Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or Glee.
This is my first fanfiction, I'd appreciate it if you could comment and review please. I'll update as soon as I can.

Looking in the mirror all Quinn could see was the bitchy facade she'd put up for most of her life. Makeup covered up the tired patches under her eyes and a painted on smile was all Quinn needed to convince everybody that everything was alright. Tonight, she thought, everything was going to change. She wasn't sure how it was going to change, but something was going to. Staring at her clock she realised that Santana would be at her house any minute, so she grabbed her bag, double checked her hair and makeup in the mirror and went downstairs to wait.

It was another party at Puck's to celebrate their graduation. Quinn had a sneaky feeling the entire Glee clubs summer was going to be spent at either Puck's house or out in the town of Lima doing whatever teenagers do best. With Puck's pool cleaning business still up and running he had the opportunity to ask many favours of the mothers he'd met. This evening's favour was sleeping with his next door neighbour to make sure she wouldn't call the cops for loud music or underage drinking; it must have worked, Quinn thought, or otherwise they wouldn't be going. Despite Puck's 'badass' behaviour no one thought even he would risk getting caught and possibly arrested.

Quinn, now sitting down on the couch playing with a lock of her golden hair began to wonder what tonight would entail. More spin the bottle maybe? Her facial expression changed quickly into a frown she remembered the last game of spin the bottle and how everybody ended up doing things they regretted. Brittany got so drunk she began giving Santana a lap dance, not realising that Artie was still in the room. Santana, incredibly drunk herself, didn't even try to stop the blonde as she saw Artie wheel himself quickly out of the room.

However, that was not the worst event. The worst event in Quinn's opinion was definitely playing seven minutes in heaven. Everybody minus herself and Kurt were completely smashed by then, so they took charge of how the game would proceed. Kurt decided that the fairest way would be to spin the bottle twice and those two people would be paired off with each other. At the beginning this seemed like a good idea; until of course Santana was paired off with Brittany, Blaine with Rachel; which for some reason caused more annoyance for Quinn but she discarded this feeling; Quinn then paired off with Finn; Mike with Artie; Kurt with Tina and Mercedes with Sam. Realising that Puck had no one to pair with, Mike offered him to join himself and Artie.

Mercedes and Sam seemed to be happy that they were paired together and skipped off to Pucks backyard. At the time Quinn convinced something between them was going on until Sam stormed back into the house declaring that he was going home. Even now no one knew what actually happened between the two in the yard, both had sworn to secrecy. Kurt couldn't even convince Mercedes to tell him what was wrong, even after offering her his wardrobe assistance for an entire year.

The next major dilemma was that of Rachel and Blaine. Rachel (being more of a light weight than Blaine) had no control over her actions and most definitely her emotions. Every so often the scattered Glee club members would stop in their tracks, raise their eyebrows and direct their eyes to the guest room, as all anybody could hear was the very out of tune diva attempting to serenade Blaine with an intermittent Blaine yelling for help. In the first place neither of the glee clubbers could understand why Blaine was screaming for help until Puck tried to get into the room to break them apart. This severely annoyed Puck, until an extremely drunk yet slightly humorous Brittany pointed out that Rachel must have locked the door in attempt to seduce him. Pucks annoyance seemed to subside a little bit and then Mercedes piped up, "Leave Blaine in their sister let him get a taste of his own medicine."

Puck and Brittany turned around to notice that a drunk, tear stained and makeup smeared Mercedes was standing right behind them. Puck asked, "What do you mean a taste of his own medicine? Blaine's an alright guy when he's drinking and not fawning over Kurt."

Mercedes chose to ignore that statement and carried on by saying, "Remember when he strung Kurt along and then dated Rachel thinking he was straight? Yeah? Let him get a taste of his own medicine by realising what it would actually have been like to date her. Kurt was real upset when that happened, I've never seen him eat so much ice cream, so let him suffer or I'll break your face Puckerman."

Even in Pucks drunk state he looked taken aback by Mercedes aggressive behaviour and then noticed her smudged makeup. "Okay, I'll leave him but if she starts singing Celine Dion I'm getting him straight out of there, got it? Anyway, where's Sam," Puck asked, "I thought you guys were paired off?"
Mercedes started to protest, "We were but..." She stopped suddenly remembering that she didn't want anybody finding out about 'that'. "Forget it Puckerman, you're too drunk to care." Puck was about to argue back when Brittany said, "He tried to put his car in your garage didn't..." But she was stopped mid sentence by a swinging fist by Mercedes. Luckily Puck had gottn between the two girls and separated them telling them to leave them before he made them leave himself. Brittany skipped back across the hall to an oddly topless Santana, who looked a little miffed about something and Mercedes announced she didn't need Puck's help to leave.

Quinn was suddenly distracted by her thoughts as the clock struck 7pm. Santana was late and Quinn couldn't stand lateness. After spending the majority of her high school years on the Cheerio's, Quinn had adapted some of Coach Sylvester's pet peeves. Coach Sylvester's biggest pet peeve; she hated people turning up to practise late. Santana was never late to Cheerio's practise so why is she late now; Quinn wondered, but she was soon distracted by the thoughts of Santana's and Brittany's pairing off at Puck's last party.

Despite Artie leaving in a rage, Brittany still was persistent on taking Santana upstairs for their 'seven minutes in heaven.' Brittany had skipped off tugging Santana by her hand all the way up Puck's parent's room. After the party Quinn had asked Santana what had happened between the two, and she was shocked to hear a disappointed and hung over Santana say, "Nothing really, she tried it on but I pushed her away." Quinn remembered looking quite taken aback by this news but quickly changed her facial expression as she saw Santana frowning at her. "I'm not a complete whore you know; I do have someself restraint." Quinn had no doubts in Santana that she had self restraint but something in her head just didn't make sense. "You came out with a love bite on your chest and a lipstick marks on your neck, so how did they happen if you pushed her away?" Quinn noticed Santana's face drop. She barely saw the girl show any more emotions than that bitchy facade she displayed during school, so seeing Santana genuinely upset must have meant something didn't go according to plan.

Kind of cliff hanger there, i'll update soon, hope you enjoyed it.