Talking To The Moon

Chapter One

"Good Morning," Greeted the boy as he came into the kitchen. It was a nice spring morning. Maybe you could have said it was slightly chilly, but the sun bright, which signaled a day full of light. "Morning," the brunette answered him, "Would you mind opening up while I get things going?"

She was talking about their cafe'. They opened up early in the morning for those who stopped by for breakfast or just simply a small coffee. "Sure," he answered, "but there might be one condition." The brunette pretended to think for a second. "Um… What would that be?" There was a sudden grin plastered on the boy's face. "You know, there is no way you'll ever convince me smiling like that."

"Just go open the store already, Liam!" The girl said. "We don't want to leave anyone waiting." Liam seemed unconvinced. "Who will ever come so early?" The girl shrugged, "You never know."

"Okay, okay, you win…" He sighed in defeat making his way slowly out of the kitchen. The brunette lightly smiled as he passed next to her. She thought she had won this one morning, but you can't imagine her surprise when he suddenly turned around. Grabbing her gently yet firmly, he spun her around. This caused them to find them to find themselves face to face, their faces only a few inches away from each other.

They were staring into each other's eyes. Liam could feel her soft breath, just the same way as she could.

"Um, I think …" the brunette started, slightly blushing, "I think we should go open up the cafe' now…" He let go of her quickly, taking his hand to the back of this head nervously. "Oh, yes, of course… I'll go." He left the kitchen and went to the cafe' door, unlocking and opening it.

"Hey, Miley?" Liam asked, turning to the brunette whom he had just been with seconds before. "Have you seen Selena around?" Miley just shook her head. "She left earlier this morning… I think she went for a walk or something like that." Liam raised an eyebrow. "Or something like that?"

"Well, what do you expect from me at six in the morning?" She responded. "I was half asleep!" Liam laughed, "I think it might have been a bit more than that."

"Oh, just be quiet already!" she slapped his arm, "as if you would have been any better! Now help me set up these tables - " she gestured towards a pair of tables, " – I want them a bit more to the right."

They set up the tables together, moving them to their right place. They also put all the chairs down to their proper place. Liam set himself behind the counter with Miley.

"I think I should take over the kitchen while she isn't here." Miley said, going through the door behind the counter. Liam turned to look at her through the 'order window'; the window through which anyone in the kitchen received any orders. Now that they thought about it they didn't exactly know why they had called this place a cafe'. It was a small mix of many things.

"Where do you think she is?" Miley asked him. Even before he could answer, a girl burst in from the door with a weird kind of spooked look on her face, surprising them both.

"I just got slapped by a complete stranger."