I do not own Glee or any songs. I give credit to all owners.

Kurt sat and tried to hide his red eyes. The whole Glee club sat in shocked silence of what they just heard. There was a tall skinny man that stood in front of them with a brown bag and horrible outfit choice but otherwise cute. This man said he was Dr. Spencer Reid of the BAU of the FBI, or the Behavioral Analysis Unit . He said that Finn had been kidnapped by what they thought was a serial killer. He had been missing for three days and he fit the profile of all the other victims.

Kurt looked around at all his friends stricken faces and he lost it. Tears cascaded down his face, heavy and hot tears that burned like hot coals on his pale face. He raised his hand and waited.

"Y-yes?" Dr. Reid stammered.

"So if what your saying is true then how can we help find him? He's in danger, how do we save him?" Kurt could hear his voice quiver. That wasn't the question he wanted to ask. He wanted to ask if Finn was alive but he couldn't bring himself to ask.

"I'll interview half of you and my boss, Aeron Hotchner , will interview you about the victim and the last time you saw him. We have already talked to the family, all except the stepbrother. We have a good start. We'll find your friend."

"I'm his step brother." Kurt whispered. Dr. Reid's eyebrows knitted but he just nodded then split them up into two groups and said they would be called for one at a time.

Kurt turned to Mercedes and she took his hand. This was the worst day of his life. She hugged him close, "I am so sorry, Kurt."

Kurt watched as Brittany left the room. She was the last one before him. Everyone else had been able to go home. He was the last. Dr. Reid leaned in and called him in. He stood and walked with a lot less spring in his step. He walked into the small room and sat down.

"So you are his step brother?"

"Y-yes. We live in the same house. His Mom married my Dad. "

"Did you like him?"

"More than that. I loved him."

"Could you define that? " Kurt was taken aback by that. The Dr. just stared at him expectantly.

"I'm gay." Kurt said bluntly, "He was my first real crush. I loved him as a boyfriend and now a brother. No use hiding it, since I scream homo. You probably assumed."

"Not really. I just thought you were dressed nice." Kurt couldn't help but smiled at the strangers compliment.

"Sir, H-how likely is it that we will find him?"

"We are trying our hardest."

"Not what I asked."

" The likelihood of us finding him are five thousand and sixty three to one." Dr. Reid supplied. Kurt stood up and walked over to the window, crossing his arms and pressing his forehead against the glass. He could almost hear the background music as he started singing quietly to himself.

"I made up my mind, no need to think it over, if I'm wrong I am right, no need to look no further… if I told the world it would never be enough because it was not said to you, and that's exactly what I need to do, Should I give up, or should I just keep chasing pavements, even if it goes nowhere?" Kurt sang all he knew of the song, Chasing Pavements by Adele. Dr. Reid's hand touched Kurt's shoulder.

"I'm sorry about what you have to go through." He said quietly. Curt turned and faced him then hugged the tall man around the midsection, one hand on his waist and the other gripping his shirt in the small of his back. Curt just stood there sobbing like a small child as the man hugged him back.

"Please find him!" Curt begged, his voice hoarse.

"We will." Dr. Reid put a hand on Curt's head. Curt could tell this man was not comfortable with contact and none the less with children so he let go and stepped back, brushing his hair behind his ear.

"I am… so sorry. I just made you really uncomfortable."

"No, it's ok. I understand. You can go home."

'Can I have a ride? My dad's sick and my car broke down and I walked to school and now it's dark. I'm scared to walk alone."

"Sure. Let me just, uh, tell Hotch." Dr. Reid smoled and curt smiled back them followed him to where Brittany was being interviewed.

Reid looked over at the small boy next to him and sighed. This boy, and others like him, were the reason he did this job so well. To save the ones they cared about. They found out that Fynn had been in the Glee club for a long time now and was also on football and basketball team. His height was also a factor. This boy, Fynn, was perfect for this murderer.

"Fynn was sick. I told him to stay home. He was home alone then Puck came to me and showed me a text he got from Fynn."

"What did it say?" This was a new factor. Fynn also was taken sooner after the other kidnappings had happened.

"I will sing to my death. It scared the crap out of me." Curt looked out the window as rain pelted it. Reid pulled the large black vehicle up to the curb, "Aren't you a little young to be in the FBI?"

"Yeah. I graduated high school at age twelve."

"Wow, you must have been popular."

"Actually I had guys like your size beat me up every day. I went to a Las Vegas High School."

"If I had stayed home with Finn he would be ok."

"Not really. Three of the victims had siblings that were killed on sight trying to save them. Wait, can you tell me all of Finn's symptoms?"

"Yeah. He had strep throat."

"That would mess with his singing."

"Yeah, as our lead singer he sang until he literally couldn't speak."

"That's not good. We have to find him soon."

"Why? What's the matter, Dr. Reid?"

"The Unsub likes singing. He kidnaps only those who are in Glee clubs or chorus classes. He keeps them for six days, we assume to sing to him until he finally…" Kurt made a quiet whining noise that stopped him dead in his tracks. Kurt's face looked like Reid had just smacked him as hard as he could and Kurt was afraid he would do it again.

"I'll walk you to your door if you want."

"Sure thing." Kurt jumped down onto the curb and waited for Reid to come around to open an umbrella. Reid ended up holding it because Kurt was so much shorter than him. Kurt wrapped a small arm around Reid's waist. Reid knew he just needed comfort. When they made it to the door the father he had met earlier that day wrapped his arms around Kurt tightly.

"Son, Finn's…"

"I know, Dad." Kurt whispered, and started sobbing. Reid stood there uncomfortably. Kurt turned to him and smiled.

"You need some dry clothes and some coffee?"

"Uhm, really I should be…"

"Nonsense. Stay here and have a drink of coffee, get comfortable. We wouldn't want the man who is helping us find Finn to be cold and wet in some old horrible motel. Come on." Kurt grabbed his hand and started pulling him along.

"Sorry. He's like this with everyone." The father smiled.