Vixie: Omg, can it really be?

It can and it is! We are finally uploading chapter five!

Vixie: Hallelujah! *throws cookies at the general public*

Now read, read!


When Zexion awoke, he felt fuzzy. He tried to move, but he was wrapped up tightly in some kind of soft material. That sort of explained the fuzzy feeling. Someone was talking to someone else, real soft-like, a muted whisper. Zexion opened his eyes wide and looked around.

He was wrapped up in a pink blanket in the center of a bed. He was very warm, so warm it was uncomfortable, and he wasn't wearing anything. Wanting to protest this, he opened his mouth… and discovered that something was very, very wrong.

"Goo!" What the fudge-muffins?

"Oh jeeze, he's awake."

The girl who had given him the lollypop came into view, followed by a girl with big blue eyes. She had brown hair also, but it was more wavy than frizzy. They both took long looks at him, and then giggled.

"He's so adorable! Oh, what's his name?" Asked the girl with the wavy hair.

"I don't actually know…"

"Megan, you fail at life."

"I know, I know. I just hope that Vixie can sort it all out."

"You know that she won't be able to, or that if she can, she won't out of spite."


Zexion wasn't sure what to think of this conversation. He was still trying to figure out what had happened to his mouth. He ran his tongue around his mouth and counted… eight teeth. Ok, how the heck had that happened? HOW? He wanted an explanation. But before he could ask for one…

"Where'd you get the kid? Don't tell me you were sneaking around the pre-school and actually managed to snatch one this time!" A silver haired girl with big silver eyes came dancing into the room. She was so graceful; anyway, that that's what it looked like.

"No. I gave him a lollipop and he turned into this. Why?" Megan batted her eyelids. "You weren't going through my candy stash again were you?"



Megan launched herself at Vixie and there probably would have been a catfight, but the last girl calmly caught the two by their collars and bopped their heads together.

"Megan, who was he with?"


"How could that be? Who leaves a teenager alone?" Vixie asked.

"We're not dignifying that with a response," Nicole replied calmly. "Now think. Was there anything at all that might ring a bell?"


All three of them turned to stare at him. He looked back steadily, not sure what was going to happen now. They bent their heads together and began to talk in low tones, so Zexion began to take better stock of his surroundings.

The room was wide open, the bed situated in the center in front of a roaring fireplace. There was a night table on one side and a wardrobe on the other, pressed against the wall. Other than that, the room was bare. Maybe it was a guest room or something that didn't get used very often.

"Well, we can't just sit here doing nothing, so I suggest we all get something to eat, and then Megan can work her magic while I go shopping for our new arrival!" Vixie's eyes were dancing.

"I shudder with fear. Do we have an old shirt or something that he can wear in the meantime? I feel guilty just leaving him in pink blanket," Nicole giggled.

"Um, I may have one…" Megan went off to see if she could locate a shirt.

Vixie dropped to her knees and put her face close to Zexion's. "What secrets are hidden in that adorable head of yours…?" She murmured.

Zexion chose that exact moment to sneeze, and Nicole burst into gales of laughter.

"Oh, Vix, you're scaring the baby!" Nicole cooed, leaning over and scooping him up.

Zexion scrunched up his face, offended at being called a 'baby'. But as Nicole cradled him tenderly against her, a strange feeling went through him. It was a warm feeling, and it spread from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. It tingled and he felt the corners of his mouth turn up in a smile. Vixie noticed and smirked.

"I think that baby is perverted."

"Oh shut up Vixie."

"I found a shirt! Do you think it will be too big?" Megan returned then.

Vixie leaped up. "Nope. I'm off to the store for our little guest." Her smile widened and Zexion shivered. "Catch you all later!" she skipped out the door.

Nicole and Megan stared after her, shaking their heads.

"Here, I'll dress him and you can go start dinner," Nicole suggested.

"Ok… but now I'm worried about Vixie's shopping trip…"

Vixie: Eh? Eh? I've finally been introduced! It can only go up from here!

The next chapter is so awesome it's not even funny. =3

Vixie: Oh? Why?

Because it features-

Vixie: Don't tell them you idiot!

Ok, ok! *gasps for breath* If you review I'll give you a cookie!