Last part now, everyone! Enjoy! ^^

Solution - Souseiseki's POV

It had been nearly a week since Jun, Shinku and I had discussed Shinku's troubles with Suigintou. I had told Suiseiseki about what we'd said. She also seemed to agree with me.

"Suigintou has caused Shinku way too many problems, desu. But I thought Suigintou would be the one to ask Shinku for forgiveness, not the other way around, desu."

"I guess Shinku just thought it was time to accept Suigintou for the sake of completing the Alice Game peacefully."

Suiseiseki sighed. "Oh, Souseiseki, must the all our troubles coincide with that darn Alice Game, desu ka?"

"It's our destiny," I replied simply.


I turned around to the sound of my name; Shinku was standing there, casting me a soft look.


"I have thought over the situation again and I have decided to talk with Suigintou over the matter, as you have so thoughtfully suggested."

I gave Shinku an understanding smile.

"But I shall require your assistance, for I fear Suigintou will once again try to resist my ideas."

"You mean Souseiseki's ideas, desu!" I heard Suiseiseki hissing under her breath.

"Okay then, Shinku. Shall we tell Jun and Nori?"

"Only Jun."

We found Jun and Hina Ichigo in the living room and told him what we were going to do. Hina Ichigo was clearly a bit upset at our plan.

"Souseiseki, don't let Shinku get hurt by that meanie Suigintou. If she does, she may not be able to play with Hina anymore!"

I chuckled. "Don't worry Hina, I'm pretty sure that Shinku can look after herself."

"Take care," said Jun to us.

I smiled at the pair of them and Shinku and I headed for the storeroom. We soon stood infront of the old mirror, gazing at our reflections. An awkward silence passed between us for a long moment. I looked at Shinku; she seemed calm and collected but I could tell she was fretting over this slightly - her eyes were squinted and scrutinizing, looking hard into the mirror. She was nervous. 'She has every right to be,' I thought as I turned back to the mirror. 'Who knows if she can work this problem out?'

The mirror then glowed it's bright blue light and blew a soft wind. Shinku and I walked into the light and began flying through the empty maze of worlds towards Suigintou's N-field. We didn't know how this would work but we hoped it would. For Shinku's sake and for the sake of the Alice Game, I hoped it would.

Shinku's POV

I was dreadfully nervous but I was ready to try and verbally convince Suigintou what a life she could lead, just like Souseiseki had suggested to me nearly a week ago. I didn't really need Souseiseki with me so she could back me up, I needed her there for support and just so someone was there. Someone on my side.

We soon landed in Suigintou's dead N-field once more. I looked around: just fallen buildings with their moss and vines, a pitch black sky and a cold, eerie wind blowing gently through my curled hair.

"Still looks the same," mused the Gardener twin behind me.

"Yes," I mumbled in reply. My serene blue eyes scanned for her, but she did not appear immediately. Also very typical of Suigintou - she would keep one waiting then arrive at the last minute to try and surprise you.

"Let's start looking if she's not here right now," said Souseiseki.

"I agree."

So the two of us walked down the battered cobblestone path, still searching for Suigintou. The breezy wind was colder now, whipping my hair away from my sides and running down my sleeves.

"Such a quiet welcome..."

Souseseki and I looked up and left. Sure enough, there was Suigintou, sitting on the same roof she sat on when I first talked to her about this. But as she hovered down to us, I noticed that something was amiss; she looked calm and quiet and no sadistic smile crept across her features. She seemed very humbled.

I stepped forward. "Suigintou. I shall tell you now I am not here to fight you, I merely wish to speak with you."

The silver haired doll motioned with her hand.

I took a deep breath and began. "Suigintou, ever since that night, you have lived in vengance, pain and hurt. You have hated me very much and I understand perfectly. But now is the time to live and let go. Release all the anguish and misery from inside. You have longed to be loved all your life and this is what I'm offering you."

Suigintou said nothing.

"I believe that if we become more cordial with each other, your life will be much more enjoyable. You can be respected, admired and wanted if you decide to leave your resentfulness behind. There is much more to life than inflicting revenge on those you hate. I accepted you as a sister back in the last faux Alice Game we had and I wish nothing more than for you to do the same."

Suigintou still remained silent.

"Well, Sugintou? What do you think to this?"

My sister lifted her gaze. I could only just hear her.

"It wasn't you, Shinku... it was her!" and she pointed an accusing finger at Souseiseki.


"If you had not destroyed me in the first Alice Game, Shinku would not have despised me nor I her. So for that, you shall die, Laplis Lazuli Stern! Meimei!"

Suigintou drew her sword and flung herself towards Souseiseki. The Gardener twin managed to dodge before she was sliced in two. Souseiseki glared and pulled out her hand.


The blue spirit whizzed round her hand and Souseseki's shears appeared. I watched in hopeless dismay as the two dolls swiped and thrusted at each other. Suigintou slammed Souseiseki into a wall with her left hand wing but missed her as the Gardener twin darted out and swung her scissors clean through her right wing. Souseiseki rammed her shears at Sugintou but the latter dodged and grabbed Souseiseki's arm, trying to break it in two. Thankfully, Souseiseki whipped away but her left shirt sleeve ripped off and flapped in Suigintou's hand. Souseiseki darkly looked at her bare arm with hot eyes.

"You idiot! How dare you! Mercury Lampe, I'm gonna pay you back in spades for that!"

Suigintou's POV

I threw the sleeve away as Souseiseki came at me again. She chopped at me with her scissors but I dodged and punched her in the face, sending her sprawling. I swooped for her, sword at my side ready to slash her clean in half. Souseiseki grabbed the brim of her hat and threw it at me like a boomerang. It smacked into my hand with full force, causing me to yell out and drop my sword. No matter. I flung both wings at her, watching in glee as they advanced towards her, the feathers raining down. I felt them slam into something, so I strengthened the attack, knowing I'd hit Souseiseki and that she would soon be dead.

After a minute, I relinquished the attack and smiled arrogantly.

"Well, Souseiseki, I've finally destroyed you so -" I stopped. My heart plunged. My eyes shrunk and twitched. I heard Souseiseki scream.

"No! Shinku!"

I swooped down and landed, horror-struck. I'd hit Shinku! She must have thrown herself infront of Souseiseki, thereby taking the full extent of my attack. I watched as she collapsed into Souseiseki's arms, trembling. I threw myself next to Souseiseki, watching in despair as the twin broke down, cradling the crimson sister in her arms.

"Shinku! Shinku, wake up. Wake up! Wake up, Shinku, please!"

The doll gasped and panted softly in the cold air. She shook as she looked up at us.

"S-Sousei... seki... Sui..g-gin... tou..."

I felt hot tears run down my face and burn my soul. I didn't notice my wings shrink into my back.

"Oh, Shinku. What have I done?"

"Y-You're crying?"

I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Yes, I am! I thought I could accept you once again and forget! I've wanted to forget for so long. All my life I've wanted love. No more, no less! Just to be loved. I've wanted all of it and I thought tonight I could have it at last. You're right Shinku, I'm not worthy of becoming Alice! I never will be! I am imperfect!"

"N-No... every doll... has t-the radiance... to be Alice."

Souseiseki handed Shinku to me then threw her head in her hands and sobbed. It hurt to hear her sob.

"Please, Souseiseki... don't cry. I'm so sorry!"

"Try telling that to Shinku!"

"I-It's okay..."

We both turned to Shinku. Her battered features gave us a weak smile and her eyes were so soft.

"S-Souseiseki... Suigintou has... learnt t-to forgive and f-forget. There is no need now... to hate her. Please,
l-look after her... Make sure that.. J-Jun accepts her and... loves her..."

Souseiseki wiped the tears from her face and nodded. "Okay."

Shinku stared up at me. "My beautiful S-Suigintou... my sister..." She raised a wobbly hand to my eyes and brushed away a tear about to fall.

"Oh, Shinku. I'm so sorry and even that isn't enough. I'm sorry for any troubles I have caused you, Souseiseki,
Suiseiseki, Hina Ichigo, Kanaria and Jun. I'm sorry for being such a despicable sister to you all. I love you all!
Can you ever forgive me for what I've done?"

Shinku shut her eyes and smiled. "Suigintou... sometimes... f-foes can love... eac-ch other. So... do this f-for me... love me... not as a foe... b-but as a-a sis-ter..." Her hand suddenly froze on my cheek, dropped to the ground and her head turned into me. She didn't move.

I froze. She couldn't be...! She wasn't...! More tears poured from my swollen eyes.

"Sh-Shinku? Shinku?"

The doll then grew hot in my arms and a soft light swam over my N-field as a bright, glowing gem rose from Shinku's chest. Souseiseki and I stared in disbelief.

"Her... R-Rosa Mystica...!"

No. I'd killed her. I'd killed the very sister I wanted to forgive and cherish. Alice would never do that. I pulled Shinku's body into me and let the tears rain down. She was gone. My darling Shinku. Was dead. By my wretched hands. My spirit fizzed solemly beside me. I sniffed.


The spirit told me that Shinku wanted me to have her Rosa Mystica. How could I take it after I had just murdered her? I solemly took it in my hand, still holding Shinku in the other. I glanced up at Souseiseki, who gave me a calm stare back.

"Take it, Suigintou."

"Are you sure? I've just killed her."

Souseiseki smiled and put a hand on my shoulder. "It's what Shinku wants - I think we should honour her now."

I stared at the glowing Rosa Mystica in my hand. So precious... yet so wrong to take. I placed my hand to my heart and felt my body grow warm and strong. "Gomenasai, Shinku," I mumbled. Visions of her life flashed through my head: reading books, having tea with her Medium, baking cookies with Suseiseki and Hina Ichigo, watching Detective Kun-Kun, smiling and laughing...

I stood weakly, carrying Shinku's weight in my arms. Souseiseki picked up her hat but didn't put it on.


I sniffed and stared determinedly at the sky.

"I will honour Shinku. I vow to be a good doll now and please Father in whatever way possible. I won't be selfish or arrogant and I will do my best to make those around me happy."

I turned to Souseiseki as my wings reappeared, sprouting carefully from my back again. I did notice out the corner of my eye that they were a medium shade of grey instead of midnight black.

"Let's go home now, Souseiseki."

The blue doll tilted her head in acceptance. "Shinku would be proud of you, Suigintou."


"Yes, after such a solemn vow like that, wouldn't any doll?"

A bright pale blue, almost white light then opened and shone in the eternal black night. Souseiseki and I jumped for it and began flying home through the dream worlds. My heart was burning with happiness at the chance to finally be able to rejoice in warmth and comfort of future friends. Of course they would be upset at Shinku's death, especially Jun, but I hoped Souseiseki and I could convince them that I had repented and learned the error of my ways. As we flew together, I gazed ambivelantly down at Shinku. A soft, small smile caressed her face and she seemed at peace. I was heartbroken to lose her bbut overjoyed to honour her.

"Arigato gozaimasu... Shinku."

I didn't want to Shinku die, but I wanted a happy and sad ending. I feel really sorry for Suigintou now, having to deal with the fact that she's accidentally killed Shinku. :( Please review nicely! Ciao for now! ^^