Chapter Fifteen

Sherlock sat in the back of the ambulance while they looked him over. No doubt that he had noticed that the wound on Holly's arm was gone, she had healed it away the same as she had brought her back. And as little as Molly liked to admit, what they had just been through didn't make all that much sense but it was good to see something good had come from all of this, she had Sophie in her life. Mycroft would try and get it worked so Sophie could stay with her and she had Sherlock, whom she never thought she'd have.

Lewis had been injured too, though and because Holly had run herself low on energy with that one stunt, he had to undergo regular medical treatment. Sherlock pushed one of the paramedics away. "Take your time getting to me, I need it less, look after him first."

"I'm fine, trust me," Lewis said. "I've had a lot worse."

"Same here, really."

Holly sighed. "Oh come off it. It's bloody good that you two don't have to ride to the hospital I in the back of that thing, I don't think it could hold the two of you and your egos," she said.

Molly, Sophie and John laughed. "So that's case closed then," said John. "I guess this one won't be going on the blog."

"You could put it there if you wanted to, people would just think you'd gone mad," Lewis said. "How did you even know when to come out, Doctor Watson?" asked Lewis.

"I texted him right before I came into the pool area, I knew he was close at hand and Mycroft and he came up immediately when he got there," Molly said.

Sally Donavan was there and as she passed by the crew she shook her head. "Awe look, its Freak and company…"

"You could be a little politer to him or just walk the Hell by without saying anything," Molly snapped.

Sally sighed. "There's a Mrs. Freak now too?" she shook her head. "Well it looks like your observations were wrong, we didn't find any stone in that pool or even a body up there, just a fair bit of blood…whoever left it sure isn't going anywhere soon," she said.

Everyone froze and the grim news sunk in. Lewis was the first to move and he was barking orders at the police, trying to get them to move quicker, to canvas the area and start a search but it was really too late. The look on Sherlock's face told her that.

Sherlock cursed inside his head. He knew what had happened and in the next few moments his suspicions were confirmed. Lestrade received a call about a SWAT vehicle being ambushed and attacked, the men who had responded to them up in the pool after Moriarty went down weren't SWAT but his own men, they had taken the stone and the body and slipped out.

He had wanted to be rid of Moriarty, but that would have to wait for another day. He smiled despite the sad revelation. He had won though, he had Molly's love and they'd saved Sophie and at least hindered Moriarty. That was the important thing.