The tale of the yellow Labrador and the Borzoi

I have decided to make this story because I think people should be more aware about animal abuse and strays. Last year in one of my classes I had to make a talk about animal cruelty and it struck me deeply about how many animals in the UK and everywhere in the world have been abused, cast out and even killed by humans. I know this story won't change a thing about it but I just thought it would be nice for people to be aware of what this one is going to be about.

A lone yellow Labrador ran through the empty streets of Montreal at night. She ran as fast as her legs and paws could carry her. She ran and ran and ran never stopping. She couldn't stop. She wouldn't stop. Not until she knew things were safe. Until she was safe. She had no idea where her legs would carry her but she knew the further away the better. You see this Labrador is a sufferer of animal abuse from her owner for the first two years of her life. But when she entered her third, she had gotten tired of being beaten and shouted at everyday so she knew it was time to leave. That's when she decided to run away and start a new life far away.

She ran out of the city and into the countryside. Her silver tag on her red collar made a jingling sound but she didn't care. She was far away from him as possible. Although she was about an hour away from her home, he would somehow find her. The clouds had gathered that night and heavy rain spilled down onto the earth below. Soon the Labrador was soaking wet. She shivered but continued her trek to a safer haven.

She sniffed the ground to find a place to sleep for the night but sadly all she could see around her were fields. She found her way out of one and followed a muddy road. She stopped to smell the air. She could smell the ocean. Yes the ocean! She knew she could find a place to sleep down at the docks. She wagged her tail a little and ran following her nose to the docks. She ran until she saw the deep blue ocean that looked black at the dark of night. The reflection of the moon shone on to the sea. It looked so peaceful but she had no time to admire the scenery, she had a place to find and rest. She sniffed around until her nose lead her to the cargo ship that stood in front of her. She saw no one and decided to board it. She found a comfortable spot under a bench and lay down. She got comfortable and curled up. She closed her eyes and drifted off into a light sleep.

The lab woke up and yawned. She heard the squawking of seagulls and passing birds. She also heard humans talking to each other and the smell of the ocean was much stronger than it was last night but she took no notice of it. Lots of people were walking around the deck. Carrying heavy boxes and barrows. She lazily make her way over to where she had came onto the ship but something was wrong. It was gone. So was the dock. All she could see a large mass of the ocean. The sea was sparkling because of the reflection of the sun.

She panicked. She shook as the fear had finally set into her. She was all alone. On a ship in the middle of the ocean. She paced around on deck wondering how to get off of the ship. 'I'm all alone.' she thought. She whined and looked out to the sea again. She thought about swimming but she was not a strong swimmer and wouldn't last a few seconds.

She hung her head in sadness and she cried softly. Small tears fell from her eyes and on to her fur.

A golden retriever bounded around on the ship. He barked and his tail wagged back and forth happily. He ran around the dock, almost knocking over anyone who was in his way. "Calm down you crazy mutt!" one man had shouted almost dropping the large barrow he held. But the retriever never took notice. He was too hyper. He stopped in his tracks when he saw a yellow Labrador on the ship too. It was so good to see another dog. He bounded up to her and barked happily. The lab jumped and barked in shock. The retriever got down on his front legs with his butt sticking in the air. His tail wagging happily. "Hey! C'mon lets play!" he said to the lab. She shook her head. "N-No thanks." The retriever got up and went up to her, sniffing her a little. "Aww ok. Hmmm you smell different. I haven't seen you on this ship before." he said to her and stuck his tongue out panting. "That's because I-I don't." she replied and turned away from him. The retriever chuckled and walked to face her. "What is your name anyway and where did you come from?" he asked her and sat in front of her. She noticed that this dog was really nice to her. Offering her to play and not growling or barking at her like other dogs would. "My name is Maddie." She said softly. He barked happily. "That's a nice name! I'm Alfred! My owner owns this ship!" he said excitedly then jumped from side to side. Maddie smiled a little. "T-That's nice." she looked out to the ocean. "Where is this s-ship going?" she asked him. Alfred looked out to the sea with her. "Well from what my master said we are going to Russia I think. There is a place called Moscow that we are going with supplies.

Maddie nodded then she heard another dog barking at them. "Alfred you bloody git! Where have you been?" Maddie turned around and saw a border collie walk towards them. Alfred chuckled. "I've been out her Iggy." The collie barked angrily at him. "It's Arthur you git! Get it right!" Then he saw Maddie. "Alfred who is this?" he asked and came closer to her. He sniffed her a little. "Oh! This is Maddie. She's new." Arthur sat beside her and smiled a little. "Welcome aboard Maddie. I never knew our master got another dog." Maddie looked down. "I-I don't belong here. I came from Canada. I-I ran away" She said and looked at the collie. He had rather large eyebrows and dark green eyes. If she was a human and so was he, she would have blushed a little. He was a handsome dog.

Alfred had asked her why she had ran away from home. She told them about how her owner had physically abused her for three years and she couldn't take it anymore. "Wow. I'm so sorry to hear that Maddie. If you want I can take you to our master. He is a kind man and would never hurt anyone." Maddie shook her head. "N-No thanks Arthur but I've decided when this ship gets to M-Moscow, I'm going to start a new life." The collie nodded. "Are you sure? It's safer here than the streets." Maddie nodded again. "Thank you b-but this is your home n-not mine. I need to find my perfect place." Arthur nodded and smiled. "I understand."

The three dogs looked out towards the sea. They admired how it sparkled in sunlight. The admired the sights. Maddie smelled the new unique smells that filled her nostrils. She wished that living the sea dog life was for her but sadly she knew in her heart it wasn't. No. Fate had lead her on to this boat for a reason and she had to find out what that reason was.