Chapter 17: Obsession

A/N: I know I've been gone for a very, very long time and for that I sincerely apologize. A lot has happened that caused me to not be able to update. One of the major reasons is that my laptop broke and I'm not able to have it fixed but I promise that I'll do my best to make up for the lost time. I'm currently typing this chapter (and most probably majority of my stories) using MS Word on my phone. Anyway, I won't delay you any further. Standard disclaimers apply.

Himeko was trying to rest but her thoughts bothered her so much that sleep eluded her.

She still can't believe that her mate should be acting as if their son just hadn't died a few hours ago.

'He should be mourning the loss of our son and not busy planning to get even with that monster.' She contemplated with a frown before noticing that it's almost dawn.

"I better prepare myself to confront him." She sighed just as a servant entered her chambers to assist her.

After bathing and dressing in an elegant black kimono, Himeko went to visit her mate and would try convincing him to stop his revenge.

"Naraku-sama may I enter?" She inquired softly.

She quickly entered the room when he told her to come inside.

"Why ask for permission to enter my dear?" Naraku asked but didn't wait for her reply before continuing, "You usually just go straight in so why the sudden change? Is it because of what happened yesterday?"

Himeko just nodded and Naraku made his way towards her to pull her against his chest.

"No need for that Himeko. If you're worried because I want to punish them for killing Hakudoshi you must understand that I wouldn't be able to properly grieve for our son unless I do so." He explained to her while combing her hair with his fingers.

"I can't keep on letting them run freely anywhere they want while we both stay here wishing our son is avenged. I need to do something my dear. I promise you that they will pay for what they've done." He added.

"I understand that but I can't help it. I can't lose you too. I just can't. That would kill me." Himeko cried and hugged him to her tightly.

Naraku just smiled against her hair, Himeko totally clueless at how sinister he was currently looking.

The inutachi were just preparing to leave Kagura's grave site when they felt something approaching.

They readied their weapons while waiting for whatever it was to show itself but what they weren't expecting to see were Kanna and Kohaku.

"Kohaku!" Sango exclaimed and was about to go to him when Kanna placed her mirror ready to suck her soul out.

Miroku quickly pulled her back and shook his head no.

She was about to protest but Sesshoumaru raised his hand and spoke up.

"Why are you here?" The demon lord questioned.

The two didn't bother answering him so the daiyoukai raised an eyebrow at their action.

"Keh. If you don't have anything to do, go away or fight us!" InuYasha taunted.

Kohaku then raised his scythe and killed the saimyosho watching them.

In seeing this, Kanna then showed them her mirror.

At first the smooth surface of the mirror showed but after awhile the surface started to ripple and an image was then being projected.

The image was showing them Naraku with Kagome and she was clinging to him as if her life depended on it.

Sesshoumaru's hand clenched at the sight but he refrained from doing anything.

"If you take Himeko-sama from Naraku she will die." Kohaku told them after the image vanished, revealing the smooth surface of the mirror again.

"What do you mean? We can't just let him keep her." The inu hanyou pointed out.

"It's part of the spell he used on her. Due to Naraku's obsession with Himeko-sama, he made her irrevocably and permanently tied to him. They're not really mated but when you take her away from him she'll slowly and surely die." The young tajiya explained.

The inutachi kept silent after hearing that.

It was Miroku that broke the silence.

"Why are you telling us this? Aren't you supposed to be working for Naraku?" The monk inquired with skepticism.

"He killed Kagura and he allowed Hakudoshi to die." Kanna answered simply.

"I see. So what do you gain from giving us this information?" Miroku asked.

"We want to form an alliance with you. We'll try to find a spell that will counter the one Naraku used on Himeko-sama." Kohaku told them.

"With Kohaku killing the saimyosho, that's proof enough that we're not with Naraku." Kanna added.

"She has a point Sesshoumaru-sama." Sango said.

"Hn. Very well then. Continue acting as before. If you have news for us you know where to find us." The daiyoukai told them.

Both of them bowed before leaving them.

"Did they believe you?" Naraku asked once Kanna and Kohaku returned.

"Of course Naraku-sama. They didn't doubt our words." The tajiya answered.

"Good. Very good indeed." The spider hanyou said before laughing and standing up.

Once his back was to them, he looked at the glass case where Himeko was floating asleep.

"Soon my dear. Everything will be ready and you really wouldn't be leaving me." He whispered while caressing the glass near her cheek.

"I will make sure of it." He added before leaving the heavily warded room underground and going back to his throne room above.

A/N: Chapter done. I'll be working on updating faster. Thank you guys for continuing on reading my stories and waiting for my updates. I'll really try my best to post my latest works on time.