Eugene: See~ not everyone was laughing at you earlier at that meeting! ^.^

Iceland: But why would Denmark steal my outfit? *anime vein*

Eugene: Yeah, why would you? *glares*

Norway: *tugs Denmark's ear* Tell them, Den..

Denmark: I.. uh… O.O""""""

Eugene: *sighs* Fine, we'll figure it out later.. once I finished writing THE FINAL CHAPTER! ONWARD WITH CHAPTER 4!

"WHAT? YOU MADE MY CLOTHES DISAPPEAR AND TOOK THEM AWAY?" Iceland yelled, started to feel angry at Denmark. There was an anime vein popping out.

"I- I- I didn't mean to! Ok, maybe I did, but only for a reason!" Denmark tried to explain, trying to slick his peachy-blond spiky hair back.

"What reason?" Norway demanded, glaring with the eerie orange aura rising again.

The Dane sighed. "Ok, so America, Prussia, France, and I were playing Truth or Dare a few days ago when Prussia dared me to steal your entire outfit and see what happens!"

Iceland just shot an unexpected look at Denmark's direction.

"But let me tell ya, I was laughing so hard at that shirt that I nearly choked on my precious beer! I couldn't help it! It was so funny~!"

The Icelandic boy just sighed. "You know, Denmark, I understand your point but you shouldn't make fun of me like that in the first place."

Then Norway started to tug the Dane's ear farther, tighter, and harsher. "Now what do you have to say..?"

"Alright! Alright! I'm sorry~! Norge, let me go already!" Denmark struggled to say, then was let go by Norway's ear-pulling grasp. He rubbed his ear, only to say, "Oh yeah, and here's your clothes back, Ice. I thought that it would look best in mint condition so I washed and ironed it myself. It's so tiring that I would never do it again though.."

Denmark then took out a familiar outfit that was hung by a clothes hanger and sealed with a plastic covering; it was Iceland's normal outfit! And Iceland gotta admit it, Denmark did kept it in good condition, even after what he did. Iceland just took the clothes hanger and walked back home, just smiling a bit before walking back forward.

Eugene: Ok, that's it for now! And since this story probably needs more reviews, PLEASE R&R (READ AND REVIEW!)! Anyway, looks like it's bye-bye! From Ice-kun, Neon, and me! XD Oh wait, and I forgot something..

Iceland: What? What is it?

Eugene: This. *kisses Iceland on cheek* *^^*

Iceland: / *couldn't help but blush*

Eugene: *tee hee* :3 Anyway, SEE YA! XD