Note: Percy wants to date Rachel and Annabeth was with Luke, but he dumped he

dumped her for someone else. Percy and Annabeth barely know each other and everyone is about 17.

Chapter 1: A Not So Secret Crush

Percy Jackson walked out of his cabin at camp half-blood to notice a girl with long, red hair walking by.

"Hey Percy!" she said smiling and her green eyes shined in the sunlight.

He blushed. Rachel. He thought. Percy had a major crush on Rachel, but it was a complete secret. Thus meaning the entire camp knew about it, but Rachel.

"Hi." He said walking towards her.

"So how has my favorite son of Poseidon been doing?" she asked flirtatiously. Okay, maybe Rachel had an idea that Percy may have harbored feelings for her, but she never formally addressed it.

"He's been doing good, how are you?" He asked trying not turn as red as her hair. Talking to Rachel never got easy. It was like he was a bomb just ready to explode whenever he was around her. In a good, old fashioned, embarrassing way of course.

She smiled at him. "Just going to get my mail. That kid I've been pen-palling, finally wrote me back."

"That's great!" Percy said enthusiastically. He actually had no idea that she was writing someone. Maybe it was because he was always so nervous about what to say around her. Their conversations got about as far as a slug in a race against panthers.

"He's from California. I'm thinking of inviting him to come visit."

Percy tried to suppress a frown. "Yeah… I'd love to meet…?"

"Chuck." She said smiling.

"Chuck. Yes, I'd love to meet the guy. He lives in California huh?"

"Yeah, and he's a total beach babe."

"How do you know? I mean… you've never even met." Percy added quickly.

Rachel sighed. "I guess the whole 'me writing' thing hadn't gone through to you. He's told me all about himself. I told him all about myself, my friends, you." She said lightly.

"Me?" he asked a bit too eagerly.

"Yeah, how you've introduced me to a new life, and how amazing you are with the water. He wants to know a fellow… and I quote 'beach dog'."

"You told him I have water powers?" He panicked.

"well… he's a Demigod too… a Roman though."

"A Roman? They have those?"

"Yeah, that girl Annabeth told me that anyway."

"Annabeth… sounds familiar." Percy stated.

"Daughter of Athena? Blonde hair? Grey eyes? She kind of knows basically everything?"

"Oh yeah! She's dating that Luke guy." He said snapping his fingers. The truth was, him and Annabeth weren't on the greatest of standards. One time, he'd been to her cabin to see if Malcom wanted to play basketball, and he'd accidentally knocked over a stack of papers of drawings and what not. She was not a happy camper and he was forced to stay and clean it up while she muttered nasty things about him under her breath.

"Yeah… well was…"

"Was?" Percy asked.

"Didn't you hear? He dumped her last night, for her best friend too apparently."

"Harsh." He muttered. He couldn't help but think, Maybe if she wasn't such a spaz, she could hold onto her boyfriend.

"Anyway, it's been really nice talking to you, Percy." She said smiling a bright smile at him. This had to be the longest conversation they'd ever had. He was choking on his words though so the only thing he managed to say was "er… um… duh…"

She walked away anyway, her red locks swishing back and forth. Her paint covered jeans signified that she'd been painting again. Percy loved how she walked.

Later that day, he'd been walking by the lake to see a girl sitting alone, looking like she was crying.

"Hey, you're getting tears all over the dock. Men just cleaned it up say… 3 years ago." Percy said trying to lighten the mood.

Annabeth Chase glared up at him. Her eyes looked stormy and red. Her face was stained with tears.

"Percy right?" she asked.

"Yeah, that's what they call me."

"Who's they?" she asked sharply.

"The people who actually like me and don't yell at me for accidentally knocking over drawings."

Her glare intensified. "Nice job, you managed to make me even more upset. Why don't you pat yourself on the back and just carry on with your lifestyle and I'll carry on with…"

"Crying." Percy cut her off and Annabeth hated being cut off.

"My life. As far away from you and your clutsyness as I can get."

"Those are kind of harsh words for someone who's fallen off the dock."

She stood up and crossed her arms. "I have not…"

Percy legitimately pushed her off the dock and into the water. She broke the surface with a huge splash and he was laughing hysterically.

"WHAT IN HADES WAS THAT FOR?" She hollered. Her voice was trembling. Who did this guy she barely knew think he was, pushing her off the dock and into the lake. This wasn't a game, here she was experiencing extreme heartbreak and he was laughing at her.

"I figured you needed to cool down." He said still chuckling.


"Well at least your not upset with Luke right?"

THAT was his attempt at making her feel better. Not that she wanted this idiot's sympathy, but really? This was his system. 'Hey let me make you forget about your sadness over Luke, by creating a whole new kind of boiling anger… '

She leaped out of the lake and punched him so hard in the gut he wheezed.

"Better now?" he whimpered and she growled.

"Not yet." She continued punching him in the arms, back, shoulder, kick in the shins, and a good slap across the face for good measure.

"You really do take things too far." Percy said growing angry. Here he was trying to lighten the mood and she goes all psychotic on him.

"I take things too far? You shoved me in the lake when I was crying for the Gods sakes."

"Yeah, and come to think of it, I was right, you do need cooling off. You're a hothead."

"No, I have every right to be angry with you."

"Hey I'm not the one who dumped you." Percy countered and Annabeth froze.

"I hardly know you! And every single time we see each other I wish I didn't know you at all. You're the most foul, irritating, annoying, bothersome, aggravating, troublesome, vexatious being I've ever met in my entire life. GO AWAY!"

Percy held his arms up. "Hey! I can take a hint! I wish you a pleasant life and do not regret dumping you in that lake. It felt good."

With that he walked off and Annabeth found herself shaking her head at him. She hardly knew the guy and she hated him. Stupid Son of Poseidon.

The only thing neither realized was this was the beginning to a game that neither one of them had any control over, or any intension of winning.