Fine, I'll do an omake. Geez.


He was falling down in a pit of loneliness. He had no idea where he was or what to do, all he knew was that he was falling…falling…and that his feet had touched cool water. He looked down and saw that his hands and feet were dirty, and he was wearing tattered robes of his glory days. Where the hell was he…?

"Just a shadow of what you really are…"

His eyes looked up and saw figures hovering over their location. He couldn't see their faces…but he knew who they were…

"Just a shadow…"

"You're not the man you used to be…"

"What a failure…"

He didn't know what to say to them. Just when he thought he did, he felt a slight shake inside his throat. He leaned forward and gagged, feeling his whole body fall into endless tremors. It was utterly painful, to the point where he couldn't even breathe. He lifted his hand away and saw the blood on his dirty fingers, dissolving into dust before him. He looked back up and saw the figure of Ivan smiling back at him.

"Ne~~~sucks being dissolved, doesn't it?"


"You will live with me until the time calls otherwise, but this is something I can't prevent." He chuckled. "You're dissolving from the inside out. Painful, da?"

"…shut up." He spat back, coughing again.

"It'll be slow…it'll be painful…until you crawl along the floor and beg for mercy…" Ivan leaned forward. "That's when you start losing limbs."

"Losing WHAT?"

"Have fun, da?"

They all faded into darkness, leaving him to cough up more dust. Looking up, he realized that there was a light in front of him and that it was shining something toward him. The images revealed that it was Feliciano, talking to his brother with a smile that seemed to numb the pain away. He smiled as blood started to drip through his lips, the energy draining from his body.

"I see…so West ain't alone anymore, huh?"

There was no need to cough anymore: the blood was already draining out of his system. He turned his head to see that his waist and feet were disintegrating, turning into dust. As he turned his head, he felt as if he was sinking into a pool of warmth. He couldn't help but smile at the image of Feliciano.

"If not me…than him…" He laughed. "I'm dead man walking, right?"

He closed his eyes and felt himself dissolve completely into the darkness.


His eyes snapped open, seeing nothing but a white ceiling painted by the shadows of the night. That's right, he was sleeping in his room…peacefully…full…satisfied…safe. At his right, he could see Gilbird sleeping on the nightstand like nothing had happened. He turned his head to the left and saw (to his surprise) Feliciano's worried face. Apparently he snuck into the room when he was sleeping.

"…shouldn't you be joining my brother? I'm sure that he's more than willing to have you."

"Ve…you were crying in your sleep."

Was he? He was about to check his face when he felt Feliciano's hand reach out and wipe out a tear that drained down his cheek. Totally unawesome for him to be crying like this. He was about to turn away when he saw him lean forward and kiss the other tear. Yeah, he isn't afraid to admit it: he was blushing from that.

"Now you know how it feels."

"…feels awesome, actually." Gilbert chuckled. "Thanks."


That tick had to be the cutest thing he had ever heard in his life…well, next to Gilbird. He leaned forward and hugged Feliciano, feeling the Italian shiver as he hugged him back. Of course, his Prussian-ness had to kick in and his hand started sliding toward his butt. He wasn't expecting something hard to start poking his stomach. Feliciano chirped and snuggled closer to him.

"H-hey!" Gilbert looked up. "Seriously?"

"…we've been dating for about a week, Gilbert…"

Normally, that was basically the excuse that he would use to get any girl that he wanted. But this was Feliciano. He wasn't going to push him any farther than what he wanted in this. He looked back to him as he saw the Italian smile back at him. It was better than any dream that he ever had before.

"…are you sure?"

"I don't want anyone else for this." He rubbed his butt on Gilbert's hand (wow, no wonder his bruder found this awkward). "You've been so kind to me…"

"…are you really sure?"

Feliciano kissed his chin, making Gilbert blush even more but willing to continue. This was better than that wet dream he had when this all started, that much was for sure. The silkiness of his skin…the fragility of his limbs…the softness of his lips…the wavering of his voice…the thought that he was the one making him feel this way…it made Gilbert high-five himself in his head before tightening his grip on the boy. As soon as it came, it faded away. He looked down and saw the quiet smile on his face.

"You OK, Ita-chan?" Gilbert asked.

"Ve…yes." He giggled. "I'm so glad it was you…"

Just seeing that familiar smile on his face made him hug the Italian. Maybe it was because he was hanging out with Romano too much, but he always thought that taking his virginity would mean taking his innocence away…the very thing that made Feliciano who he was. Gilbert couldn't help but kiss his cheek.



"I'm glad it was you too."

That night, they fell into a dreamless sleep in a tight embrace. And years after that, Gilbert no longer had nightmares.


And I end with this note: I got myself a deviant account~! It's "HotaruMitsuki101", and yes I have put some art on it. Now you all can see how horrible my art skills are =+="