"What would be really cool is a smut scene in a tree-house while it's storming!" – kurtcoblaine290

I was given this prompt as part of my "Yay, 500 reviews for No place Like Home!" offer. It seemed quite simple, then something happened and Kurt and Blaine have a whole life and now… well I think I MIGHT want to continue this at some point… which is utterly ridiculous because I already have two fics in progress that I'm horrible at updating consistently! Please tell me what you think, especially whether it's worth continuing… I definitely have enough of an idea to make it a two shot… Let's see how you like this anyway! It's my first time writing full on penetration smut, as well as my first attempt at a Kurt and Blaine future fic… It might be bad… I have a feeling its bad… Tell me if it's bad, won't you?

Oh… I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST ZAC EFRON AND LIKE HIM QUITE A BIT! Just for story purposes he's a douche in 2032 :P (It's 2:18 in the morning and if I got my maths wrong I don't care!)

Anyhow, Thank you to kurtcoblaine290 for being THE 500th reviewer, and being kind enough to prompt this, which basically wrote itself for me which was nice :P

Review? Please?

Kurt smiled at Blaine as he took in the view from their kid's tree house. Blaine had pinned a note to the front door.

I'm in the backyard waiting for you. Blaine x

Kurt had practically thrown his portfolio and fabric samples in the door and raced around the house to let himself in the side gate, too impatient to change or run through the house. He couldn't even remember the last time he and Blaine had gotten a little alone time, and Kurt had been utterly amazed to see a trail of candles leading the way to the tree house at the back of their two story house.

It was cloudy and overcast but that merely made the candles glow that much more romantic, and Blaine had suddenly dropped out of the tree to land lightly at Kurt's feet grinning.

"Really, Blaine? Isn't this all a little High School Musical?" Kurt gave Blaine a withering, but amused stare. Blaine simply gave Kurt an embarrassed look as if he'd been caught out.

"Oh, my god," Kurt groaned, "That's where you got the idea, isn't it?"

Blaine flushed a little at his husband.

"The kids didn't believe me that Zac Efron used to be an innocent little heartthrob instead of the jumped up closet case he is now. Still can't believe he thought he could honestly rock that mullet-look and piercings," Blaine said disbelievingly, then he and Kurt both cracked up before realising that it really was more tragic than funny and placing hands over their mouths and shaking their heads.

"Speaking of the kids…" Kurt trailed off, the question implied as he traced his fingers around the sleeve of Blaine's tee shirt, clearly appreciating more than the fabric and style.

Blaine grinned at him as he slid an arm around Kurt's waist, looping his thumbs under the belt loops at the back of Kurt's tightly tailored suit pants, and, after letting his fingers wander a little lower until Kurt's eyes darkened dangerously in the way Blaine loved, pulled him closer.

"I asked Rachel if they could stay with her tonight," Blaine said deviously, "Cassidy keeps begging to go and pick her brain and visit her Tony like it's the Holy Grail, and Clark is pretty much happy wherever there's a television. Rachel will love having a chance to brag and see her "godkids", plus we get a night by ourselves for the first time in way too long. It's clearly a win-win for everyone involved, Kurt," Blaine grinned ridiculously.

Kurt felt himself shiver unconsciously as he felt that thrill of arousal spread through him. It really amazed him that he still felt this schoolboy kind of attraction to his husband. They had been together since they were sixteen for heaven's sake! All the relationship self-help books talked about 'keeping the spark alive' and how it was alright to no longer be sexually attracted to your partner and to feel more of a 'friendship' than a love for them. But Kurt had never experienced that.

Blaine just got more attractive every single day.

They had gotten married when they were twenty-three. It seemed young, but they had already been together for seven years, and everyone who knew them knew they were never going to become a statistic. Plus, Kurt had argued that their wedding photos would look better featuring them both in their absolute prime ("We're never going to look this good ever again, Blaine!"). It had been a couple of years later that they had adopted the twins, which changed their lives dramatically. Clark and Cassidy were both rambunctious and, although it was impossible, seemed to have inherited their parent's passion for music, Cassidy wanting to follow in her Aunt Rachel's footsteps and end up on Broadway, and Clark playing piano and guitar already by the age of twelve.

With Blaine himself always working on an album or going on promotions or tours, and Kurt constantly striving towards presenting his fashion line at some new show, on top of caring for their children, Kurt and Blaine never managed to spend as much time together as they liked. And generally they were too exhausted to do much but sleep when they fell into bed together at the end of the day.

So hearing that they had a child-free evening excited Kurt more than he liked to say.

"Any," Kurt gulped a little as his throat rasped, "Any special occasion?"

Blaine nodded, and Kurt felt his stomach tighten at the absolutely starved look in Blaine's eyes as he stared at him.

"You're my special occasion, Kurt," Blaine lowered his head so his lips were a breath away from Kurt's as he spoke the words, and Kurt was moaning loudly and kissing him almost before he finished speaking.

"Fuck, Kurt," Blaine mumbled against Kurt's lips, trapping his tongue and delicately nibbling on it like Kurt loved.

"Maybe we could both have a turn at that. We have got all night…" Kurt pulled away a little and grinned dirtily at Blaine, and when he looked confused, Kurt pulled him back for a kiss roughly and moaned, "Fuck, Blaine!"

Blaine giggled against Kurt's lips.

"Scissors, paper, rock to decide who bottoms first then?" Blaine chuckled and brushed his curls behind his ears. He had been convinced by Kurt to let it grow a tiny bit longer and quit gelling it down to his head, and Kurt was never happier than when he was running his fingers through Blaine's hair, as he did now.

"I don't need to;" Kurt said urgently, "Fuck me."

Blaine's eyes rolled back into his head.

"Jeez, Kurt! Do you have any idea how you sound when you talk like that, baby?" Blaine nuzzled desperately into Kurt's neck, lips and teeth and tongue latching desperately to his pulse.

"I have an idea," Kurt smirked and felt Blaine's teeth biting into his neck. "That doesn't mean you have permission to give me a hickey though, Blaine! It's summer! We have children! I'm not wearing scarves twenty-four hours a day for a week or two!"

Blaine moved quickly to the buttons on Kurt's shirt.

"Just have to find a place that doesn't show, then!" he said hungrily and kissed Kurt's newly revealed skin as he undid the top button. His fingers slipped and fumbled on the second and Kurt whined.

"Let me," he pleaded, and Blaine stood back to let him have access to the buttons, but his jaw fell open in shock and utter lust as Kurt grabbed either side of his shirt and ripped it open, buttons flying everywhere.

"Oh, God," Blaine moaned, "That was the hottest thing I've ever seen you do. Ever."

"Really?" Kurt asked with a smile, "Even that time I hid in your dressing room naked after your first show in New York?" Blaine moaned a little at the image and Kurt grinned at his sudden power over Blaine, running his fingers down Blaine's tee shirt and reaching the top button of his jeans.

"Even that time I jerked you off at that business dinner under the table and licked my fingers without anyone ever knowing?" Kurt was being purposely provocative now, but as he slo-o-o-o-owly unzipped Blaine's jeans and pulled down his boxer briefs, he was reaping the benefits of his words, almost gasping at how hard Blaine was already. It was strange how going without sex for a while always seemed to make him think he had surely imagined how beautiful Blaine's cock was. Even when he caught glimpses in the shower, he was never hard and perfect like this, and Kurt always managed to think he'd been caught up in the heat of the moment.

Blaine sucked in his breath sharply as Kurt sank to his knees and whispered his next anecdote into Blaine's dick like it was a microphone.

"Even that time in college when I tied you up and fingered myself while you sucked me off and I ended up coming all over your face?"

Kurt licked up Blaine's cock then, and Blaine actually gave a little spasm before breathing deeply and grasping the base of his cock firmly.

"Wow. This was almost over way too soon," Blaine joked shakily, "How about you don't remind me about anything else anymore? Let's just agree that you're the sexiest person in the world, and every fucking thing you do almost has me coming early!" Blaine gave a shuddering little breath as Kurt's tongue lapped up the little bead of pre-come that had managed to escape.

"Kurt." Blaine said warningly, "If you want me to fuck you, you need to stop teasing me. It's been too long for that."

Kurt groaned a little in annoyance that he couldn't play with Blaine like he liked if he wanted to feel him deep inside him anytime soon.

Kurt unbuckled his own belt and pulled off the tight dress pants leaving only his boxers. Keeping Blaine's gaze he peeled off his underwear and tossed them at him with a smile.

Blaine was tearing off his tee shirt and hopping around trying to rid himself of the jeans and briefs Kurt had left bunched at his ankles.

Kurt couldn't help but smile a bit at the look of triumph on Blaine's face as he finally freed himself from the denim.

"I love you," Kurt said softly, and Blaine came to kneel beside him.

Blaine was fiddling with something in his right hand as he pushed Kurt's chest with his left till he was lying down on the floor of the tree house.

Kurt heard a familiar little clicking noise and Blaine's well-lubricated fingers were suddenly at his entrance, circling, teasing.

"I love you too," Blaine said roughly, and without any further warning he thrust his middle finger into Kurt, relishing in the strangled whine Kurt let out as he threw his head back, exposing his neck. Blaine fought against the urge to bite and suck there and instead trailed kisses down Kurt's neck until he found a nipple and sucked hard. His finger was pumping in a steady rhythm and Kurt was already moaning.

"More, Blaine!" Kurt hissed then whimpered as Blaine removed his finger entirely.

Suddenly he slammed two back in, and Kurt gave a guttural sort of groan as his hips humped against Blaine's hand and his knees began to draw up to give him better access.

"Fuck, you're amazing," Kurt panted as Blaine stroked his insides with those talented, talented fingers.

Blaine merely moaned in response as he scissored his fingers a bit, gently stretching Kurt out, first one way, then the other. It had been a while and he didn't want his husband to feel anything but pleasure when he finally slammed into him.

"Now, Blaine!" Kurt pleaded loudly.

"I've only done two fingers, Kurt. Be patient," Blaine said softly.

Blaine kept up his rhythm. Kurt still wasn't ready for another finger yet. Or so Blaine thought.

Because suddenly Kurt was pressing two of his own fingers in beside Blaine's. His were dry and Blaine felt Kurt tense up a little at the pulling sensation and the feeling of fullness. Blaine wrapped his fingers around Kurt's, running the length of them, trying to share the lubrication. He accidently brushed against Kurt's prostate a couple of times and Kurt shuddered and whimpered each time. Blaine felt him getting looser with each accidental touch so he began to purposely stroke there.

Kurt's whimpers grew louder and suddenly his two fingers began slamming in and out of his hole next to Blaine's. Blaine looked down at Kurt's face. His eyes were closed tightly, his mouth parted slightly and his cheeks were flushed.

"I want you, Kurt," Blaine choked out, and Kurt's eyes fluttered open. He never stopped moving his fingers.

"You could have had me about ten minutes ago, Blaine! Hurry up and get inside me!"

Blaine gently pulled his fingers out of Kurt and reached for the lube. He began to rub it on his cock as he watched Kurt's fingers pump furiously inside himself.

"Blaine!" Kurt moaned, and his cock was literally throbbing. Blaine could see the tip glistening in the candlelight.

Blaine gently took hold of Kurt's wrist and pulled his fingers away. He stretched Kurt's arm up so his hand was beside his head, pausing briefly to lick his fingers then grabbed his other hand and did the same.

Blaine threaded their fingers together as he pressed firmly against Kurt's hole. He began to ease in gently but-

"Blaine, I want it hard! Come on, you're acting like it's our first time! I want you to just ram your cock…" But Kurt never got a chance to finish that sentence.

Blaine thrust into Kurt like he'd never done before. Kurt's whole body moved with the force of it, but his cry of "Blaine!" was accompanied by Kurt wrapping his legs around Blaine and rocking against him, so Blaine knew he was okay.

Blaine's thrust was accompanied by the sound of the sky being ripped apart. The storm that had been threatening to appear all day seemed to have finally arrived.

Blaine pulled back so just the tip of his cock was left inside Kurt, loving the delicious drag of Kurt's muscles squeezing around him. He paused for a few seconds, teasing Kurt, who struggled to free his arms to pull Blaine back in.

Blaine's next thrust was quick and his next was strong. He alternated going deep and shallow for a bit, brushing tantalisingly close to Kurt's prostate but knowing that as soon as he hit that spot Kurt would clench around him and he would come whether Kurt finished or not. He reached a hand down to hitch his fingers underneath Kurt's knee and drag his leg up further, changing the angle and allowing him to move a bit deeper.

Kurt was practically crying with the delicious feeling that was bursting all through him, but he couldn't have that real explosion because Blaine wasn't giving it to him. Kurt was horny and desperate and he was in the mood for quick and fast, especially knowing that they had all night to recover and go another round. Kurt reached his free hand around to Blaine's ass and began to press slowly inside.

Blaine rammed into Kurt in surprise at the welcome intrusion. Kurt had wriggled his finger all the way inside Blaine now as he pumped and thrust his way into Kurt.

"Ahhh, Kurt!" Blaine cried out as Kurt brushed his prostate gently.

"Bl-a-a-aine!" Kurt screamed out as Blaine's thrusts finally hit home.

Blaine knew that Kurt's finger rubbing his prostate furiously was his way of asking for Blaine to hurry. Blaine pulled back and slammed into Kurt's prostate again as the thunder rumbled around them. His vision became hazy as Kurt's finger gave up on stroking and rubbing, and instead pumped inside him, much like Kurt had done to himself, hitting his prostate beautifully.

Kurt timed the thrusts of his finger with Blaine's thrusts into his ass and his cock was practically dripping on his stomach.

"Not… gonna… last…" Kurt panted with each thrust. "Please, Blaine. Fuck me, baby."

Blaine forgot all about keeping a rhythm or making sure Kurt was comfortable. He was pumping his hips madly. Shallow little thrusts. Hard long thrusts. Thrusts that hit home. Thrusts that came deliciously close. They all melded into one and Kurt's finger kept pace with each of them.

"Ugh!" Kurt groaned and Blaine rammed into him.

"Kurrrt" Blaine practically purred and Kurt's hand wandered down to his aching, leaching, abandoned cock.

"Nnnnngg!" Kurt let out, biting his lip to keep from screaming as Blaine gave a series of spasmodic little thrusts.

Kurt tugged at his cock furiously and felt his vision get those delicious spots.

"I'm coming, Blaine! Come with me!" Kurt gasped out.

Blaine rammed home a few more times and Kurt's finger pressed into him firmly, twisting as Kurt found his release and screamed.

"Ohhhhhh, Fuuuuuuck me! Blaaaaaaaine!" he let out, drowned out by enormous thunderclap and downpour of rain that came then, as if it had been waiting to time itself with their release.

Kurt's cock was spurting madly and he was literally shaking as his ass clenched around Blaine. Blaine felt those muscles squeezing him and Kurt's finger still ever-present on his prostate, and watched as ropes and ropes of Kurt's come spurted over them.

Then Blaine came, exploding deep inside Kurt and feeling the tight cavity fill up with his come. He collapsed onto Kurt, trying not to crush him, but knowing that Kurt liked to feel his weight pressing into him after he came.

The rain was almost deafening in the tree house and Blaine could feel drips on his back from the old roof. Reluctantly he pulled back out of Kurt and lay beside him.

"Why don't we do this more often again?" Kurt asked lazily as he stroked Blaine's chest hair softly.

"Jobs. Kids. Life." Blaine responded, still breathing heavily.

"What time is it?" Kurt asked after a while, "I got home at seven."

"About quarter to nine," Blaine said after he checked his watch.

"And what time are the kids getting back in the morning?" Kurt asked, and Blaine noted the tiny sense of disappointment in his tone.

"Too soon," Blaine said, and traced his fingers over Kurt's lips then kissed him softly.

Review? More? No?