There was a girl walking around the city. She looks to be twenty-one, has long light purple hair that went slightly past her waist and blue-purple colored eyes. She wears a light brown pleated checkered skirt, a white sweatshirt with long dark blue sleeves that brush off her shoulders, a black singlet underneath, and a yellow pendant over her neck. She wears long thigh-high black stockings with black shoes and has a belt tied to her left leg.
Apparently, she's looking for her meal. You see, she's a vampire and her blood preference is lust. Pretty soon, she found a guy checking her out. He was practically drooling when he saw her. He was around his thirties. 'How disgusting. But his blood might be good…I can see so much lust in his eyes.' The girl thought with a smirk.

She winked at the guy and used her finger, showing him to follow her. She started to walk into an alley. She looked back and saw him following her with some nasty pleasurable smirk on his face. 'Eww.' She stopped walking when she walked into a dead end.

"Hey baby. Why don't we go to my place where we can have some more fun?" The guy said while looking up and down on her body.

'Oh god…' She turned around and smiled at him. "Sorry, love. But this place is more comfortable for me." She said.

"Whatever you say, baby."

He started to walk towards her with a disgusting smile on his face but before he could do anything to her, she hugged him. Her eyes turned blood shot red, her fangs grew out; she bit him and drank his blood.

Once she was satisfied, she stopped, let the guy go and he fell forwards. She used her sleeve to wipe the blood away. "Eh. That was okay. I tasted better." She said to herself before she put her hand face forward towards where the guy is and he began to glow into a yellow light. The light faded, meaning that the guy's memories of her are now erased. She walked out of the alley.

Once she steps out, her cell phone rang. She took out her cell phone and the caller id says that it was Anju.

She answered the phone. "Hey Anju. Is this about Karin?"

"That's right." Anju said.

"I'll go pick her up to check what's her blood taste."

"I'm counting on you, Big Sister Harumi."

"Alright. See you back home." Harumi hung up before walking away.

A while ago, she got a text from Anju saying that Karin's blood increases from a boy who goes to her school. Pretty soon, she sees Karin, a boy with a mean look, and…Ren with some girl.

'Damn it, Anju. Why didn't you say Ren was going to come too?!' Harumi thought with an angry face.

Even though, she is living with the Maaka family and gets along great with Anju, Karin, and their parents, she doesn't get along well with Ren. Even though he's the most perverted guy she ever met, she has no choice but to marry him to keep the purebred vampire blood running. Both Harumi's and Ren's parents secretly arranged a marriage with her and Ren and weren't going to tell them until they were older. Harumi decided to hide in the shadows and watch.

"Putting that aside, are leaving already? It's so lonely." The girl said while blushing.

"I feel lonely, too. I'll come flying back to you in no time. We're like two opposing magnetic forces. Nothing can keep us apart." Ren said.

"Oh, Ren…"

'Oh please…' Harumi thought with a -_- expression on her face.

Then Ren and the girl starting kissing. Harumi blushed and looked away. Both Karin and the boy both turned their backs away.

"How lucky we are to meet your older brother. I'll be going then." The boy said before he took off running.

"U-Usui?! Wait a second!" Karin called but he didn't listen.

Harumi look back at the scene and the girl was walking away.

"That's him, huh?" Ren wondered.

"Geez! Stupid brother! I'm already mixed up with some weird misunderstanding…and then you make this incredible entrance!" Karin shouted.

Harumi walking out of the shadows. "That's right. What kind of an older brother kisses in front of his little sister? Some older sibling you are." Harumi insulted.

"Big Sister Harumi!" Karin was surprised to see her too.

"Hey, Karin." Harumi waved.

Ren turned around and glared at her. Harumi glared at him back.



The two of them were like that for a few more seconds before Ren looked back at Karin. He got behind her and gave her a nuggie(sp?).
"Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow!" Karin cried out.

"What's with that attitude after I came all the way to pick you up?" Ren said. He stops and Karin held her head in pain.

"Eh? Came all the way?"

"We're here to find out what your taste in blood is." Harumi explained.

"Taste in blood…?"

"We? What you mean by we?" Ren asked as he glared at Harumi.

Harumi narrowed her eyes at him and said, "Deal with it. Anju called me to help out Karin too."

Ren sighed in frustration.

Harumi, Karin, and Ren went to a café and sat at a table. Ren sat next to Harumi, thought she didn't know why, and Karin sat across from them.

"You think I'm just some perverted monster, who'll go after any female, don't you?" Ren said.

"You're not?" Harumi and Karin wondered with their eyebrow risen up.

It was quite for a few seconds before Ren answered. "I suppose it's half-accurate." Ren answered.

"No problem then." Karin said before she took a sip of her drink.

Ren began to explain, "However, there's still the other half which concerns my taste in blood."

"Taste in blood?"

"Mother prefers the blood of liars while Pops likes the blood of proud people. Each has their own taste. In my case, it's stress."

"Oh, really…"

He took out a picture and showed it to Karin. "Here. It's an old picture of that girl you just met, Chiyuri."

Karin took the picture ad looked at it. Karin was shocked at what she just saw. "Looks like someone else."

Ren started to explain his blood of taste with Chiyuri as an example. Harumi started to tune him out, place her right elbow on the table, and rested her head on her hand while looking out the window.

"Which means that when you suck someone's blood, you also suck their stress?" Karin asked.

"Something like that."

"Hey, Big Sister Harumi."

Harumi looked at Karin and let her arm down. "What is it?" She asked with a smile.

"What's your blood taste?"



"Yeah. Anyone who has an uncontrollable desire for something. For example, if I were to drink Ren's blood, his desire for getting some action from women would disappear." Ren glared at her, but she ignored him.

"So sucking blood is actually like a good deed? I thought it was just to satisfy hunger." Karin said.

Both Harumi and Ren looked out the window and Karin did the same when they looked out.

"We vampires become attracted to those with blood that's our taste. It happens by instinct." Harumi said.

Ren looked back at Karin and leaned forward. "I didn't expect that a mutant like you whose blood increases would still have that instinct."

"Which means that…" Karin mumbled.

"Looks like he's got a strong case…of whatever type of blood your taste is…"

"U-Usui is my…type?" Ren gave her a nuggie again.

"Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow!" Karin cried out.

"Stop spouting nonsense and go find out what type of blood attracts you!"

After Ren stopped giving his sister a nuggie, the three of them walked out and started walking. "If you don't figure that out, you won't be able to cope with that brat." Ren stated.

"That's easy for you to say…" Karin said before she noticed a woman looking very unhappy. Karin felt some throbbing in her chest. She started to pant a lot.

"Is it that woman?" Harumi asked. Karin nodded.

"Something about her doesn't look right."

The train came by and the woman lean in like she was about to kill herself. Harumi's eyes widen before Karin stopped her.

"Y-You shouldn't kill yourself!" Karin exclaimed at the woman.

"Me? Oh, my. Did it look like I was going to? I didn't intend to…I was…I was…" Before the woman could finish her sentence, she burst into tears.

Karin started to panic as Harumi and Ren walked over. "What's wrong?!"

"What did you make her cry for?" Ren asked.

The three of them took the woman back to the café that they were in earlier and got her a cup of coffee. Harumi sat near the window with Karin sitting next to her while Ren and the woman sat on the other side.

"I-I'm terribly sorry. I got caught up in my thoughts." The woman apologized while blushing in embarrassment.

Ren smiled at her and said, "Not at all. Don't worry about it. More importantly, if you're troubled…why don't you tell us about it?"

Both Harumi and Karin got a sweat drop on the back of their head. 'What's he so happy about?' Karin asked herself in her head.

"No…well…It's rather shameful, but…the truth is that today, at work…" The woman told them that her manager tried to make a move on her and it was broadcast throughout the store. She and the manager got fired.

"I see. In any case, that manager cannot be forgiven. An enemy to all women." Ren commented.

'You're the one to talk…' Karin thought.

'Then what the hell are you? You're with so many girls at once…' Harumi thought.

"The managers and bosses where I work are always kind in the beginning…But for some reason, after a period of time…they begin trying to get intimate…Once they learn I'm not interested, they start causing trouble for me…and all my female co-workers treat me coldly…None of my jobs ever work out." The woman said before crying a bit.

"How awful…" Harumi mumbled.

'I see.' Ren thought.

'Hmm. So that's Karin's blood taste…Poor Karin…Probably going to cry and complain about it.' Harumi thought.

'I really hope that responding to her…doesn't put me on the same level as those middle-aged men…'Karin said with a sweat drop on the back of her.

"But what should I do now…" The woman wondered.


"My son and I were finally able to begin a new life here…If only I received a regular salary, I could feed him better…How can I possibly face him?!" The woman started to cry a lot.

Karin felt some throbbing in her chest and held her nose.

"Karin." Ren and Harumi whispered.

"Big Brother, Big Sister Harumi, it suddenly started. What do I do?" Karin whispered.

Ren smirked before he said, "Just bite her."

Karin's eyes widen. "B-But…"

Harumi heard the woman sniff a few times before looking at the vampires.

"By the way, I'd like to hear more so why don't we move somewhere else?" Ren asked.


The four of them walked to the park. Harumi, Karin, and Ren walked up front while the woman was behind them.

"It feels like we're heading into an isolated area…" The woman thought out loud.

"Is this really okay? I'm kind of scared." Karin whispered.

"Is this the time to be saying that?" Ren whispered.

"Your body's probably at its limit. Just let your instincts take over and bite her." Harumi added.

"That's how we vampires do it." Ren whispered with a smirk.

The group walked into the middle of the park. 'I…can't take it anymore!' Karin jumped over to the woman and grab hold of her. "I'm sorry! I can't hold back any longer!"

"E-Excuse me?" The woman was confused before Karin bit her on the neck and she screamed. Karin injected the blood into the woman. The woman stopped her screaming.

After a while, Karin stops and let go of her; she fell to her knees. Ren flash step over to the woman; his eyes were bright yellow. The woman turned around and Ren grabbed her face. His hand was glowing yellow and erased her memory. He let go of the woman and let his hand drop down.

"I finally found you!" A random man came out of nowhere and ran towards the group.

"Che. Damn."

"Grab Karin and let's go." Harumi ordered.

"You don't have to tell me. I already know." Ren grabbed Karin before he and Harumi jumped behind some bushes.

The man walked up to the woman. "It's your fault I was fired! What are you going to do about it? Are you going to take responsibility? Hey!"

"Mom!" Usui came by the park before his mom punched the man and the man was knocked out.

"Stop your blubbering! Women make this world spin. Don't get all cocky just 'cause you're a man!" She shouted before looking at her hands and laughed a bit.

"What's going on? I've never felt so refreshed before! Ahahahaha!" She turned around and saw Usui. "Oh, Kenta. What's the matter? Did you come to pick me up?"

Usui was really confused. "Yeah…Mom. What happened to the girl, woman, and man who were standing there?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

Usui sighed. "Never mind."

His mom laughed. "You're so strange. Come. Let's go home." She began to walk. "I'm feeling hungry."

'What's going on here?' Usui thought before following her.

"Regardless, we've made clear…what the factor in blood that attracts Karin is." Ren stated.

"Yeah. It's their feeling of unhappiness." Harumi added.

Ren looked at Karin who was unconscious in his arms. "Man…Taking away unhappiness from strangers…You really are different."

"Let's go back home."

"You think I don't know that?"

"Well, then do you know that you're a pain in the ass? Hmmm, Ren?"

He glared at her. "Whatever. Let's go." He got up with Karin in his arms and went back home.

Harumi sighed and said, "God. Such an ass." She caught up with him and headed home.

If you want to see a picture of Harumi, go to my profile page and click on the link. It'll take you to my gallery of Fanfiction pictures.