Hello y'all! Okay, I am SO sorry this took a week and a half to get to you but this is the conclusion to my story. I hope you love as much as I loved writing it. Thanks to manic221 for all of his help and ideas along the way. I REALLY couldn't have done it without him. :)

Now I'll stop typing so you can read. Enjoy! :D

Chapter 10

Sam took her time as she made her way to the rendezvous that would change her life forever.

The closer she got to the glass double doors her heart began to beat harder and harder. As she passed the sitting room where only hours prior she had sat with her friends and laughed like she didn't have a care in the world.

She longed to turn back the clock and stay in that state of bliss forever; though, she knew it was impossible and the time had finally come to stand up and embrace whatever future lay out for her.

Her breath caught in her throat when she arrived at the double door. She reached out in front of her for the doorknob; though, she hesitated momentarily.

"Sam, your former self would kick your butt for being such a girl. Just suck it up and open the freaking door." She couched herself, in a harsh whisper. She let out a deep breath then turned the knob.

She slowly creped her way onto the dark wooden porch even though it was after midnight the snow laced landscape in front of her glowed. The cloudless night sky allowed the moon and stars to shine their light; which, illuminated the cold winter night.

Sam made her way to the railing on the far side of the dark porch. She had a perfect view of the frozen lake where the joy of the people who had lined the ice only an hour earlier still hung in the air.

Suddenly the area around her became bright and for a split second she wondered what was going on; though as quickly as the question had formed in her mind she had her answer.

She refused to turn around for she knew when she did there was no going back. The moment had finally come but she still wondered if she was truly ready.

She could hear footsteps on the wooden planks behind her as the person made their way closer to her. The veil had been ripped in her mind as she smelled a sent that was his calling card.

Sam's body language changed and Freddie stopped in mid stride; he knew she knew that he was her 'secret admirer' and there was a real change she would run.

Sam wanted nothing more than to runaway. Every ounce of her body told her too but for some unknown reason her feet were nailed to the wooden floor beneath her. She gripped the railing of the porch to steady herself while she tried to not pass out from all the stress.

Freddie watched the whole scene and began to move towards her once again; though this time even slower than before. In his hands were balled up into fist as he fought the urge to rush up to her and throw his arms around her.

Sam's body shook from the adrenalin of the fear and anticipation of the moment. She knew he was right behind her, she could feel his breath on the nap of her neck the warmth sent shivers down her spine. Half of her wanted to spin around and throw her arms around him while the other half wanted to runaway like she had that night two years prior that felt like a lifetime ago.

Sam remained still as Freddie hovered only inches away from her. His body ached to hold her and he decided that that's what he was going to do.

He wrapped his arms around her like he had envisioned so many times. She fit so perfectly in his arms even more so then he ever thought.

Out of pure desire and delight of the moment he said, "Sam…" His voice sounded like he was in pain.

The passion of the moment caused him to once again speak. "Sam, please…" His voice as deep and sexy it broke Sam's heart to hear the pain and desperation.

"Please let me in." He paused to catch his breath. "I know I screwed up and I don't deserve it but I need you in my life. Please…" As he spoke the silent tears that she had become so accustomed to slowly streamed down her face.

Freddie held her close nuzzled his cheek against her golden hair and moment of passion he kissed the crook of her neck.

Sam had fought with herself the whole time his arms enclosed around her but when his lips made contact with her neck all of her inhibitions disappeared.

Sam spun around and buried her head in the crook of his. When she finally looked up at Freddie the look in her eyes confused him. Where fear had reigned for so long sorrow replaced it along with shame and regret.

"I'm so sorry Freddie. I've been pushing you away for so long and it was just because I loved you even after you rejected me. I hoped if I kept you at arm's length that would change but it never did. I want to let you in but I still don't know if I can…" Sam voice was low yet manic and confusion was definitely evident.

Freddie stepped even closer the blonde and deepened their embrace by pulling her to him. "Sam…I love you and I knew it from the second I knew I had lost you. I didn't realize that you had become my best friend until you were gone. I know this is scary for you but I don't want live without you ever again. Please don't make me."

The conviction and passion of the moment caused him to become braver then he ever thought possible. He leaned forward and kissed her.

He poured every ounce of emotion he had ever felt toward her into it. As their lips moved in perfect sync every memory he had of her played in fast-forward.

It all paled in comparison and in the end exploded into a supernova as the past no longer mattered and both lived in the moment of their everlasting kiss.

Sam kissed him back just as passionately as he kissed her. At points even more so, reason being she had dreamt about him a great deal longer then he had of her.

For the first time in Sam's life she felt whole; he completed her and she would never let that go ever again.

Once both were in dire need of oxygen, the two pulled away with reluctance as if either thought they would wake up any moment and this perfect moment in time would be nothing more than a dream.

When the two finally separated and stared deep into each other's eyes everything became quiet and peaceful. The two had found contentment for the first time in each of their lives. They both at one point or another never ever imagined they would find true happiness together but in that moment both knew they would never find it anywhere else.

Freddie gently pushed a piece of Sam's hair behind ear then cupped the left side of her face he leaned in and the two shared another kiss; though this one was much more tender and sweet. It also didn't last nearly as long as the previous one but it was just as meaningful. The second kiss seemed to solidified the love between them and cast all residual doubt in both of them that this was all a dream.

After the short kiss came to an end they shared a deep hug. Sam leaned her head on Freddie's chest as he rested his head on the top her's. "Don't ever let me go." Sam breathed out before she could stop herself.

This statement brought a small smile to his face. "I won't." Then placed a sweet and gentle kiss on her head. "I promise."

**The End**

So? Did you like the ending? I hope it lived up to what you wanted. Thanks guys! Please review and let me know what you thought. :D