Souls Lost in Time

Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who or Soul Eater or any element fro either.

Authors Notes: Take place in Doctor Who Between the Big Bang and the Impossible Astronaut. Soul Eater after they rescue kid around what the Soul Dictates.

Chapter 13: Waiting

It ended as soon as it had started. The sky was clear and the city broken and burned continued on. Most of the people believed that it was all a result of some sort of witch plot and the school let them believe that rather than explain the whole alien situation. In truth there wasn't a lot to even prove that aliens were actually there. The ships were pulled back into their universe and the cybermen teleported back on the ship when it was damaged. There wasn't much left of the destroyed cybermen but considering what the part tried to do to Soul and Rory they gathered up all the pieces and destroyed them. After a day or school the city began to go into repairs. The library needed quite a bit of repairs but even with the room a mess they never found any sign of the witch or the trickster not even so much as a splash of green slime from the shape changer.

Days passed and the students did what they could to fix the city. Stein and Nygus with the help of Rory helped the people that were hurt during the attack. Lucky for everyone since the aliens were aiming for the Doctors there were no major injuries.

And about Rory and Amy the other let them stay at Maka and Soul's place, they weren't using it. Days slipped away like they were sands in an hour glass one by one with no sign of their friends. As the city was almost fully repaired they began to wonder if they would ever return.

Amy started at Death City from the top of the stairs. Amy didn't even hear her come, she first noticed Tsubaki when she sat down besides her.

"Hello." Tsubaki said sweetly.

"Hello." The scottish girl returned.

Tsubaki smiled though flustered she had a subject in mind but didn't know how to breech the subject.

"I have a question for you." Amy said noticing her hesitation. "How do you stand that loud mouth blue haired blow hard of yours?"

Tsubaki blushed brightly, "Black Star isn't all that bad. He's very sweet sometimes."

Amy raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Do tell."

"AH!" Tsubaki yelped as her cheeks grew even redder.

Amy smiled and turned back to the city, "They'll be back. The Doctor always keeps me waiting. I waited for years so I can wait a little for him to come back."

"You and Rory are just going to wait?"

"Yes, Rory is good at waiting too. It's not like we have a lot of choice the Doctor is our ride."

The way she spoke with such confidence made Tsubaki believe that he would return, "I just hope Maka and Soul will be all right."

"I'm sure they'll be all right. " Amy told her. "Seeing them I doubt that any thing could tear them apart and together nothing can stop them."

Then a sound broke the silence of the city. Looking up they saw a streak of blue to see it hit the ground.

"What the hell was that?!" Black Star said jumping off the roof landing next to the girls.

"How long where you there?" Amy asked wondering how much the ninja overheard.

But before anyone could bother to try and make Black Star answer Rory ran out of the school.

"Is that that them?" Rory asked.

"That's them." Said Kid followed by Liz and Patty as they walked towards them. "I didn't get a got view of them even with my soul perception but I saw the soul of the Tardis. It's quite large and unique."

"The box has a soul?" Liz asked.

"Never mind that." Amy said shooting down the stairs.

The others quickly her down the stairs and passed a few city blocks until they came to the site of a large blue box on it's side in the middle of the street.

"Quickly get it up." Amy told them.

Rory, Black Star and Kid quickly worked on getting the box right side up. Once that tasks was done they all waited in front of the door. As the door handle jangled they all held their breaths.

The door open quickly and a disheveled man in a bow tie. "There we go. We're here." The Doctor smiled at them. "The landing was a bit more bumpy than I expected but I got us here." The he got a good luck of Amy and Rory. He quickly gave each of them a hug. "Oh the Ponds. I've missed you."

"Well I hope so." Amy told him. "You've been gone two weeks."

"More or less." Rory added.

"Two weeks?!" Soul shouted. "Try two months." He stormed out of the box passing the Doctor. "Every time we tried to get back we never ended up in the right place."

"Soul, don't be like that." Maka said following him. "The controls were broken so they needed to be fixed."

"Maka!" Patty gave her a big hug. "Did you bring me something?"

They spent a few minutes talking and explaining how the Doctor got the Tardis to his Universe but the controls were damaged and they had to find parts until they found something to work. The problem was that every time they landed and found that it didn't work they needed to get another piece and try again until they got to their destination. It was a long process.

"Well now I got you home." The Doctor said. "But I think we've over stayed our welcome. Come along Ponds, time to continue your honeymoon."

"About that Doctor..." Amy started. "I think it's time to go home." that caused the Doctor to stop in his tracks. "We've missed home, our parents and everyone. It's time to go home."

"Oh..." The Doctor paused. "Right, back to Leadworth." He gave them a false smile. "Hop on a we'll be there in a moment." He turned to Maka. "Well, Maka the trip didn't go according to plan but it all worked out in the end."

"Yeah," she gave him a hug to pull away. "Your book, I didn't give it back to you."

"Oh keep it, I'll get it later." He told her. "Until next time."

She smiled and gave them a small nod. Amy and Rory said there good byes and got in the Tardis. Soon enough the blue box vanished with a strong gust of wind giving the weapons and meisters to watch it leave.

The Doctor would leave the young couple to continue on their marriage and start their life together. Soon Maka and Soul would be called to Russia to deal with black blood while Kid went to an island near Alaska looking for answers. Life continued as it does even when surrounded by death.

Authors Notes: All right everyone that is the last chapter. I hoped you liked it I am always unhappy with the endings. Anyway I hoped you liked the story. Leave me a review telling what you guys think.