiny smile, and convinced himself that things probably wouldn't change if Black left him. 'He will only be gone for a short amount of time,' Red thought. 'And in passing time, he will come back, and then we can play together again. And I will wait, no matter how much time is consumed…'

But… Years had passed since that day, and Red was so alone by himself. His mother and father were too busy for him, and Red was left to amuse himself without a single complaint. Of course, there were other friends he had, but none compared to the friendship he had with Black, and they never seemed to come around anymore.

One fine Summer's day Red was sitting underneath a shaded cherry blossom tree in his parent's rose garden. There were red roses, white roses, pink roses… They were comforting, in a way. Their smell was enticing, and gave him a feel of reassurance in his lonely state. However, Red's gaze wandered away from the beauty of the flowers, and over to the golden gate of the garden. The gate lead out into the woods, a forbidden area.

Red had never been allowed out into the forest, in fear of his safety. Wolves inhabited those forested areas, which were a large danger to rabbits such as himself. But, Red paid no mind to those facts at the moment. He was so alone, with nothing to do without Black. Maybe… He could make a better friendship than the ones he had with the other hares and rabbits he was acquainted with.

With these thoughts, Red smiled to himself, and peered over his red cloaked shoulder. There was no sign of his beautiful mother or his handsome father on the patio. He was alone, with no one to watch him but the birds who sang blissfully in the trees above his snow blonde head. Unlocking the clinch binding the golden gate, Red pushed it open with a weak shove, and rushed into the inky darkness of the forest.

A/N: Ajlfsdjfds. What is this? =w= I was just sitting around...listening to 'Child's Play' by Gothika, and BAM I WAS HIT WITH A BRICK AND A PLOT BUNNY WAS BORN INTO THE WORLD. ...And I suppose this is a way to say sorry for my mini hiatus D: *bows for forgiveness* S-so in this, Red is Finland, Black is Norway, and Wolf is Sweden, even though he isn't in this chapter yet D':

Reviews are welcomed with welcomed arms C:

P.s. This lil' thing is SuFin + one sided SuNor~ *beams*

P.s.s. Italics are lyrics from the songgg C:

P.s.s.s. For any confusion, why I say Rabbit!Finland, or Wolf!Sweden, I mean they look human, just with (in Finland or Norway's case) rabbit ears and a rabbit's tail, and in Sweden's case, I mean he has wolf ears and a wolfies tail :3