So now you going to discover what is wrong with Serena. The part that is bold is really important

This is also the last charpter dof everything started with a drink II

'Serena? "She took the phone. Mia followed her with her eyes until she left the room. Herself she went also straight. "Well, I'm preparing food 'She walked past Kevin. He monde upward: Help!

Jayden was squatting to meditate. Antonio beside him. While he was completely silent sat, Antonio did open one eye. He was bored. He suppressed a sigh. On the other side of Jayden Mike sat smiling. He looked at Antonio with a challenging stare. Antonio looked back and pursed his lips. He took his hand and touched his shoulder, in his attempt to get from his seated position. Mike frowned and pushed back. Soon the two were in combat. They made no sound, didn't they.

"Meditating" they heard Mentor Ji say and it quickly stopped the two, as if nothing had happened. "Is good for your concentration," he entered. Jayden now make a suppressed smile. "For some poeaple harder than others" he said. Antonio and Mike looked at each other. Jayden went straight. The two locked their eyes.

"I think Antonio and Mike a little too focused to hear you, let them meditate a little longer, I would say a hour or two "He smiled to himself. What will he enjoy this. Mentor Ji nodded and walked away." I think I just saved you, a lot of fun to meditate, boys "He was laughing away." and oh, do not fight, I may decide to get you another hour or so " Jayden dissapeared after Mentor Ji.

"Mentor Ji, wait 'Jayden jogged toward him. "Where is Emily?"

'On the phone with her dad.'

'Her dad, but we aren't allowed to have contact with or family'

"There are exceptions"

'Serena? "

'Serena' Jayden nodded. "Before I forget, Mia cooks' Jayden immediately saw green. "Haha, she is going to make something easy, something that can not taste bad '


"ham and cheese sandwiches"

In the meantime with Emily.

"Hey, Dad. How things are going? Great ... No, nothings wrong here. Ah, no, everybody gets hurt sometimes, right? "

"How is everything there? ... Good to hear that and .. "she was interrupted. "Serena, what happened to her?" "You kidding me, no you can not be serious. I mean, no ... no I will not ... it can not be "Emily threw the phone across the room. It fell with a tud to the ground. "I do not believe you!" she shouted. Her whole body trembled. Her head bent downwards.

"Emily!" Jayden came inside. "What?" She shivered visibly and he took her in his arms. Mike came in too, followed by the rest. He saw the phone creasing and took him from the ground. When Emily's arms Jayden felt , she slumped through her knees. Unable to keep herself any longer up. Luckily Jayden had a hold on her. Mike listened to what Emily's father said.

"Yes, sir, understand, sir" He pressed down. Emily still had not looked up, as she hid in Jayden's embarence. There was now sobs heard. "Let it not be true 'he could hear her murmuring.

"Emily's sister, Serena, she passed away" Everyone gasped. The Yellow Samurai Ranger suddenly felt very small. Jayden hooked one arm under her knees and the other around her shoulders. He carried her away. Emily clung to his shirt. "Take it away, take it away 'Jayden looked sadly at her. He knew what she was talking about. The pain. If only he could remove that. He sat her on his bed.

What a weeks. The first break, then Antonio, the injured and now this. They really had no luck. "Serena, Serena" she said repeatedly, without letting him go. Once she felt soft pillow under her head, she rolled onto her stomach and she hid under the blanket. She close the whole world off. Jayden crawled onto the bed, she could feel it. The bed sank a little. He lay beside her. Only to show that he was there for her.

An hour later.

Emily was still crying. The cushion was now soaking wet and she was tired. Tired of crying and tired of this hassle. She got almost no air under the blanket and hit it off her. She saw Jayden's sleepy face. She immediately felt guilty. She swallowed. She tried to be the boss of her tears when she struggled to her feet. She forced herself on both er legs.. She knew to make it at the door. Her heart in thousand pieces. She had lost Serena, her big sister. Why?

She felt a wreck. Everything had collapsed, but really everything. She had to get out, she had a choking feeling. It was a miracle that she saw nobody on the way out.. She grabbed her jacket and went outside. She was not going to hurry back there. She needed space.

Two hours later. Jayden awoke and immediately noticed who was missing. He went looking and didn't found her . Alarm. "We must find her before she hurts herself." The group split up. Mia and Mike to the park. Kevin and Antonio towards the harbor, and Jayden to the city.

Everyone hoped she had done nothing stupid. When he saw golden curls, he knew that he had found her. Emily sat in a pub not far from him. "She wouldn't have drunk alcohol, right? 'He rushed inside. Emily sat hunched at the bar. Jayden sat beside her. 'Em? "She did not move. 'Em?'

"Leave me alone" came the replie muffled. 'Em, everyone is worried "She said nothing. "Come back, please" pleaded Jayden. He put a hand on her back. The bartender came up to him.

"She drank something?" he asked softly. "Only a Coke and two cocktails, no more, I thought it didn't seemed a good idea '

"Okay, thanks, how much do I have you?" He pulled out his wallet . He was presented with the bill.

"Thanks," said Jayden before he pulled Emily out of the bar stool and outside. After a few minutes it appeared that she could not walk. In a simple movement Jayden swept her into his arms. "Emily " he shook head .

"Emily!" exclaimed Antonio. Kevin and he were already at the end of the harbor. "Where can she be? 'Antonio sighed. Kevin walked a bit from him. The guilt came flooding back. "At first I so rude and jealous and now she lost Serena 'he thought. "I can only do one thing now, be there for her, just like the rest. I have to show that I'm sorry to her and that I am there. '

"Antonio!" he was called from his mind. He looked up. Kevin had his Samuraizer in his hand. "Jayden has Emily" He nodded. "Let's go," he said.

Jayden Emily gently laid on the bed. She looked awful. She had dark circles under her eyes. Her hair faded and her skin was whiter than ever. Very helpful, he helped her out of her sweater, then took her shoes off and pulled the sheet over her. He pulled up a chair and sat beside the bed. "You're me someone, you'll quickly get into trouble, right?" he talked to himself. "You're worried people quickly" He took her hand in his. He planted a kiss on her knuckles. "You will be okay, Em. it'll be fine. We are here for you when you wake up '

A few hours later, Emily was still not awake. She gave no sign of waking up or any response of life outside her chest that went up and down. The fact that she was still asleep proved that she needed a rest. She had it not really easy. When her sister became ill, she bacame a Samurai. She trained and stood a little behind the rest. The hope that her sister was getting better, had been there. But all hope vanished like snow before the sun

Jayden saw something on the nightstand and took it. It was the letter from Serena. This was a letter from a time ago, but he read it and got tears in his eyes.

My dear little sister Emily,

I hope everything goes well there and that you have defeated a lof of Nighlocks.

I wanted you to know that it goes well with me. Even better.

According to the doctors will take some time before I'm back on my feet.

But do not worry, we'll be together again soon.

Love from your sister Serena

ps. I heard you have an admirer.

See you soon.

His heart broke. This letter had given all hope and that was now gone. No hope means no love or light. Your heart fills with darkness. He would do everything to protect her. He would not let het be a wreck from her emotions . No, he would get her laugh. How long it would last. He swallowed and put his forehead against her limp hand and sighed. Was there only one way to take the pain away. If only he could take her place. You canvmake many wishes, but not all wishes come true. A small smile reached his lips when he start thinking when he started to like Emily. The smootie.

'Jayden? "The door squeaked open.

'Antonio? "He pulled a failed smile.

"There's a letter for your" Antonio handed a yellow envelope with his name. He got a anoying and tightness.

'Thank you' Antonio nodded.

"How is she?" he asked.

'No change temporarily'

'Ah, okay 'Antonio left the room uncomfortable. Jayden put Emily's hand down and grabbed the envelope with both hands. His lower lip quivered with nerves. Quietly he opened it. He took the letter out. He matured him. This letter seemed very important even if he had not read it yet.

Dear Jayden,

If you read this, I'm gone. I know it is unexpected and this will bring many problems. I'm sorry. But I tried to be there as long as possible for Emily. I have called a couple of times with her in secret . It was important for her and also for me. Do not worry, Mentor Ji knew from it.

Now you read this I will tell you a few things. You have probably read the letter in which I said I got better, that was in the beginning so. But I declined. My immune system was not so strong. This I have concealed for Emily. I did not want to worry her, particularly not when I heard what was happening with Antonio and you break up. This is a few days before I die. The doctors have not told me this, but I felt it coming.

I want to ask a favor, a very important one. I know (although it is not told me) that you guys will be together again. I want you to care very well for my little sister. Care for her, where I have failed. Make sure she come over my death. Don't let her fall into a depression. After everything I've heard from you, I know I can trust you. Break her heart , I come to haunt you. Let her alone or hurt her/let her in pain, and I make your lifelike hell even when I'm not alive.

If you ever want to marry my sister, I give you my blessing. I've neverheard her happier when she called and told me about you.. And I hope you will make her happy. Give her the life and the family I could not be. Be there for her when long dark days strikes her. Be there for her when the pain is unbearable. Be there for her forever and ever. She needs you, I could not be there for her.

She is now where I should have been, but I have no regrets that she is there. I'm glad she met you Jayden. Do not disappoint me.

Greetings Serena, those no longer here.

Say to Emily that I love her very much and my heart and soul will always be with her.

The tears ran down his cheeks now in pools. They sky was crying with him. Like he read every word with him. He clutched the letter in his hands. So much love was there in this letter. His very own heart hurt from it. He would not disappoint Serena, never. He would protect Emily. He looked up.

"I do not know if you can hear me Serena, but I promise you, I will be there for her, I will take care of her and never leave her. You were a very good sister to her, you didn't failed it being her sister. You didn't shoot her to short. I will tell her, I will tell her how much you loved her. I will say what you wrote to me, though I know you not, I will never forget you. In my mind you're here with me, with Emily, with us. "he took breath.

"You can count on me Serena"

"I know that Jayden"

the end

I'm crying now, it was really hard to typ this part, this part is very emotional not that others are used from me, but I had a feeling that I had to do this, so I hope you like it a little. Let me know what you think